Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 16, 2009


I like to think my acne has gone down...maybe..a little.


None for now

I've been on diane for 2 months and a half and still no results...obviously it seems to affect each individual differently but I am sure hoping it's going to work on me in the 6 months time span. From the horror stories I've read re. stopping Diane AND being on Diane I am getting really edgy. When I told my doctor, she didn't think Diane was dangerous at all (clearly she's been chucking presciptions to acne plagued youths over here without a second thought). I have been on atopic creams, antibiotics and they haven't made any noticeable difference, so logically I'm quite frustrated. I shall update if anything has changed in another 2 months...
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March 31, 2009


obviously birth control, boobs a bit fuller, controlled and managed periods.....


Mood swings, very low sex drive, dry hair.....

im really worried about my low libido and depression!!!!!
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March 14, 2009


My acne went away and I used to have bad acne for years.


Depression, anxiety and fear of what will happen if I try to come off of it. Can't deal with acne anymore, not in my puberty years and don't want to deal with that.

For acne great it is amazing!
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March 13, 2009


After using Diane for a month I noticed that my skin started clearing up and was less oily. I didn't have any Side affect. On for 6 mths den stopped after my skin totally cleared.


6 mths after stoppiong Diane My Skin is going haywire Breaking out 2x as bad as before. Feel miserable and always tire. Skin always oily and itchie.(irrated) No sex drive.

Diane worked for my acne. But once I stopped it came back 2x as bad. I'm going to the dr. tmr to get prescription for Diane again. I cannot stand my skin looking and feeling soo horrilbe (sandpaper texture). Don't want to go out. Wear more making now to cover the acne. It works wonder for your acne but once you stop its a nightmare. I'm just soo scarred that I have to depend on this. Just wish there's a natural way to cure it. (but I head you can't if it's hormal) =(.
March 10, 2009


Wel,its clearing my skin with only being on it 4 a month.regulated my periods and helps with period pains.my body skin is smoother.no horrible mood swings yet.


Havnt had any yet n i hope it stays that way

Its working gr8 4 me bt try it 4 urselves.
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March 4, 2009


it sort of brought down the size of zits.
no side effects


Been on it almost 3 months, and not seeing drastic changes. seems to be slowly improving, but im not convinced that it has done much

Improvments seem gradual, or maybe it just wont work for me. hopefully just need to give it more time. Have heard numerous times this product has helped though so staying positive..
February 23, 2009


clear skin, bigger breasts (for those who want them), controlled hormones and made period regular and decreased period pain.


increases appetite, weight gain, DEPRESSION, unstable mood

i had to stop taking this pill before i was going to go crazy!!! It completely changed my mood! I took it for one month and have never felt so depressed and down and was crying for no reason. I would rather have a face full of pimples than feel the way i did. This is my fifth day off it and im starting to feel like myself again! However, everyone is different and if you want to put up with the depression to finalise the your skin condition, than go for it!
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February 18, 2009


Cleared skin, less hair growth


Extreme mood swings, depression, weight gain, cellulite, and much more/

I have been taking this pill since 2000 for about 8 years now. It worked well in the beginning, and for the forst 5 years. After about 2005, my dr advised me I should take a break from the pills so that my body does not forget how to produce the hormones that I am taking synthetically. I took a 3 month break, my skin broke out, and hair became oily every day. I had horrible mood swings, crying, upset, headaches, and went to depression and anxiety. My mood swings were so bad it started to affect my marriage. I have now been off the pills for 2 months, and my skin is starting to break out again BUT I feel much much better. I feel happy again, I do not feel sad and upset over every little thing, and I feel much happier, and better overall. I would recommend something else for acne as I spent the last 3 years, extremely unhappy, and sad, and upset, and angry. I did not realise until my mom told me I was not myself anymore, and I didnt think anything was different until NOW and feel
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February 16, 2009


It cleared me zits up completly in 2 months, and I haven't had one since I've been on it for 5 months


Very bad depression and weight gain

I have never suffered from a day of depression in my whole life, and my life is better then it's ever been! For no reason at all the last two months I have been very depressed crying all the time I can't understand why then I relised it was the birth control, I'm 25 years old and I would take all the pimples in the world over the dression and mood swings this gives me. It could be differnet for others but I would diffenlty watch for any changes in your mood! Hope this helps.
February 16, 2009


clears up all the blemishes----as to BCP users claim


weight gain,augments breasts-----as BCP users say

I haven't tried Diane 35 yet but i'm afraid of the claimed side effects of this drug. I'm still thinking of trying it because there are alot of adverse effects mentioned that anyone can get esp.when you decided to stop taking this medication.I'm presently under a topical and oral antbiotic regimen for a week now and still planning to consult an Ob-Gyne after my acne treatment to address my concern regarding the irregularity of my period, which i consider to be the factor of having this breakout..