Topical Antibacterial
20757 Reviews
Topical Antibacterial
Based on All Available Studies
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Note: Benzoyl peroxide clears the skin completely when applied correctly.
Topical Antibacterial
Side Effects
Topical Antibacterial’s Real World Take
It’s been a staple of acne treatment for decades for a reason. When used properly it can completely clear the skin. It is widely available and affordable. Comes with side effects for the first few weeks and can bleach fabric.
Topical Antibacterial
How to Get It
This is an over-the-counter treatment. Here are some places you can find it online.
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January 29, 2019
Product used: The Regimen
The Miracle Worker!

I give this 5 stars because I had used this in the past and loved it but somewhere along the way I was misled with youtubers talking about facial cleansing brushes (worst idea ever), retinoids/retinols/vit a derivatives (burned my skin because of hypersensitivity), essential oils (oops! don't use tea tree oil directly), and after having my ego bruised from my embarrassing skin...I went full circle back to the Regimen.

I have since switched out the moisturizer because my skin is sensitive to the formulation. I switched it out to Mario Badescu's Aloe Vera lotion with SPF15 (tiny bottle that lasts a few months). 

Old skin:

My old skin had red rashes from my neck, up my chin, to my cheeks and even up the hairline. It was painful and itchy. I even had these weird seborrheic-type bumps all over my skin. Each time I would pop them open, it would be a tiny but firm ball of oil. It smelled bad and I just wanted none of it. My skin looked leathery, inflamed, red and didn't have a smooth texture. I had scars that were discolored and scabs on both cheeks. I would cover it up with makeup and all it did was highlight the damaged skin even more. I thought maybe it was dehydrated - so I tried hyaluronic acid formulations and still nothing. I tried NOT doing anything at all - yeah that didn't do it. I tried the spinning brushes, facial masks, DIY charcoal peels, store bought peels...EVERYTHING. Even my bf started to worry about me. Then I saw an ad for and remembered how my skin was glowing on the regimen back in the day.

New skin: 

My skin is SOFT again! It has a dewy texture and I wish I could show you pictures, but I'm too shy for that. Sometimes, I don't even wear makeup when I run errands. In one word, I would describe this as FREEDOM. I have complete and utter freedom. Even my makeup routine has changed. I use a Fenty foundation, ITcosmetics bronzer, mascara and eye brow tint. That's it! 

My steps:

1. In the morning, I wet my face without really touching it. I just enjoy the feeling of the water. Then I pump and lather up the cleanser really good (this is key) and gently wash my face. I BARELY even touch my face. They key is not to irritate your face. That is the ultimate SECRET as to why the regimen is so successful. I stopped bothering my face! At night, the cleanser is a lifesaver because it washes off mascara and foundation without all that scrubbing.

2. I rinse without really touching my skin - just splashing the water on it. Then I use a clean towel to lightly press and let the towel do all the work. NO SCRUBBING.

3. I wait until it's dry before I apply the BP. I started off with a dot on my middle finger pad. Then I increased the dose by measuring halfway on my middle finger.

4. Once the BP has dried, I wash my hands/dry them off...and then apply my Mario Badescu facial lotion. It didn't take much to moisturize. I have to admit, I did use the one that came in the kit but it made me itch so bad. I could only do it for a month before I  had to switch.

IMPORTANT: I don't put any other stuff on my face. No oils, no sprays, no nothing! I suggest you follow and stick to the regimen and once you have the basics, you're on your way to beautiful skin.



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January 21, 2019
This saved me!

I've always had amazing skin and then BOOM!  One spot after another started appearing on my face. These were under the skin, un-poppable painful little things and were leaving marks EVERYWHERE. I felt depressed, upset, hormonal and would not leave the house without makeup on. I went to a dermatologist who put me on Erythromycin and doxycycine and lymecycline for 7 months at a time and they weren't making any difference. After trying absolutely everything on the market from drug store to Mario Badescu to Proactiv,  must have spent thousands to be honest, my main goal was my skin. I stumbled upon this when I seen a YouTube review and thought I would give something one last try. After one month my skin broke out really bad, dry and painful but I stuck with it hoping it would work. I'm so glad I did as it's the best thing that's happened in a long while. I was persistent that it would get better,  things always get worse before they get better and this is so true. After 3 months spots were reducing in size,  redness reducing and spots weren't so much under the skin they were above the skin with some heads (improvement).  After 6 months I had a little outburst of acne again out of nowhere but this is known to happen. And then after 8 months...  The difference (WOW). I didn't realise how much until I got a memory on my photos and it was pictures of my skin for the dermatologist and the difference is remarkable. I feel so confident now, I'm happy, you don't realise how much it can affect your life. I still use the benzoyl peroxide in the morning and at night along with Duac gel (from doctor but you can buy) and then every night a small layer of aha cream for the scars. I hope this helps someone like it did me!  Entirely grateful


Pictures below are 8 months after.

