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How ya feelin' about your acne today?


Posted : 05/27/2011 12:15 am

the sunburn on my face makes it look like i dont have acne



Posted : 05/27/2011 10:50 pm

Ehh I'm hopeful that my acne will clear up soon.. Sooner rather than later at least.. All sorts of whiteheads and blackheads spotting my face.. Attractive, huh? And I'm a receptionist so every single person that walks through the door or walks by the window and looks at me sees my acne. I hate being the face of the office but being all pimply. How does that send a message of professionalism


Posted : 05/27/2011 11:46 pm

feeling shit because I've fucked up my skin by taking fish oil. I started taking omega 3 last week and it's given me the most horrible breakout ever. I have no idea why.

it sucks because I've been just about 100% clear since February


Posted : 05/31/2011 2:01 pm

i had an interview today...but i was feeling soooooooooooooo miserable..fresh new scars from clawing..huge painful pustules in and around my forehead..cluster of big whiteheads around my mouth and chin..still i went for my interview...was not bad..but i do want to feel better..


Posted : 06/01/2011 6:30 am

Okay but sick of wearing make-up especially since it's starting to feel so hot. wonder when my marks will vanish into thin air....... haha


Posted : 06/01/2011 6:50 am

Really good!


The scars I've had for about 8 weeks (I never normally scar like that) have suddenly almost vanished over the last few days. It scarred like that because I made such a mess of it about 3 months ago. The scars seemed to start to fade, then they'd come up again.


I've no active acne and almost nothing I can pick. I have a tiny pimple on my nose and one above my lip. They're so, so tiny that I'm not even worried about them. It's like if I don't pay them any attention, they're not there. I wish I'd have had this mindset years ago. Before, I would have picked them just for the sake of it and probably turned them into something bigger, and triggered a breakout in the process.


I think I'm on day 10 without picking, although I can't quite remember. I'd have to check the picking forum to see when I last posted on the 30 day challenge. I'm about a third of the way there but I'm not really paying loads of attention because I'll just end up putting pressure on myself.


Going with the flow, almost clear and there's nothing to pick. It's about as good as it's looked at any point in the last 13 years. I got to this stage in February I think, but then I was messed around by a girl I met, stressed myself out, and I took it out on my skin.


This last month has quite literally been the most emotionally intense period of my life for various reasons, but I've come through it, and so has my skin. I didn't freak out and destroy it during that time. Instead, I looked after it. Seems it's giving that back in return. Karma! :D


Here's hoping I haven't now jinxed it and that it continues! ;)


Posted : 06/02/2011 2:52 am

Pretty darn bad. Have barely left the house for a couple of weeks...thank goodness uni isn't every day. Wish I could just fast forward to the end of the year


Posted : 06/04/2011 6:37 am

I'm on vacation in the Caribbean where my bloodline is from and I've found out that almost everyone here has terrible skin.


Guess it's in my genes to have acne :(


I also noticed the environment (in&near the main city) is generally a bit more dirty, more car/smoke/air pollution due to not as efficient technology.


I expected the sun and climate to do some good to my skin but it doesn't really, it's all the same.


Posted : 06/04/2011 7:06 am

Clearest I've been for 13 years. A couple of scars left, but no active acne. Not even a single pimple. I guess this is a result of the changes I've made to regimen and diet, it's just kind of thrown me a bit because it didn't work much to begin with but all of a sudden it's cleared up and it's been this way for a couple of week.s Fingers crossed what I'm doing continues to keep it at bay. For once, I'm looking in the mirror and I want to carry on looking because I like it!


Posted : 06/04/2011 7:27 am

I don't have much to complain about, but my nose is covered in red marks where I've been trying to extract blackheads! Think it's time to give up on them and just leave my nose alone. Not sure how long these marks will be here for now. Will have to accept it's going to be a week or two...


Posted : 06/04/2011 2:23 pm

Pretty terrible. I'm used to having acne and still going to class and everything. It's just frustrating to see my skin be pimple free upon starting the regimen, and then suddenly breakout and have bad dryness. I'm also really confused about one pimple I have in particular that's been really painful. I don't know what to do about it since it won't come to a head. Le sigh


Posted : 06/09/2011 9:09 pm

right now. i'm feeling extremely grateful. my mind will never let me forget the days in the past full of fear and sadness..... HOPE happens! <3


Posted : 06/10/2011 3:05 am

Quite good at the moment. No active pimples just the dreaded red marks :(


Posted : 06/10/2011 9:11 pm

Feeling bad, i have red cheek with marks all over. When will I find myself happy looking in the mirror again :(


Posted : 06/11/2011 1:28 pm

Today, better than the previous four or five. Had a bad week and I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous when there are people with severe acne, but it's all been caused by one spot. Massive spot, mind. Probably the biggest I've ever had. So big it might achieve principality status and require its own government lol


I'm one of those people who had mostly mild(ish) acne, but on whom the effect was profound. Completely destroyed my confidence for years. Had spells where I'd feel extremely depressed and avoid coming face to face with people whenever possible. Ridiculous thing was, after I started the DK regimen and found it worked and cleared my skin completely, people said stuff like 'you had acne? I never noticed' when I mentioned the success I'd had with the regimen. I felt like some kind of complete freak (because I was around 26, 27 when it started and I'm a guy) and there were people I knew not even noticing. There's a lesson in there, I think.


But that's what it's all about - it's not so much what's on your face but inside your head. I've known people who are totally confident and outgoing with really awful skin. I have a friend who has quite obvious acne scarring. When we were teens I never had so much as a single zit but he must have had it pretty bad. But as I wasn't afflicted back then, I didn't notice his skin, same as others hadn't noticed mine when it was breaking out. He might well have gone through hell and yet I expect the majority of people barely registered the fact that he had acne.


I'm rambling lol This one large cystic zit brought back the memories of what it was like feeling trapped indoors, seeing beautiful summer days come and go and not getting out there and enjoying them because my skin was acting up. I was never one to get a lot of spots, but the ones I got would frequently be large ones that were really obvious. Like this one I've got now. It does seem to have slowly eased up, with me being careful to do nothing to aggravate it. But it's going to leave a nasty mark that will take some time to fade, and maybe a scar.


Moral of this is if you find something that works, don't mess with it. I've been a user of DK's BP gel from the early days and it completely keeps my skin blemish free so long as I stick strictly to the regimen guidelines. Lately I've been very busy, often so tired by the evening that I've skipped the time consuming application of facewash, BP, moisturizer and just crashed...and as a result I've had various minor flare ups. So it's back to the regimen, to the letter.


Kind of glad this has happened because it's underlined just how free I've been and how good I've felt since the beginning of 2006, when my skin became clear after sticking to the regimen for around three months. Sometimes you need a wake up call.


Talking of wake up calls, sorry if I sent anyone to sleep with my ramble lol I'd forgotten when a good place this is. I vowed that if the regimen worked I'd keep posting here but I gradually just got on with my life and forgot about acne for a long time, until recently. But I guess that's the aim of all of us here.


Posted : 06/11/2011 5:36 pm

It looks HORRIBLE today. I just pray that it goes away before summer time!


Posted : 06/11/2011 5:37 pm

:-( looks like im breaking out


Posted : 06/11/2011 7:56 pm

I tried popping a small zit cos it it hurt, last week and boy did/do I regret it cos then it spread and a huge red spot formed with a bump - I still have the spot, it's smaller but still there.


Posted : 06/11/2011 10:21 pm

I'm majorly stressed out atm, bigtime (non acne relateD). Got a huge cyst on my jaw 2 weeks ago about the size of a quarter due to stress probably, it's the first cyst i've got in about 6 months. It went away 2 days ago and gave me a big fat new sexy scar. Today it also came back again, so in about a week I'll have Another cool scar to add to the collection. SWEET! /sarcasm




Posted : 06/11/2011 10:45 pm

kids are the truth!!! but grandmas n old ppl are lies!!!




luckily i only get my compliments from older folks & i know they are lying, glad someone else understands XD


my acne looked great in my dimly lit bathroom, but one step in the sunlight revealed a terrible complexion with more spots than i remembered :(

how can it just keep getting worse.


i want to dye my hair-- but i don't want to stand out & i don't want to be noticed. i hate feeling like this..


Posted : 06/11/2011 11:33 pm

Eh could be better, went to the mall today without makeup, I noticed it didn't make much of a difference and people didn't treat me differently because I didn't wear any. I might just do that more often! on a scale of 1-10 (10 being best) it was a 6. Tried to pop zits the "right way" and that was a fail.


Posted : 06/12/2011 7:05 pm

I've been feeling alright lately. Apart from being stressed to the max with all these exams, I'm fairly content. Unrelated to acne, but I always seem to have a slight head ache all the time.


Acne wise, I'm fairly happy. On the weekend I consumed slightly more alcohol than I should have, so I am now experiencing the break out after it. I'm feeling generally at ease though. I'm on holiday break now, so I can be more of a hermit than I would usually. My red marks have improved recently, though I'm still battling the recent ones closer to my nose and on my forehead.


Posted : 06/12/2011 10:21 pm

:( Not good today. I have spent a lot of money on products for my acne these past few years and don't get me wrong, they have helped out a lot but I still suffer from little bumps all over my face, which look especially horrid in certain lighting. They also make my complexion look dull and old. I'm so tired of applying creams every morning and night, I'm so tired of dealing with dry flaky skin, I'm so tired of having to spend so much money on face products, I'm so tired of feeling down because of it, I'm so tired of complaining about it, and I'm SO tired of being envious of friends who don't have to put anything on their faces and still have crystal clear baby skin!! When will it go away??? :(


Posted : 06/13/2011 6:06 am

Today, much better than last week. Mount Vesuvius has finally started to respond to sticking strictly to the DK Regimen again and has dried up and reduced a fair bit. Still very obvious, though. Had to go out earlier and felt as if everyone was thinking 'Dear God, that guy has got a huge zit on his face!' lol I'm sure the vast majority of people have got plenty more than that to worry about.


Despite this relief, there is still a bit of concern/anxiety that my skin might go to hell again despite sticking to the regimen. According to the survey on here, only about 6% in my age range suffer acne. So now I'd feel like a total freak even more than I used to if I had to endure regular break outs again. If I was a teen to mid-twenties I know I wouldn't be particularly bothered. It's to be expected then. But not when you're 42 and going grey and getting wrinkles. Would someone please tell my hormones, pores, metabolism, digestive system or whatever in hell it is that causes me to have this problem that I'm way too old to have zits!


Thank you lol


Posted : 06/13/2011 6:16 am

Last week I felt very depressed about my skin but this morning, I feel better. Surprisingly, my skin is actually worse today but I feel more positive on the inside. I'm trying to look at my eyes when I look in the mirror instead of at my spots - it helps :)


But not when you're 42 and going grey and getting wrinkles.

Thank you lol


Don't worry, my mum is late 40s and still struggles with her skin. She lets her beautiful personality shine through and nobody notices.
