Forum Replies Created

Food That Causes Acne

16 hours ago, Aquarist86 said: I have always had a few occasional zits, whitesheads and a few cysts on my face. I read lots of blogs, articles about skin health and then...

In forum Diet & holistic health

9 years ago
Retin-A made me suffer

Follow your doctors instructions exactly. If he/she says use it every other night, then do so. Use a pea-sized amount for the entire face. The first couple weeks will likely be miserable. Red skin, dr...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Who has eliminated grains and have seen positive results?

Not eliminated my acne, but greatly decreased it. I've replaced bread and pasta with brown rice and oats. I also stay clear of processed and junk food altogether.

In forum Diet & holistic health

9 years ago
Tretinoin Cream Question

If your skin is irritated, take a break from it until your skin has calmed. Then start over.   A lot of us make the mistake of using too much in the beginning.

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Diet And/or Products That Help With Sebum Regulation?

Stay away from junk food. Limit the amount of processed foods.   Basically try and eat as healthy as you can. It won't cure it, but it might help alleviate it.

In forum Diet & holistic health

9 years ago
Paleo Diet Log.

Two words: Omelettes and salads. That's pretty much the bulk of what I eat daily. The more veggies in either of the two the better. As for what to do about bread and potatoes? Well bread has alway...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Paleo Diet Log.

Sounds great. I don't see the problem with legumes though.

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Well I've been taking Niacin on the "No Sugar" diet and it helped for a couple of days and then just stopped working, but here's the odd thing. I rarely ever drank milk in the past, but started recent...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Is anyone on a "No Sugar" diet and taking Niacin?   I just started my 3rd trial (lol) with Niacin and it's working great again. How long remains to be seen, but I'm trying to see if perhaps sugar...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

wow, i dont really know how to say this. but for the past 2 weeks i havent had a pimple and then yesterday i broke out like crazy. now i have like 5 small cysts to deal with and theyre all spread out ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Doctors And Others Admitting The Diet And Acne Connection

I'll definitely backup the connection between acne and diet. I've only been dieting for a week and I've noticed a decrease in the oiliness of my skin and what pimples I have gotten (mainly due to tryi...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
McDonald's broke me out

McDonald's serves mostly junk. I quit eating there because it makes me feel like crap afterwards.

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

How about save your money and go see a Dermatologist? Niacin isn't the miracle some people are claiming. Temporary relief yes, long term not a chance.   Who said money is an issue? Acne has cost...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

How about save your money and go see a Dermatologist? Niacin isn't the miracle some people are claiming. Temporary relief yes, long term not a chance.

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Mild to moderate cystic acne.    

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I wouldn't use time-released. It's supposedly hard on the liver.   Anyway, the link you posted is the exact same Niacin I was taking and it did work.....for only a week.   Maybe you'll have ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Chromium is a potent weight loss supplement. You sure he should be taking that? And besides, I haven't see any overwhelming evidence in this forum that Niacin users have benefited from taking Chromium...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Well I give up on Niacin. The first day of taking Niacin was also the last day I stopped taking Doxycycline and everything was fantastic the week following that. However since that time I've gotten a ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Unless it specifically says timed-release on the bottle, it's not.

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I've been taking Niacin for close to 2 weeks now and I'm not so sure if it's working that well. First week was awesome and I could tell a big difference, but the effects seem to have worn off. I'll gi...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

For anyone who wants to know exactly what I'm taking:   Nature's Bounty Niacin Flush Free (Inositol. Hexanicotinate)   500 mg/day   You can pick it up at Walgreens. Roughly $12 for 50 c...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I've read a couple of studies and both agree that high triglyceride levels have a lot to do with some forms if not all acne. I'm guessing this is why Niacin works so well as it lowers triglyceride lev...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Day 5.   First off, I'm 32 and I don't have a lot of acne, but when I do/did get it, it's always been deep, nodular and leaves behind red marks which takes ages to heal.   Anyway, I haven't...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

For anyone who wants to know exactly what I'm taking:   Nature's Bounty Niacin Flush Free (Inositol. Hexanicotinate)   500 mg/day   You can pick it up at Walgreens. Roughly $12 for 50 c...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Well like I said, not all acne medications work for everybody. Personally I'm encountering success with Niacin. Not one single new breakout and my current ones are healing rather fast. I'm also less o...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago