Forum Replies Created

Less Calories = Less Acne

I usually eat alot of food, most of it healthy, some of it not so (but nothing that is terrible for you). Hiya, I have pcos so my acne is also insulin related. My acne is better since diet changes b...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
I'm Sick... Really? Your're Kidding Me.

Just thought I'd update: I'm STILL sick. It's turned into a strange dry cough (i hate these). And in the evenings I feel weak and just exhausted. I'm really surprised I've felt like crap this long. I ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Genes, Wheat, Allergies, Alcohol?

I have psoriasis on and off - from my research it looks like it is related to high levels of insulin/disfunction of the pancreas. (as is acne and pcos) It is also a sign of auto immune disease and of ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Looking at other cultures

For me I think it has been 1) Over-eating - this is easy to do when you don't put on weight easily 2) Wrong type of exercise and sometimes lack of exercise 3) Eating meals that were not balanced p...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Ground Fenugreek really works

What it's really good for is adding to beans when you soak them before cooking as it is high in substances that bind up,the harmful antinutrients in the beans   Thanks, I'll be adding beans bac...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Does Protein Cause Acne Breakout?

Unless you have some sort of metabolic condition you won't become insulin resistance by consuming too much protein. The daily recommend thing is too generic. Who is to say what level of protein you re...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Forced To Go Back On Spiro. Now What? -_-

Hi FSAS, I think you should look into pcos more. I have been diagnosed with a polycystic ovary and although I don't have all the signs of the syndrome I am treating myself as if I have it. Apparentl...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago

I've signed up to use this to see where I was going wrong as I suspected I was over in my protein and carbs and sure enough I was. I was also too low in fat. I have it set to paleo. I have cysts on on...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Does Protein Cause Acne Breakout?

I've been wondering whether I eat too much protein. Does anyone limit the amount of protein based on their body weight? According to Mark's Daily Apple I would be over-consuming protein for my body ma...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Ground Fenugreek really works

I know this is an old topic, but I'm thinking of trying it next. Supposed to help with insulin resistance in diabetics and PCOSers. If anyone else has tried this please let me know your experiences....

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
What To Do When Diet/supplementation Doesn't Work

Gosh, who did your ultrasound, the friend next door who has an aged x-ray stashed in his basement? Seriously, cysts+lack of ovulation+acne more or less equals PCOS. Look into that, it has a great rest...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
What To Do When Diet/supplementation Doesn't Work

None of my blood tests revealed anything either. They did find some cysts on one of my ovaries though, which is why sometimes an ultrasound can help with women. I suspect my hormones are affected but ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
What To Do When Diet/supplementation Doesn't Work

Have you had an ultrasound Sasch or any blood tests for hormones?

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Why Does Vodka Help My Acne?

Hey FSAS, I think alcohol improves estrogen and aromatase. So, possibly you should ask your Dr about low estrogen/issues with aromatase/SHBG. Also, it might not be that you are low in these, just th...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
why is it that the majority of people i see with acne/severe acne are skinny?

I think the key to it is the weight and fat ratio we had when we first started getting acne. I think that sets up the pattern for the rest of our lives. I've had my horrmones checked many times and th...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
I Do Everything Right...

I think some people who have been successful on here would probably say that being a vegan doesn't help. When I am gluten and sugar free but eating meat, fish and eggs along with fruit and veg, spices...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Gut Flora And Leaky Gut. After 5 Years I Finally Found The Root Cause And I'm Clear Using The Gut Diet:)

Hi Whitefox, Is honey ok within this plan? Also, since I cut various things out of my diet I rarely get inflamed acne but I still have the non-inflamed stuff and oily skin. Do you think this diet wo...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Has Anyone Been To An Endocrinologist For Oily Skin?

Yeah, usually very oily and I've had lots of tests done several times now and always normal, which is why I thought I would add my 2 cents as your tests will no doubt be more costly than mine. I have ...

In forum Oily skin

12 years ago
Has Anyone Been To An Endocrinologist For Oily Skin?

I've had various hormones checked and other blood tests done and all were considered normal. Last week for two days in a row my skin produced very little sebum. I then ballsed it up by changing variou...

In forum Oily skin

12 years ago
Green Tea/sea Salt Toner. Effective And Easy To Make

Do you think this would work with black tea as well? I've heard black tea is an anti androgen.   I think you could use black tea and see good results. As good as green tea? Well, the antioxid...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Eating organic/healthy on a budget

Does anyone grow their own veg? I would like to try growing cabbages and other green veg but not sure whether to grow in the garden soil or use plastic troughs.

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Green Tea/sea Salt Toner. Effective And Easy To Make

Do you think this would work with black tea as well? I've heard black tea is an anti androgen.

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Fake Olive Oils?

Yeah I was worried about this too after I read this article. I am definitely suspicious about this, and as I live in an area that doesn't produce the stuff and isn't part of our heritage I think it...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Reducing Exposure To Chemicals - Recipes, Alternatives, Etc.

I.E.: Oils for moisturizers, cleansers. Are you using an oil to moisturise?

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
Drink Recipes

I don't think ground dried ginger would work well.   Thanks Alterna, I am trying the Sassy Water tomorrow with fresh ginger. Here is my first offering to the recipe thread, although it's not re...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago