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5Th Month On Accutane (19,male)


Posted : 04/03/2013 11:44 pm

Hey guys, I have been on accutane for 5 months now, and while my acne has gotten better I'm still not seeing the results that everyone else seems to be experiencing. At no point on my accutane regimen (80mg a day) has my face, chest, or back been completely clear. It is really discouraging to wake up everyday just to see that I have new pimples everywhere. I'm in college and nearly everyone has really nice skin; I just want to be like those people and not have to worry about what I look like everyday. It's also really disheartening when I hear chatter about how people with acne are "disgusting" or "ugly". I feel like no matter what I do I will never have nice skin, and I'm doing everything I can. I've stopped drinking soda, I have a pretty healthy diet, and I work out and exercise every other day. I wash my face twice everyday, morning and night but I still get new pimples every week. My derm just keeps telling me to be patient but it never seems to get better. She keeps telling me for my weight and height 80mg a day is a good dose, keep in mind that im 6'1" and weight 180lbs. My face, arms, and legs are constantly dry and even the cetaphil moiturizer makes me break out. I'm starting to lose hope. Sorry for writing so much, i'm not looking for a pity party but this is the only place I feel like I can express my distress.


Posted : 04/04/2013 9:36 am

Similar situation. Been on accutane for what must be more than 7 months now, up to 100mg per day. Really dry skin everywhere but still breaking out on my back (main problem area) and now my face, which had never been a big problem before starting accutane!

The skin on my face is so dry that it if literally flaking off, but even the smallest amount of very light "non greasy" moisturiser seems to clog up it right up. Letting my beard grow now makes my face incredibly itchy but shaving it makes the situation worse, the skin flares up even using a electric beard trimmer very carefully.

I don't know what the answer is but I'm beginning to think Accutane may not be it.


Posted : 04/04/2013 12:42 pm

Yeah man I'm starting to think that all the negative side effects from accutane have been all for not. I'm running out of options, the derm has pretty much prescribed everything else in the acne arsenal and none of it has worked; from benzoyl peroxide to antibiotics. I was hoping accutane would finally solve my problem, but it doesn't look that way. My course is not over yet and i'm still trying to stay hopeful. Good luck my friend.
