Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 1, 2009


no menses cramp
lighter period
clearer skin


Start to hv serious ACNE problem after I stopped for few mths.Last time I used to hv ONLY a few pimples before coming menses.Nw i've it everyday..n it gt worsen.. i gt no choice but to tk HOOK bk diane 35.

Use it ONLY as a birth control.For skin==>unless u nv thought of stopping it!!!
June 30, 2009


Will control oil production and reduce facial hair. Will clear up acne, control and lighten periods.


Abnormally hungry, weight gain, loss of sexual appetite, moodiness, fatigue, headaches.

If your skin is ruining your life, it's worth it-but remember, there are tons of other products for acne. I take tetracycline for example.
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June 3, 2009


Birth Control; Clearer skin, regulated period, slightly fuller breast


Increased menstrual pain while on the pills.
Weight gain; Skin more oily and broke out more after stopping; Increased menstrual pain; Constant hunger

It is not worth it. The cons outweight the pros. I took Diane for birth control purposes. I never had to take pain killers before, but while on this I had to take pain killers if not I would not be able to sleep. Weight gain was horrible, so I stopped after 3 cycles. I am petite (5ft) small boned, asian built. My hips grew from a size 0 to a size 4 within a month. My stomach also grew larger. Pants and skirts which I could have pulled off without unbuttoning before, I barely can zip/button up now. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. (my cousin was also on Diane for half a year, skirts that hung on her waist now can barely fit her hips) Skin and scalp felt oilier after I stopped Diane, and my forehead broke out, which is unlike the past when I had zero acne. While on diane, I was considerably hungrier, and ate more than double my normal serving of rice. Even after stopping diane, I still feel the hunger pangs
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May 23, 2009


I went off Diane 35 in December because of bad headaches that pain relievers wouldn't help.


Amazing skin for the first time ever. Little or no facial acne, no backne, nothing... and fabulous for oily skin which I despise!

I'm going back on it, at least for the summer. I'm covered in pimples on my back and chest, less on my face, which I am grateful for, but the oilyness is horrible... I use tons of the oil blotting sheets every day and have spent hundreds of dollars on over the counter crap that just DOES NOT WORK. These companies take advantage of our desperation. I'll accept the headaches to not have to hide all summer!
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May 14, 2009


cleared my skin a bit
Reasonable price w/ a health plan


pimples come back (not consistent)

I have been on it for three weeks, my skin will be bad on my forehead one week and the next it will be okay, then its bad again. I am on differin at night and clindoxyl gel in the morning. I don't have severe severe acne but it really bothers me :( Has anyone else experienced this!? Also, I cannot accurately recommend this b.c I havent been on it for too long.
May 12, 2009


clears acne ( in 6 wks for me )


bloating, headaches, thrush, cant come off it easily, health hazards ( dvt / stroke etc ) weight gain, mood swings.

I have been on this pill for 8 years. When i went on it i had tried everything to rid myself of really serious acne. although my face has been clear many years now i still remember having a mirror full of puss everyday and tight hot painful red acne all over my face, its was so emmbarresing i had no life. This pill was a miracle for me, my skin gradually cleared untill at aprox 6 wks i had no spots, wonderful feeling i can tell you. This pill is a miracle for any acne sufferers out there but is not without a price ( see side effects ) my problem is now i wish to come off this pill i cant seem to. By 5/6 wks after i have stopped it i am hit by the most crippling depression, i have written my suiside notes...seriously, I have tried 3 times to stop now and on each occation this has happened untill i give in and start taking again. I cannot understand this and really dont know what to do. I wish i had never started on it now and would swap and have my acne back in a heart beat.
May 6, 2009


Reduced light acne within 6 months
Gained no weight, cramps became less painful around the 3rd month


Effected concentration
Didn't clear my skin entirely! A bit of a disappiontment!

I'm 18 and I used Diane for a year. When I noticed my skin wasn't clearing up completely I went back to a dermatologist. After he inspected my skin he found that Diane wasn't the answer to my problem - although it did keep it under control. He recommended Oratane (50mg p/d - dosage depends on bodyweight) which I used for six months. Although the symptomes are like nothing I can describe (really painful!!! Perseverance!), I have to say that it was completely worth it. I have gotten so many compliments and I'm so chuffed with the result. I am still using Diane to keep the hormones from "threatening" my smooth skin. As time goes by my skin seems to become more beautiful... If Diane doesn't give you the result you're looking for, there's no harm in asking for a alterior solution!
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May 5, 2009


Did clear up skin, some healthy weight gain


Very large breasts, acne came back after I stopped, very expensive if you don't have a plan.

Was on Diane for over 2 years and my skin WAS perfect but not long after I went off of it and switched to Yas my skin broke out and I then totally went off all forms of BC after being on Yas for two months...not taking any my skin was OK not perfect but just ok. Now I've been taking Yas again for the past 3 months and my acne has become unbearable so I'm switching mid month back onto Diane I guess. I know this is not a review for Yas but man what a horrible pill. Not only is my skin breaking out but I have headaches now, I've gotten skinner, and I'm very irritable. GOD I hate acne, why isn't there a cure yet?!?!?!?!? I can't just stay on Diane for the rest of my life lol
April 23, 2009


acne is better(within 1 month of using it)


painful breasts,and sharp pains near the breasts,nause

I am a 28 year old female, I suffered from big painful pimples that come 2 weeks before my periods, and since on Diane, they are much better and less painful
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April 18, 2009


Birth control, increased sex drive (ironically, as so many people have found this has decreased)


Skin appears to have gotten worse, depression

The doctor told me this would take about 3 months before it began clearing my acne up, I have just passed the 2 month mark so fingers crossed! My skin has actually gotten A LOT worse, I am hoping more than anything this improves soon. Another bad thing is the depression I've been experiencing. I am so determined to wait this out though, I have had friends who have had good experiences with this contraceptive. The increased sex drive has been a plus, but the bad skin is contraindicates this.
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