Forum Replies Created

Does plant based Omega-3 cause acne like fish oil in some people?

I am very sensitive to omega 3 fish oil, it causes cystic acne whenever I've tried it. I've tried every brand including fresh Nordic Naturals and even expensive IFOS cold shipped fresh oil. Has anyone...

In forum Diet & holistic health

1 year ago
How many acne sufferers have root canals?

Dr. Hal Huggins pioneered research into root canals that revealed they are not sterile and make perfect incubators for numerous bacteria, some of which can cause all manners of health problems includi...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Extremely large pores on nose, several poses connected together

This look like early stage Rhinophyma, it doesn't really get better but you can slow the progression. How is the 30% salicylic working? I would stick to that and weekly peels. I might try TCA myself.

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Low Dose (10Mg) Accutane And Muscle Soreness

Yea after a few months I got a better to.

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

8 years ago
Acne In The Media

It's an interesting contrast. I looked at the Em Ford video she has bad cystic acne. It's unusual how it is only on her face. She is a beautiful woman, I think the video is more of a statement and a l...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
Acne Is Ruining My Life


In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Dry Skin Accutane?

I like everyone was terrified of accutane until I went on it. Dry skin IS WHAT YOU WANT! Acne and oily skin is a nightmare. IT IS EASY TO MOISTURIZE YOUR SKIN.

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
accutane = hair loss

I suffered from terrible acne until my early 40's. Around that time I began losing my hair. Refusing to be bald with acne I went on accutane. My hairloss didn't worsen at all. I wish to god I had ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
What Type Of Treatment For Oil Plugs?


In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Acne In The Media

I've noticed something lately. If you look at TV or any media, you see all kinds of people. Fat, thin, beautiful, ugly, tall, short, tan, pale, bald, old, etc. The one thing you never see is acne. I...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
I Will Never Find Love

Well if it makes you feel better, romantic love is a myth. Make lots of money and you won't be able to get rid of people who "love" you. This will also help you pay for the scarring to be removed.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
I Will Never Find Love

Actually to be honest I dated a couple really attractive girls who had bad cystic acne. They had a lot of guys after them. I noticed that in general guys are much more forgiving than women about acne,...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
4 Months On Low Dose Accutane, Still Oily

I'm a 180 lbs 6 foot male, I've been taking 10mg accutane for about 6 months. It has helped a bit but I am still oily. I've noticed my sebum is even waxier and thicker than ever before. I've even n...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Cysts And Hydrocortisone

I wonder if a general practitioner/primary care doc in the USA can do the hydrocortisone injections or if I have to go to a dermatologist.

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Pantethine Hairloss

Hi itsoveryes, it's been a few years. Did you continue taking the pantethine? If so did you continue to have hairloss?

In forum Diet & holistic health

9 years ago
Krill Oil?

I had similar breakouts from high quality Cod Liver Oil. I was thinking of trying Krill oil but am beginning to think it's best to get omega 3s from chia seeds. I think Brian Peskin and Ray Peat may...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago
Accutane Being Demonized By Derms?

The reason I brought it up is because acne has devastated my life for 20+ years yet no doctor ever offered me accutane. I finally broke down and demanded it. If I had tried it 20 years ago my life wou...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Accutane Being Demonized By Derms?

Does anyone ever wonder if accutane is being unfairly demonized by the pharm and derm industries precisely because it is an effective cure in many if not most cases? I noticed when reviewing the liter...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Low Dose (10Mg) Accutane And Muscle Soreness

I just started low dose (10mg/day) accutane last week and I noticed I am quite sore today. I wonder if anyone else experienced muscle aches and soreness on low dose? I can say my skin already noticea...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Vitamin B5 Hairloss- Cured (Pictures)

I understand the megadose b5 can cause shedding but what about a conservative dose like 500mg/day for adrenal support?

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Vitamin B5 Hairloss- Cured (Pictures)

Can anyone comment on what is the minimum dose of B5 that can cause hairloss?

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Is It Safe To Use Blue Or Red Light Therapy While On Retin-A?

Yes it is good to use them together, LED stimulates healing and collagen production. Phototherapy is proven to assist in healing after chemical peels. Can you report your results with the Brightpad?

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago