Forum Replies Created

Glycolic Acid Peel

30% will make a difference, and weekly use will clear you up beautifully. I have oily skin, and with 20% glycolic peels, I actually did not see peeling on my skin. My skin did clear up, but I didn't s...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Are These Just Pih Or Actual Scars?

You're actually pretty clear! 100% flawless skin is not a good expectation, it hardly happens to humans. I think what you are worried about are a few scars and the rest are PIH. Use some AHA to heal ...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
21 And Tiny Wrinkles? Help

I have tried a few night creams from Sephora and Lush to prevent wrinkles in the future, but it just feels like another moisturizer. So now I use a tiny amount of olive/almond/pure argan oil (all are ...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

10 years ago
What Helps Your Extremely Oily Skin? Sensible Answers Only.

I just wanted to share my experience with oily skin, maybe it will help someone as well. So from the age of 9 to 19, I had extremely oily skin due to a hormonal imbalance. Not just the T area, but al...

In forum Oily skin

10 years ago
Can I Use This Moisturizer

I wouldn't suggest Nivea even if it states its non comedogenic. Nivea is a brand for body creams and such, so I wouldn't trust it if I were you. Try a product thats more well trusted for acne pron...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Simple Facial Cleanser?

For me, its Clean and Clear Sensitive Facial Cleanser.

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

12 years ago
African Black Soap Experience

My friend tried African black soap, twice with 2 different brands. The first time it worked very well for her (she has light acne and marks), but the second time she bought it from a different store...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

12 years ago

I have always wanted to. Try it out and find the root of your acne. However taking pills to control or inhibit hormones has major drawbacks that can lead to many diseases. But it wouldn't hurt t...

In forum Adult acne

12 years ago
Job Interview With Acne

Well unless good looks are mandatory to get the job, then acne or no acne, it doesn't even matter. You need that charismatic confidence. Also in an article on Yahoo, I read that female employers ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
See The Future

When I was young, I thought that a few years later I would have clear skin. A few years later, I thought that after another few years, I would have clear skin. Now after another few years, I sti...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
Glycolic Acid Peel And Aha+ Questions

Using 8-10% AHA facial moisturizers daily, should fade your marks within 7 weeks, give or take a few weeks. You will not have to wait 9 months, but if you did wait 9 months, the marks would probably...

In forum Scar treatments

12 years ago
I Hate Acne!

Congrats!! Well if you have back acne wearing a sari would be a problem. But other than that, try using AHA for the hyperpigmentation and give it some time. Enjoy your special day!

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Feeling Guilty About Not Having Acne

Its not about feeling guilty for not having something bad. Its not about being thankful for not having something bad either. Like can you say, "I am thankful that I didn't get acne like those people...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
I Had Significantly Reduced My Breakouts, But I Still Get Pimples.. Help?

I guess when you are prone to breakouts, then the slightest cause can trigger acne. Like too much oil or hormonal imbalaces. But like some people who never even wash their face, don't even break out...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Switching From Bp+Clindamycin To Dan's Bp?

I haven't tried Dan's BP. But I have tried the 5%BP + 1%Clindacymin, and I liked it. It took 2 months to get used to the dryness and see results but it was good and promising, at keeping breakouts aw...

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago
I Had Significantly Reduced My Breakouts, But I Still Get Pimples.. Help?

Experiment how milk affects your lesions. I reduced milk from my diet for 3 months now, and I get way less hormonal breakouts than before. But I am also cursing myself with bad bones for the year...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Best Thing For Red Marks Left From Acne? (Apart From Aloe Vera?)

I burned myself with AHA two days ago, great advices you have on this forum, "you have red marks? put some AHA on them to burn your skin so you can have more red marks". My advice would remain the sam...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

12 years ago
Looking In To A Mirror

Or you could just face your fears and stand up to the mirror. Don't let it bully you. Looks are all temporary, we will all rot into the same type of corpses one day. Go out there and do what you...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
New Here, My Results So Far On The Back Regimen!

Cool! Bacne is really hard to eliminate. How long does it take for the back marks to fade?

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

12 years ago
So Face Is Full Of Holes.

Very enlarged pores (on the apples of my cheeks) from my years of acne. I regret picking. And now I have no idea what to do. Large pores on the cheeks are not that bad right?

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
Best Thing For Red Marks Left From Acne? (Apart From Aloe Vera?)

Alpha hydroxy acids and some more AHA. Trust me I have tried many things, and this is bomb. It stings very much, but I just jump around to distract myself from the pain. But yeah within 1.5 month...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

12 years ago
Journal Of Skin Picking & Hopefully My Journey To Stop It

I want to join your anti-picking routine! Its really hard to quit, I need some motivation.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
Male 25 Second Course Accutane Log

Its your second time on it, at least now you won't be surprised to see an initial purging. Good luck!

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
What Is The Right Treatment For Pih

PIH shouldn't be something to wrap your head around too much. - its temporary - it fades (with time) - accelerate the fading with alpha hydroxy acid products

In forum Other acne treatments

12 years ago
Really Down Lately...

Your looks don't matter hun. Cysts or no cysts, there are more important things in life besides the condition of your skin. Take a deep breath and brush all the negativity off your chest. If yo...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago