Forum Replies Created

my story.... :/can't live with it anymore...

If that's the worst is gets for you, consider yourself lucky kid. No human being in their right mind will ever freak the fukk out over it, except you. Don't become one of those who stick around here l...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Acne Changes Your Life. What's Your Story?

Wow, great topic. Couldn't help but read all of the posts...and it broke my heart. Do WHATEVER it takes to beat acne while you're still young, bc dealing with its aftermath will be a little easier whe...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Why is food Killing My Face?

On 9/21/2016 at 5:20 AM, Derp6 said: This has been happening to me for 10+ years. All food gives me acne- literally. All food prepared by a restaurant gives me super intense acne. Living like t...

In forum Diet & holistic health

8 years ago
Stop looking for a cure (advice from a veteran)

On 11/20/2015 at 10:46 PM, clive17 said: .... I have no choice but to slowly start to accept myself, even love myself as I am..... I'm sure I'll fail a bunch of times, hell, i have a bad breako...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
What Dreams May Be (if scarring permeates inside)

The following is something I wrote a few years ago almost to the day (found an old file I decided to keep). I’ve come a long way since, but it will always be a part of me. Just note that I do not cond...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Still no improvement

^ How cool...never thought I'd be part of a discussion with the OG  Hope all turns out well with the inquiry.

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Still no improvement

BeautifulAmbition's heart is in the right place and, like QH said, is a great asset to the community. But on this occasion he/she may have been a little tactless. We're all human and we ALL make these...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
25 years old and no signs of stopping!! (picture attached)

2 hours ago, Tyuchaf84 said: i must be speaking in a foreign language.....NOTHING WORKS! Nothing will ever work! If you have acne you are fucked for life! You may have better days than others b...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
severe acne still at age 20

Check out my Topic post under 'Diet & Holistic Health', or go to SkinDeeply's 'About' page and study her authoritative and thorough layout of what you need to do in order to take FULL CHARGE OF YO...

In forum Adult acne

8 years ago
Still no improvement

And yeah, my initial response to her was wrong. But to my defense, I really wasn't sure if it was a joke or not

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Still no improvement

OKAY let's step back, breathe, and calm down. Listen, if 'ScarredandSad34' sees her scar in such a bad light, who are we to judge? It's obvious that it's affecting her life JUST AS BADLY (if not worse...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago

Good for you! Yes, we are all sufferers or former sufferers, but the world doesn't (CANNOT) end bc of matter how shitty it makes us feel. You have family and a partner that loves you and sup...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Your age bracket

Man I feel like an old douche. Just turned 34. Had my breakout at 16 into my 20's. Finally had control in my mid twenties but then had to deal with acne scars. I've wasted so many years betrothed to m...

In forum Adult acne

8 years ago
Data Gathering: Food Which Definitely Increases Your Oil Production

Although I am---for the most part---clear of acne, I still get a lil breakout whenever I eat crap food. Case in point: once in a while I'll indulge in Chinese take out (every 3-4 months), and sure en...

In forum Diet & holistic health

8 years ago
Still no improvement

14 minutes ago, scarredandsad34 said: But see here's the problem, I'm a petite woman. I'm not some big strong tough guy in the military. I don't want to look like an eagle clawed my face Â...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
my casual blog

ty BeautifulAmbition.

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Still no improvement

Hey I'm sorry...but I wasn't sure if u were joking or not. Just wanted to say that I have friends from fire and the military, and I know quite a few who have gnarly scars (worse than yours) on their ...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Still no improvement

Are u...are u serious?

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
25 years old and no signs of stopping!! (picture attached)

On 8/29/2016 at 2:52 AM, AlexanderJ86 said: You are a very beautiful girl. I wish my back looked like your face. I'm sure you meant well with that comment...but it just sounds weird and ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
my story.... :/can't live with it anymore...

6 hours ago, scarredandsad34 said: 12 hours ago, EveryThoughtIsTangibleEnergy said: That guy with the scars who is smiling, happy, helpful, good lister is just bette...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Old forum member back to report clear skin!

AWESOME. Thanx fer checking in with your success! And I second your summation points...100% agreed. Food industries are insidious pathogens who'll do whatever it takes to deceive and have u eating 'he...

In forum Diet & holistic health

8 years ago
my story.... :/can't live with it anymore...

Been there done far as depression, anger, recluse, etc. Even after you overcome acne, u still have to deal with its aftermath...scars. Unfortunately by this point your self-esteem is in sham...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
What worked for me (naturally) after a decade of acne

And one last thing: (As part of my complementary inclusion) "Human thoughts and intentions are an actual physical 'something' with astonishing power to change our world. Every thought we have is TAN...

In forum Diet & holistic health

8 years ago
Dear Acne

Your struggles are heard loud and clear on this forum, and I empathize with you (as all of us here do). One thing I learned after many painful years of acne: it can, and WILL, go away with the proper ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
What worked for me (naturally) after a decade of acne

Just wanted to chime in (I'm usually snooping around the Acne Scars forum) about how, after nearly 15 years of consistent acne issues, I've cleared 99% of my skin WITHOUT accutane or any medication. ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

8 years ago