Forum Replies Created

You Want To See Cortisone Dent

NOO. Just leave it. Please just leave it. It will go away in a few days! Don't risk it.! maybe if it doesnt go away in a few days... im thinking if i should just wait a while and see what happens...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
You Want To See Cortisone Dent

How long have you had the cyst on your nose? Personally I think I would just leave that be in its current state, it doesn't seem to be too bad. its been 3 days now, yeah ive had a cystic pimple on ...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
You Want To See Cortisone Dent

I have a painful cystic pimple on my nose, and i was wondering if i should get a cortisone shot for it?? Has anyone ever gotten a cortisone shot on the nose before? Im only worried about the indent it...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Cortisone Shots

HI, i wanted to know whats your guys experiences with Cortisone shots. I've read lots of of old threads on here, and most are negative on how it created indenting after the shot. Im sure there are som...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Carbs/sugars Cause My Acne, When In Ketosis Low Carb/high Fat I Have No Acne At All - Insulin Response

youre just like me. when i was low carb, high fat high protein, my skin was the best it has been in years. no cysts. barely any whiteheads, if i had a breakout, it would just go away in like 2 days. b...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Urgent!should I Pop This Cyst!?!?

tommorow is school!!!! and i have this big cyst / whitehead, i waited so itll turn into a whitehead, but im hesitant to pop it or not. usually i leave cyts alone, but this one has a whitehead so what ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Finally Clear: Treating Insulin Resistance With Paleo, Cinnamon, And Minerals (With Progress Pictures)

fructose causes insulin resistance. fructose is immediately shuttled to the liver. while glucose is used for energy. i would focus more on starches, than fruit. glucose in general.

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Fed Up-Constant Lip Acne, Beet Red Nose, And Golf Ball Cysts

First of all you need to quit smoking. Period. and cheating with cheeseburgers definately doesnt help at all. Also try to explain what you eat on a daily basis. Also it seems like you took antibiotics...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Taking Accutane And Living Healthy

I would only take accutane if you have oily skin and acne. Since low carb helps, you can try taking things that reduce the glycemic impact of carbs, like cinnamon. There are also supplements that regu...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Taking Accutane And Living Healthy

Accutane is definitely NOT the answer. Experiment with herbs such as saw palmetto, vitex, dandelion root, nettle. There is always a natural alternative, that wont be harmful to your body in the long r...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Taking Accutane And Living Healthy

What are your opinions on taking low dose accutane while maintaining a healthy lifestyle?? it seems most of my acne is gone, but its persistant, and break outs usually happen in cysts on my chin. ive ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
New Blog: Acne And Determination, Knowing When To Change Your Path

sometimes, i think doing too much ''healthy'' stuff can make acne worse to be honest. i actually broke out more, when i was eating ''healthy'' by drinking lots of green juices(raw spinach,kale smootie...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Are These Foods 'bad' For You?

The glycemic impact of the potato can vary with how it's prepared, whether it was cooked and allowed to cool, reheated, etc. Also, what matters is the impact of the meal, so it depends on what else y...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Emotional Hunger

YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!! sometimes you need to enjoy life and just eat what you want. yes you might break out a little bit, but eat a little healthier that week, to make it up. i pretty much eat very he...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Yaaaaaaaay I Found The Treatment For My Acne And Scars And It's All Natural!

.. eating honey would break me out more than help me because of the sugars and insulin spikes... but i know for sure manuka honey or raw honey is very good topically on the face, since it has glycolic...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Could Severe/chronic Stress Cause Skin Changes?

yes stress does cause acne. it sounds very cliche etc, but i am pretty much 100% clear when i go low carb. but low carb makes me feel very grumpy sometimes, becuase i do better on higher carbs(mood wi...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
What Are Some Safe Starches, Carbs, Glucose?

What type of carbs do you guys consume and stay clear also?? white rice, sweet potatos and lots of fruit always break me out . brown rice seems okay, with the occasional break out... i need a more div...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
The Cold Winter - Is It Healthy For Our Skin?

i break out more when its winter, because i get less sunshine, and my skin gets extremely dry which causes flakes. when in the summer, my face stays moist, not oily, thats for me anyway.

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Urine Therapy

i wouldnt do it. stick with low carb, nutrient dense foods. low carb works, but you might feel sluggish, since no carbs.

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Carbs Causing Acne.(Even If Paleo)

Hmm could this be the cause of my acne? I always seems to get acne when i try to gain weight and when i try to gain weight i always go crazy on carbs. And i am 100% sure fruits, carrots and spaghetti,...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Carbs Causing Acne.(Even If Paleo)

Hmm could this be the cause of my acne? I always seems to get acne when i try to gain weight and when i try to gain weight i always go crazy on carbs. And i am 100% sure fruits, carrots and spaghetti,...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Consuming Grains Caused My Acne.

are you sure its not because of the carbs and glucose in grains?? even if it gluten free like rice, i suggest you try eating fruits and sweet potatos, and see if you break out. if you do, most likely...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Acne Is Disappearing Like Magic!

low carb is why.. just like me, when i cut out pretty much all carb sources except low gi veggies. i clear up, but its not sustainable, you will feel like shit and depressed without carbs. even if yo...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Carbs Causing Acne.(Even If Paleo)

So basically a LOW CARB paleo diet works for me 100%. No breakouts at all and stays clear.but i feel lethargic and crappy, because i need carbs(everyone does). I tried eating sweet potatoes, but they ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Carbs Causing Acne.(Even If Paleo)

So basically a LOW CARB paleo diet works for me 100%. No breakouts at all and stays clear.but i feel lethargic and crappy, because i need carbs(everyone does). I tried eating sweet potatoes, but they ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago