Forum Replies Created

How ya feelin' about your acne today?

red red red red red. i'm like a killer tomato.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

13 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Ok, so I already have Super B-Complex tablets with Folic Acid. I'm going to pick up some Chromium Picolinate 200 Mcg Tablets tonight, along with some Niacin 500 Mg Capsules Flush Free   Should I ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

So - I'm confused. Should I take flush or non-flush? I want to try this. It looks like most are successful with the non-flush. I started taking it today along with fish oil and zinc.

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Has anyone noticed any benefits other than skin improvements? Like better mental health, elimination of bad breath or lower blood pressure? This stuff sounds a little too good to be true.

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I think I'm going to try this. I do know that as a topical, it's pretty good at healing breakouts.

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

I've had plenty of people tell me I had bad acne, even though I was clear. They've mistaken my red marks for acne.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

15 years ago
Sebaceous filaments

So the gunk this guy pulled off his nose are actually sebaceous filaments?  

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids

i dont know if its a placebo effect but after a week of taking 2 pills/day my oil feels less sticky. im taking this with zinc and green tea extract. i havent gotten any new pimples since ive started b...

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago

im gonna try this tomorrow... thanks for the info

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago
Apple Cider Vinegar

ive put ACV in a spray bottle before. im somewhat flexible and still had trouble spraying my back with ACV.

In forum Scar treatments

17 years ago
AHHH aloe vera gel burning my eyes

i would smear it all over my face excluding the eyes and stuff and all of a sudden my eyes would just water up. its like i was near onions or something. i dont think its anything to worry about though...

In forum General acne discussion

17 years ago
Apple Cider Vinegar

has anyone with asian-type skin tried this yet? from the looks of it i don't think its working for many asians. but it's working for my asian skin! just try it and see what happens

In forum Scar treatments

17 years ago
Apple Cider Vinegar

I've been using ACV for about a month now. For sure it took care of my oily face When I put it on my face, I make sure my nose is plugged with toilet paper, haha. That shiz is gross.

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
What has worked for me: SEA SALT

i've ordered dead sea salt from eBay before. But how do you know it's REALLY dead sea salt? and not plain sea salt? or even just rock salt? sure the guy has high feedback but as if his customers would...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

18 years ago
No Back Acne is Worse than mine .. the truth

uhh lol i where can i buy sea salt?? at the market like Ralphs? i went to ralph and could only fiind epson salt .... and thanks everyone for the help .. appreciate it really? my ralph's has it....

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

18 years ago
fraxel laser

The ideal fraxel patient has multiple scars on his face is between 15-30 years old and can find a doc who will treat him aggressively. Yay 🙂 I think I fit the criteria! But um, is there a reason ...

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
No Back Acne is Worse than mine .. the truth

shiznat. that's some improvement. sea salt baths did the trick for me. and vinegar. now all i have left are the red marks of doom

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

18 years ago
What has worked for me: SEA SALT

Is there a difference between the sea salt people bathe in and sea salt used for aquariums? Probably not but using aquarium stuff sounds kind of.. weird.

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

18 years ago
What has worked for me: SEA SALT

Has anyone tried dead sea salt? I don't know how well it works compared to normal sea salt but I am noticing good results with it. Exfoliating before and after the bath is very important.

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

18 years ago