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April 17, 2019

81FCC362-E93D-4A18-A541-9A5E68734611.jpeg.4e5b15e02d8a252d2390e3ffda7a5d15.jpegwhy my face look like this, they arent scars of acne because I dont have acne in that place but they aren't noticed but with touch they are a lots of little bumps underneath the skin. Even if I dont have any pimple my face doesn't look good



December 23, 2018
Product used: The Regimen

Yes WORKS! For years and years I have struggled with cystic acne. I always felt like no one understood me because everywhere I looked for cystic acne products they never sell anything specific in stores for it and home remedies never worked for me. It was so annoying to me to have those hard sometimes blood filled bumps under my skin that always came and went! And nothing I ever used would make them go away, nothing. Finally this summer my acne got worse than I think it ever had, to some you may not think it is that bad from the pictures but to me it felt like it. I was also stressed from college and in an abusive relationship and eating unhealthy and I finally flipped the switch changed my habits and found online, I also got on a different birth control (just telling you guys this cause these factors may have also helped my skin). I have been using for only almost 3 months! And as you can tell it's working wonders for me! Don't be worried at first I didnt like it. The benzoyl peroxide made me face super itchy and red and I hated the lotion. I almost stopped and about threw the products away mad, thinking this was just some gimic like most products, but I read that this will happen the first couple weeks. I'm glad I pushed through because now I love the products so much. The face wash clears your pores, makes your face so smooth and feeling so clean but not dried out. The benzoyl peroxide clears my pores reduces redness stopped my cystic acne COMPLETLEY and overall clears your skin. The lotion at first I hated but I love now it leaves my skin so smooth and does not clog your pores at all!! Although I will admit I did change the regimen just a bit. For the most part I follow it to the tee, only thing I do not use a ton of benzoyl peroxide like it says, as you can tell I no longer have acne so I feel like that's unnecessary for me. I use a small amount on my bad areas but that's it. I also only use a pump and a 1/4 pump of lotion although it recommends 2 full pumps, I think that's unnecessary for me. What I also love about this product is if I go to the bar and pass out at my friends or something one night and don't wash my face my skin does not break out!! I love these products lately all my friends family and coworkers rave about how beautiful and clear my skin is and I tell them about these products!! Since I've started this regimen I have not had a single cystic acne break out and that means so much to me. Thank you so much 




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December 11, 2018
Product used: The Regimen
Amazing Results

I started using this regimen out of desperation. About 2 months before I started using this product I had switched from the pill birth control to an IUD. Within a short amount of time the switch had thrown my hormones out of wack. I developed cystic acne and it grew and grew. It got to the point where I would only leave the house to go to classes and that was it. I was incredibly self-conscious of my skin and the acne on it. I was uncomfortable in my own skin and i knew something needed to be done. I started with some topical medicines that didn't work. That is when I started this regimen. And it CHANGED MY LIFE. I have been using it for around 9 months and I can go days with no makeup and feel completely comfortable. I have a combination of dry and oily skin. But, this regimen is a great use for it all. Thank you!


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December 6, 2018
Dream come true

After suffering with acne and spending thousands of dollars from different stores not mention the time spent and the esteem lowered I finally got the perfect solution for my skin.I wore makeup every day just to cover my now turned into unpleasant skin,I looked twice older than my unbelievable.

Thanks to the scientists that invented this life saving regimen Solution for my skin,I finally feel young and flawless in a beautiful natural me.

Black women this is the solution not bleaching cream lol!

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December 6, 2018

I am grateful 

December 5, 2018

Used it for 2 months and it helped my skin a lot! i had severe cystic acne and it got worse before it got better using the BP. It was like one day my skin was bursting and the next day it was 100 percent better.  I have ordered a new kit and now going to start using AHA. Hope it removes the red spots!

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November 21, 2018
Product used: The Regimen
The best for my face

I've tried many products many brands but this is the one that I see the best results.

November 8, 2018
Absolutely love
I've been using this product for about 3 years and this has been the best decision I have ever made. My face was so broke out and I tried absolutely everything to get it to clear up and it did not happen until I use the 3 core products in the regimen. Will forever be a customer, I tell everyone about these products and how they seriously saved my skin.
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October 28, 2018
Product used: The Regimen
This stuff WORKS!!!
I'm a 43 year old female who has been battling moderate acne since my late 20's. I've used so many different treatments that cost a hell of a lot more than the regimen only to see no results or worse skin. Proactiv made my skin look like the before picture of a Clearsil commercial. I was at wits end so I started doing some online research to see what kind of products are out there and came upon a YouTube video showing a woman touting the benefits of The Regimen - she wasn't paid and just wanted to pass on to the public what worked for her - and she had terribly severe acne! So I thought, "why not?" I went to the website, filled out the questionnaire and bought three part "Regimen" and held my breath. I started seeing amazing results in the first week! My skin hasn't been this clear since high school. The only thing is you NEED to be vigilant and stick to the schedule - twice a day no matter what. If you "fall off the wagon" so to speak your face will react accordingly. But let me tell you, it's a small price to pay for beautiful skin. And even if you skip a couple washes and your face starts to break out, getting back into the schedule clears it up really quickly. I am a true believer and thank my lucky stars for that YouTube video every time I see my clear skin in the mirror. Thank you for doing what I thought was the impossible!!
October 15, 2018
Completely got rid of my Acne
This gel has completely changed my skin and for the better. Around 3 years ago I started to get Acne on my back, chest and face. At the time I wasn't really bothered by this but as I grew abit older and began to care more for my appearance, the acne began to become more of a problem. This is the only available Bp in the UK so I started using this gel and within a few weeks there was a massive difference. A year and half later my skin has fully adapted to the gel. This means I no longer even need to moisturize despite using the gel and the body wash, both at the same time. It is not cheap which is certainly a downside as I use rather alot of it. The bleaching, is by far the biggest downside to this product as it will destroy anything that isn't white. Even wearing a white t-shirt will not prevent bleaching on the layer above. But overall this is a small price to pay when the result(for me at least) is completely clear skin. I would recommend washing first with the wash and then following up with the gel as the gel on its own wasn't quite enough to completely clear my back and face.

Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.