Forum Replies Created

Sword's Dermabration by Dr. Y

My dear fellow sufferers,   Glad to hear all the progresses of all of you. Here is my update.   I had recently gone to consult Dr. Michalak. I told him Dr Y. carried out the procedure and he...

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
Sword's Dermabration by Dr. Y

In June I expressed concerns for hypopigmentation and fire engine redness in length with him, many times. He agreed I suffer serious hypo by looking at my picture. Then came Hopeful's consultation...

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
Post Dermabrasion (Demarkation Chin Area)

Please include me when a letter is to be sent to Dr. Y.   During my consultation, I ask specifically about hyper-pigmentation and Dr. Y told me that none of his patient fails to recover from hype...

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
Post Dermabrasion (Demarkation Chin Area)

I had dermabrasion 1 year and 1 month ago. I experience difficulty of recovering back to my normal skin tone (Type IV, asian). Sorry that I don't have any good idea.

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Just because something works for me (or does not), it does not give me the right to say "that's awful, don't do it" or "it's great, do it." I've seen some people try to play that role here and it's ve...

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

sorry but what is palmade and cetaphil??     ←    

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

LeafsFan, I am still red/light brown. The color is close to normal/minor sunburn. It is getting better and better in every week. My face is in best condition when I wake up. It is worst after washing...

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Did anyone else ask Dr. Y? It's sat. so I can't call him but I wanted to see what you guys thing before I bug him on Monday. Maybe he's already answered the question.     ←    

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Love, sorry to hear about the situation. Hopefully, you get an improvement around 6 months where leo reported. Thanks for your truthful accessment and keep everyone updated.    

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Domal Have your tone improved? I will post up my day 10 pics and you can compare with mine. I haven't taken any vitamins. I did use Retin-A for a few weeks before the procedure. Not su...

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

I try search for anyway to speed up the skin pigmentation return. I found the following website useful.       " Postoperative Care (first 6 weeks following surgery unless noted otherw...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

shade, I only have my dermabrasion for less than 2 weeks. I am hiding out all the time from the sun. The only time I exposed to the sun was taking a cab from the hotel to the Memorial hospital. Howev...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

I shaved my head very close before coming in because I don't want another thing to bother my mind. But you DON'T need to shave your head. A nearly shaved head has been my style for the past ye...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Portlandboy23, I had punch float a month ago and I think you'll be very happy with the result (especially for those pits you/I characterized as boxcar). It's hard to say exactly when it comes off by i...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Hi Everyone,   I've my dermabrasion this week and everything goes well so far. Thanks everyone for posting information in this board and I find it very useful. The most discomfort part for me is ...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Morris, Glad to hear that you've arrived home. How you manage to do it? Do you drive at night only? Or at day time with a lot of sunscreen. Thank you.

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
Punch Float Progress (Dr. Y)

Montana, See my update below.   paulandrei, Thanks for your encouragement.   When there are many punch evalations concentrating in a small area, my recovery is slow. I don't mean to scare an...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
Punch Float Progress (Dr. Y)

Punch float update: It's been 10 days after having 15 punch floats with Dr. Y. some of icepick scars turns into hypertronic scars (raise above skin level) as the result of punch. 9 of punchs still ha...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
Punch Float Progress (Dr. Y)

I went to see Dr Y. for consultation. Dr Y told me that I don't need any punch floats based on 4'x6' picture I sent a months ago. I came out with 15 punch floats. Picture may not be good for making p...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Moonsoon, I once read that one should refrain from active exercise for 2 weeks after the dermabrasion. But, exercise promotes blood circulation. Thus, it may reduce the downtime. I don't know what's r...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

It is mentioned in the some posts that dermabrasion leads to smooth face and better skin tone. Does dermabrasion take off black/white head ? I have black/white head on my nose and I wonder if dermabra...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

I try to find out how to reduce the downtime of dermabrasion. I don't know if any of following actions will help. Does Dr.Y mention them?   1. Apply retin-A on the face 2 weeks before the operati...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

Moonsoon, your skin looks much smoother. Hope the splotchiness will go soon. The collagen repairment will kick in later on. At that time, some scars will be re-filled. Thanks a lot for posting the pi...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
having dermabrasion with Dr. Y!

moonsoon,     You mentioned in one of the post that you have uneven skin tone. Has it gone after 8 weeks? Wish you a speedy recovery. It takes sometimes for red mark on my face to totally f...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
Punch Float Progress (Dr. Y)

Misty, wish you a speedy recovery. Do you know if punch float can be done on temple? From your description of punch float, I don't feel I have a lot of skin to pull out in temple area.

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago