Forum Replies Created

Judge my acne and help me!

I think a microdermabrasion is a bad idea, a chemical peel may be okay but judging by the pictures you have sensitive skin and they may cause more harm than good. If you decide to have a chemical peel...

In forum Hormonal acne

6 years ago
Using Aloe Vera gel with Epiduo

You can apply the aloe Vera either before or after the epiduo it’s really up to you and what works best. If you apply it before it can work as a buffer to lessen any irritations that could be caused b...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Dry Cystic Acne and Dan's Regimen?

On 10/20/2017 at 0:22 PM, Brodeigh said: On 10/5/2017 at 7:38 AM, WestCoast82 said: My first advise is to take a step back and realize your acne should never take priority over y...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Dry Cystic Acne and Dan's Regimen?

My first advise is to take a step back and realize your acne should never take priority over your acne. I know dealing with skin problems seems like a nightmare, but it will come to an end. However, i...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
HELPPP! Could this be acne rosacea?? Pictures included!!!

This doesn't appear to be rosacea in my opinion. Rosacea usually includes acne in the form of pustules and papules. This looks like a form of folliculitis. There's two different types of folliculitis,...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

7 years ago
Small forehead bumps that won't go away

On 9/14/2017 at 8:13 PM, TriumphantFur said: Omg this is exactly like my forehead too. I have forehead spots and bumps which dont seem to go away, whilst the rest of my skin looks really clear...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Small forehead bumps that won't go away

Your skin is most likely dehydrated if you're experiencing oily skin as well. The difference between the two is dehydrated skin lacks water, and dry skin lacks oil. When searching for products, look f...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Small forehead bumps that won't go away

It's definetly a process of trial and error to figure out what products mesh well with your skin type. Be careful not to over dry you skin though, especially if you're using apple cider vinegar with s...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Hormonal acne/adult ance/ PIE

That's not weird at all, I'm so glad I could give you hope in a moment of sadness. Trust me when I say things WILL get better. You WILL get your skin back, and you'll have a whole new level of empathy...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Advice or recommendations for my acne??

It sounds like you're having sensitivities to something in your diet. There are no shortcuts when it comes to eating clean unfortunately. The best thing you can do is listen to your body. Eat slowly, ...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Hormonal acne/adult ance/ PIE

I have to respond because your story sounds so similar to mine. I am 24 years old as well and I eat mostly vegan (with the occasional fish) and I've dealt with random skin issues in the past year. I'm...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Small forehead bumps that won't go away

You have beautiful skin so don't be self conscious by any means, but I do understand everyone wants clear smooth skin. To me it looks like you're experiencing just a little bit of congestion. What is ...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Length of Isotretinoin

Accutane is based on the cumulative dosage. Everyone will be different depending on your weight and the milligram you're taking. The minimum dosage for accutane is 120mg and the maximum is 150mg. To c...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
acne red marks scars

Time heals all wounds, but if you're wanting faster results there are treatments that are more aggressive such as laser treatments, topicals that aid the skins repair (retinoids), and skin lightning t...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

7 years ago
Accutane prescription

I will start off by saying I am highly against antibiotics and they are over prescribed in my opinion. I am from the United States, and dermatologists typically follow the same protocol here. Antibiot...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Always had mild acne but I'm 21 now and it's never been worse 🙁

Yeah that is definetly not normal, I would speak to your doctor immediately. If he tries to prescribe you more antibiotics, I would probably refuse. I don't usually give a head strong opinion like tha...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Pityrosporum folliculitis

This post will overwhelm you with incredible information regarding pityrosporum (malassezia) folliculitis. There's a science to beating it and this will help you learn.  Hope this helps! &...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Always had mild acne but I'm 21 now and it's never been worse 🙁

I am a soon to be esthetician and I am very disappointed by dermatologists overprescribing antibiotics. I even prefer accutane over antibiotics. I 100% agree the with 'O Wow' user. Antibiotics alter o...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
open wound pimples

I am a soon to be esthetician and I give most dermatologists a run for their money (not trying to sound cocky). I had TERRIBLE skin so I understand the emotional toll it takes on you. I have A LOT of ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago
Last straw. Can thinking about acne cause them?

Yes, thinking about your acne ABSOLUTELY affects your stress levels whether you think it does or not. Everything I'm about to say comes from personal experience and I've had a long journey clearing my...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago
Using 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide and Still Having Breakouts

What's your morning and night skincare regimen? It's not uncommon for a purge to come in waves, and sometimes it lasts longer than we anticipate. It seems like you're on the right track with your face...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Makeup for acne

Awesome!! I'll check those out  thank you so much!!

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

7 years ago
What can I take after Doxycycline

I personally take it in a liquid form because it doesn't taste bad AT ALL and it's a lot more effective than the capsules. I love the brand Nordic Naturals - Arctic Cod Liver Oil. I personally take it...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
What can I take after Doxycycline

It sounds like you're on the right track! I would give your new skincare regimen at least four weeks to work its magic. Don't be surprised if your skin purges a bit, but this will be beneficial in the...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Low dose accutane after full course.

Alright, well it sounds like you're in tune with your body and know what works for you in regards to diet. The last suggestion I have that will help oiliness and blackheads is a BHA. There are several...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago