Forum Replies Created

Why The Bias?

I see your point, lilly. The main issue I have is with the hierarchy in the listing and the labeling of the various treatments. If it says "highly ineffective" that's a huge blow to all those people i...

In forum Announcements and feedback

10 years ago
Been On Accutane (Isotretinoin) For 7 Months But Still Getting Spots

Hi, I really appreciate the reply, and in response to your question I really don't know, some people say that once they come off accutane it improves further as your skin refinds it's original kinda s...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Roaccutane: 25 Days Progress 🙂

You don't appear to have acne? So either the accutane has worked super fast or maybe you didn't need it in the first place? Your skin doesn't look red to me in the pictures. I would suggest just g...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Repairing the long-term damage from Accutane

Hi all. I'm not really sure if I should be posting here as my experiences are not as bad as others. I would say I have been left with mild side effects and disappointment that it didn't work. I had...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Acne Returning After Accutane - What Next?

Hi all, I finished a course of Accutane approx mid April this year. I was on it a long time and although much of that time was at a low dose I did get up to 100mg by the end. My derm thought it was ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Did Anyone Out There Get A Bit Scared Before Starting Accutane?

yes, I got very scared before taking it because I read and watched all the horror stories online. I first saw my dermatologist in July then I had to delay my 6 week follow up appointment as I hadn't ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Month 6 Accutane, Still Breaking Out

I was on accutane for 7 months - Started at 20mg and got up to 120mg by the time I completed the course. I was still getting a few new cysts just a week before my course ended, I was worried about s...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
5Th Month On Accutane (19,male)

Similar situation. Been on accutane for what must be more than 7 months now, up to 100mg per day. Really dry skin everywhere but still breaking out on my back (main problem area) and now my face, wh...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Tiny Little Stingy Bumps On Backs Of My Hands?

I have something like this as well..... the backs of my hands kinda look scaly. They kinda burned and were itchy for a while but now things do seem better after I decided to be more careful hand wash...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Acne Insanity?! (Accutane)

Hi, you don't sound stuck up. From what I have been told I don't think missing a couple of doses where you run out before the new prescription will really cause any major problems, just take care of...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
When To Consider A 2Nd Course Of Accutane?

If the new breakout is only mild then it would make more sense to go to your GP and ask them if you can try some topical creams or antibiotics first.

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Can Accutane Be Exposed To Air?

I would agree with the previous reply, go to the doctor and get a new prescription for a lower dose. If the side effects are that severe and you only have a short wait until you see the Dr then I can...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Repairing the long-term damage from Accutane

The accutane documentary on the BBC has made its way to the daily mail website now....

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
My Roaccutane Journey

Wow, so those last 2 weeks flew in!! This morning I had my first dose of Roaccutane! I'm on 45mg so have to take 2x 20mg and 1x 5mg. It feels so good to finally start! I've had a dull headache all day...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Repairing the long-term damage from Accutane

Well I just watched the documentary and will probably again on BBC iPlayer tomorrow if it is available. Sorry but I have to say I didn't really think it was a great documentary.... I don't know what I...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Shorted Accutane At Pharmacy? What To Do!

^The above. It might take them a while but the pharmacy really should be able to look at how much Accutane they have in stock and compare it how much they should have given out to patients by look...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Just Finished Month 5

I would be surprised if your Dr pulls you off Accutane if you are still getting new spots. Mine told me the goal is to reach a dose where you stop getting new acne breaking through, then stick at tha...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Question, Can Someone Take A Min To Answer Please.

65/7 = 9.2... I would say you are into your 10th week now... or into your 3rd month..... 21st Dec being 3 months exactly. Ok I just confused myself now....

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Repairing the long-term damage from Accutane

I'll pray that you 1) don't have these severe side effects like most of us, here. And 2) That you somehow become more aware that this IS a dangerous drug and that these side effects are real and that...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Taking Accutane For Body Acne Rather Than Face

Bump, still interested about this.   I guess I have moderate but persistent back acne with quite a few painful nodules that after 10 years has left the skin on my back a total mess (my skin sca...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Guys Is My Dose Too Low?

Don't pop or pick at your skin, especially while on Accutane, it increased the chances of scarring. I weigh 125kg (although I am very tall), My dermatologist started me on 20mg for 10 weeks, these l...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Repairing the long-term damage from Accutane

Great to see a huge piece in the Mail on Sunday warning about the suicides and side effects of Accutane. Tells the story of the documentary producer's son who committed suicide and promotes the docume...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Should I Go On A Low Dose Of Accutane? Pictures Included

How long does it take for a low dose of Accutane take to work for blackheads?   Well I have been on Accutane for going on 14 weeks now. 10 weeks at 20mg then these last 3 and a bit weeks at 40...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Antibiotics On Accutane For Ingrown Toenail

Antibiotics are a big NO while on accutane!!!   Well it depends... Of course it is best to ask the doctor or pharmacist really....... but my understanding is the same as one of the previous pos...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Accutane Doubts

Well I can't comment on what is normal or not.......... but I'm on my 10th week of accutane and I'm still getting new spots & cysts/nodules popping up. I am on a low dose for my body weight thoug...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago