Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 22, 2008


my skin cleared up. no more painful red spots or impossible to clean black heads. Breasts grew, but perhaps that had to do with puberty.


EXPENSIVE, back pain, mood swings, moodiness, depression, tiredness, restlessness, no sex drive, dry everything

I'm not taking it anymore because I'm afraid of becoming more depressed, infertile and hopeless. I recommend it only in the most dire of acne cases. It should not be used as a contraceptive alone. yes if you have a painful case of acne no if you want to clear up light acne or use as a contraceptive.
July 15, 2008


there were none. besides protected sex


gained weight despite vigourous exercise and healthy diet. mood swings,vaginal dryness, lack of sex drive.

my body did not agree with the medicine at all. acne was less anyway, but it still used to pop up once every month just before my periods. so it did not help my acne either.
July 13, 2008


Cleared skin well. A few hormonal pimples here and there.


I decided to go off this pill to see whether my skin would get worse or not as I had been on Diane since my teenage years. I was shocked that I no longer had mood swings (I previously had no idea why I was cranky all the time)and my libido improved

Even though some of my pimples have come back, the fact that I am much happier, less anxious and less moody means so much more
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June 27, 2008


cleared skin a little bit, faster periods.


weight gain, stretch marks, moodiness and irritability

I do NOT recommend Diane....I honestly put on over twenty pounds in five minutes, I did not eat more than I used and I excersized more than I did before I switched to Diane 35. I got wierd stretch marks on my legs, calves and thighs that I have NEVER had before, and after switching off Diane, I noticed that I was a lot less grumpy and irritable. It did not make enough of a difference in my skin to continue using, and I was very dissapointed.
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June 26, 2008


not doing anything yet


not doing anything yet

My acne so far is getting worse and its been like 10 days on the pill What if my period doesnt come or is late or seomthing do i still stop the pill for that week even tho i didnt get my period yet??
May 19, 2008


breasts increased!, dont have to worry about condoms, know exactly when my periods gonna come


no clear skin

this hasnt worked on my skin so hopefully it will although ive been on this for now 3 months it hasnt and im starting to loose hope.
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May 19, 2008


None that would be worth using it for.


Depression, mood swings, ZERO sex drive, dizziness, breathlessness, chest pain, bloating, weight gain - where do I end?

DON'T TAKE THIS PILL. It almost ruined my marriage! I have never had acne. My doctor in Europe prescribed this pill as a birth control. I was never told it was an acne treatment! I was on this pill for 10 years. The first few years I didn't have any problems. Then I started getting more moody but haven't noticed it, then the sex drive went down and to make long story short-I was sitting on the couch crying for no reason when my husband asked me why I was crying and I didn't know. That's when I realized that something was wrong. You are probably thinking why I didn't do something about it earlier. That's what is killing me- the changes didn't happen right away and all at the same time but rather over years one adding to another until it snowballed. I stopped the pill 2 months ago and I can't believe that all the symptoms just disappeared. I can't believe I didn't figure it out before!
May 10, 2008


I can't see anything yet on my skin, but i do not experience menstrual cramps.


upset stomach, nausea, headache

i haven't gotten any weight gain as many experience. This is my 3rd month of taking diane. however, i noticed that my acne worsened. I am so worried because im up for job interviews this month and i don't want to attend interviews with a really bad breakout... i use it with Proactiv. please let me know if i need to stop taking diane? or is it normal to still have this breakout although i am already taking it? i am a little confused
April 20, 2008




weight gain, didn't work on skin, not covered under drug program

made me feel disgusting for months
April 13, 2008


less oily hair and skin, larger breasts


weight increased, mood swings

i hate this it did nothing for my skin honestly, and i felt like a whale for 3 months. the only good thing this did for me was increase my bust.. i would definately not recommend this.