Forum Replies Created

Best cleanser for leaving the right level of dryness

Hello everyone, I've actually been a long time user of the site, but have not posted in years because my acne has been pretty well under control.  This is because I did about a month of ac...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
My Accutane Journal... 24/male *pics*

How much do you weigh? Other than the obvious side effects, have you been experiencing anything else?

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Has Anyone Effectively Grown Out Of Their Acne After Using Bp And/or Other Acne Treatments

Do you think it's more likely that you would always inevitably have acne, including if you never treated with topicals? Or do you think it's possible that putting topicals on your face has reduced yo...

In forum products

12 years ago
Has Anyone Effectively Grown Out Of Their Acne After Using Bp And/or Other Acne Treatments

i have tried stopping the bp so many times but it never works for me. i keep thinking that my skin will just clear up on its own but it doesnt so back to the benzaclin i go as well as the doxy. its ve...

In forum products

12 years ago
Has Anyone Effectively Grown Out Of Their Acne After Using Bp And/or Other Acne Treatments

I recently decided to wean myself off of doxycycline, because I felt it was having a negative impact on my overall health. At the same time of taking doxycycline I was using Adapalene gel (Differin)....

In forum products

12 years ago
Positive Accutane Experiences

Does anyone have any advice on how to get their derma to prescribe them accutane? I have tried pretty much every topical regimen and antibiotic, but my moderate acne persists. When I asked for it la...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
The BP burns the absolute beejesus out of my skin

You shouldn't be using AHA this soon into the regimen. Dan recommends you wait until you've been on the regimen for a solid 6 weeks. I think once you're up to the full amount of BP without any react...

In forum The Regimen

13 years ago
problems with dryness or flaking?

I just started the Regimen and the problem I'm immediately presented with is the one I've always had - extreme drying right after washing. Prior to starting daniel's regimen i used a similar version...

In forum The Regimen

13 years ago
How ya feelin' about your acne today?

Pretty terrible. I'm used to having acne and still going to class and everything. It's just frustrating to see my skin be pimple free upon starting the regimen, and then suddenly breakout and have b...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

13 years ago
Shrink Wrap?

Is it possible to request for your products to be shrink wrapped? I know the new pumps come with a support, which probably limits the amount of leakage. If you're going back to the old pumps, is it ...

In forum products

13 years ago