Forum Replies Created

Acne & Working Out / Gym

Chlorine is a skin irritant and can cause more acne in acne prone people- ease up on swimming or if you can't apply petroleum jelly on effected areas before you swim. shower right away after and use a...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Coming off the regimen... need help

salicylic acid is a better alternative for sensitive skin - i would recommend spot stop by circadia. i still use BP a high amount but only a 3-5 nights a week instead of everyday.

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Any treatments for this acne scarring?

Hey there! I am a licensed esthetician, before getting laser I would recommend getting using a mandelic or lactic serum 5-8% on the area for everyday for a month and maybe looking into peels because l...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Good sunscreen to use with regime?

Tizo sunscreen works great

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Forehead Acne- please help (picture included)

Your acne isn't too severe- may I ask what your regimen is? When did this first start?

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Retinol causes acne?

So I did some research on the ingredients and unfortunately there is a pore clogging ingredient in there just one but its laureth-23. Kind of a bummer for such an expensive product. What I would do is...

In forum Other acne treatments

8 years ago
Acne is killing me. Help 🙁

Hey there! Have you talked to your doctor about acutane? Side effects can be bad but not nearly as bad in men as in women and I have heard a lot of success with it.

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Clear skin?!?!? YESSS

I use tizo tinted sunscreen which works amazing! I never need to wear foundation with it but if you do want a foundation a good one is mineralogie!

In forum Other acne treatments

8 years ago
Blue / Red light for moderate cystic acne. Does it worth to try it?

Blue LED works great for acne I have used it on many clients and have seen great results with it on them. I use the red LED more for anti-aging and collagen stimulation in more mature skin. If your do...

In forum Other acne treatments

8 years ago
Retinol causes acne?

Hey there! Are you you using a certain brand of retinol? Vitamin A doesn't cause break outs but if you are using a certain brand there maybe an ingredient in it that your skin isn't liking. I would s...

In forum Other acne treatments

8 years ago
Acne do you feel?

Hey! I work in the esthetics field and deal with treatments of acne scarring. My question to you is it deep pitted scars or more of hyper pigmentation? Deep pitted scars are hard to get rid of but it...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
is this milia?

It's a little hard to see exactly but it does look like milia to me. It's very common for people to have it under the eyes.

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Calling all ladies

Hey there! Some good options expensive but you will thank me later- Dermalogica clearing skin wash, and hylauronic acid as a moisturizer. Also I used to have a lot of trouble with foundation but I go...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
How severe is my acne?

Hey there! I'm an Esthetician and deal with this a lot with clients and have had this myself before too. So what it looks and sounds like you have is Keratosis Pilaris (KP) and a mix of clogged pore...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Flat red spots?

Hey there! So what I would recommend is for sure to cleanse your face everyday twice a day with something that has Salicylic acid (this acid penetrates the skin and goes deep into the follicle to uncl...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
I have had this scar on my face for a week, should I go to the doctor?

Hey there! My name is Lexi and I am an Esthetician. It looks like hypo-pigmentation and yes you should probably go see a derm to be safe. Hypo-pigmentation is hard to treat so going to a derm who has ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
I'm beyond frustrated {Please help me}

No problem

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
I'm beyond frustrated {Please help me}

Hey! There are a lot of options for hair removal on the face that are safer than putting the cream on your face. I personally wouldn't use the cream anymore because it can be pretty reactive with acn...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
I need help

Hey so I would need to see pictures but if over the counter isn't working for you id go to professional grade stuff. Medical spas and dermatologists sell medical grade products with no pore cloggers ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Abnormal pimple behind ear? (Cyst?)

i can't see it too well but to me it looks like a pimple. Does it feel like one to you? Since there is a head on it I would extract it. You can use a sterilized needle and prick the side of it to let ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Abnormal pimple behind ear? (Cyst?)

To me this looks like a boil or keloid the last pictures. A boil is simply harmless and the best way to treat is to put a warm compress on it until it drains. does your skin keloid? one full of fluid ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What healed my acne: my story

Okay guys so I joined this site over a year ago with grade 3 acne so bad that I wouldn't even go outside, I was depressed, sad, and couldn't get myself to look in the mirror without crying in the morn...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Any solution/recommendations for blackheads on your nose?

I've always had a big problem with blackheads too. I recently started using benzoyl peroxide wash (panoxyl) and it has done wonders to my blackheads its like you can't even notice them anymore. I'm al...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Hormonal acne - need advice


In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Hormonal acne - need advice

Hey guys! Was curious if any ladies who have struggled with hormonal acne can give me some advice? I am a 20 year old female and have realized my acne is mostly hormonal. During my period and a li...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago