Forum Replies Created

Moderate acne on back of neck

That's folliculitis. You have infected skin. Start to wash the skin with antibacterial soap on a daily basis and change your pillowcases more frequently.

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
Gave Up All Hope (Nothing Is Working!)

Have you taken any antibiotics at all? A severe case like that won't be cured by any soap or shampoo I'm afraid. Cystic acne is too deep into the skin to be affected by anything you put onto the skin....

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
Yet another folliculitis question.. bacterial or fungal?

If it's a gel then it may be clogging.. the topical solution I got is clear liquid so no way it could cause a breakout unless you would be allergic or so.. Anyway, as a preventive measure I'll stick w...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
Yet another folliculitis question.. bacterial or fungal?

Not in the best mood now; got to see the doc today and was basically told it was a mild case of bacterial folliculitis and that it was too mild to warrant any prescribed treatment.. I did get a topic...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
Head and Shoulders: miracle bacne cure in 1 week

If head & shoulders works for you or you just wanna give a try; get the 2% Pyrithione Zinc Therapy Soap instead (or similar brand). H&S is good for oily skin but if yours is dry to begin with ...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
Yet another folliculitis question.. bacterial or fungal?

So my past acne is gone and I've been 99.9% clear on my face for the past years mostly using good cleansing and Epiduo but, I can't seem to get rid of those stubborn red bumps on my neck/upper chest ...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
Someone Help Please! Chest Acne 🙁

Check this with your derm. They should monitor your progress when on accutane. Sometimes dosage needs to be adjusted. Few bumps on the road are to be expected when treating acne..

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

11 years ago
Male Hormonal Body Acne--Need Help!

If your acne is hormonal accutane will do nothing for it in the long term. It will all come back after you finish your course, I did a 7 month accutane course which cleared me up beautifully don't get...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

11 years ago
Pityrosporum Folliculitis ?

On 7/12/2013 at 5:51 AM, Tom Busby said: Ketoconazole tablets should be taken with a slightly acid stomach, like if you drink a Coke or a glass of lemon juice, and then wait an hour, and then...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

11 years ago
Pityrosporum Folliculitis ?

This thing is driving me crazy; I'm getting a couple of bumps on my chest at a time and I've had it for few years. Oral antibiotics always clears it up but it comes back anyway. I tried anti-bacterial...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

11 years ago
How Do You Control Your Oily Skin?

I got rid most of my oiliness after I was done with accutane but last week was craizy oiliness week for me.. I couldn't figure out was happened! Then checking weather services I realized we had 100% h...

In forum Oily skin

12 years ago

I have this issue on and off. I'm moisturizing with 20% propylene glycol and it seems to work. The acne on butt could be bacterial or fungi infection of the follicules.

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

13 years ago
Epiduo is a scam!

How much guys do you pay for Epiduo? I live in Sweden and it's about €12 for me. Certainly not that big deal..

In forum Prescription acne medications

13 years ago
My Epiduo experience

About two weeks in and so far so good. No new pimples and no initial breakout yet. I strongly recommend anyone trying this to stick with it for few months at least. One word of advice though; don't ap...

In forum Personal logs

14 years ago
My Epiduo experience

I use aloe vera day crème from bodyshop, whenever my skin is too dry. I would recommend this rather than a simple moisturiser.

In forum Personal logs

14 years ago
Sulfur for acne

I bought P. Th. Roth Sulfur Cooling Masque and I'd like to know how often I can use it.. My regimen includes washing with tea trea oil and epiduo once a day. I have oily skin but also alot of dry flak...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

14 years ago
My Epiduo experience

I've just switched from BP to Epiduo because after 2 months I started to break out again..two weeks with new pimples and I gave up.   No burning or anything like skin must be resistant....

In forum Personal logs

14 years ago
A Zinc-less Zinc Regimen for Adults: Draft 4

I'm vit D deficient. Good luck catching any sun in Scandinavia..

In forum Adult acne

14 years ago
Magnesium might heal you

Hi I'm taking magnesium chewing pills. It says 1078mg magnesium lactate and 125 mg magnesium citrate in one pill. Is that enough? I realised I must be losing alot of magnesium cos I sweat a lot and do...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids

  I'm still on my initial dosage, fourth week on, and has had no breakouts at all. There were few times when I thought I would get few pimples but nothing come out of it. My skin is not so oily a...

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago
Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids

  I'm past day 5 on 2.4 g EPA/DHA and there's some change; usually my forehead has a very heavy feel cos of the oil but it's not as bad tonight. Dunno if there's less oil though. Still early days...

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago
Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids

Think of it like this. You can ingest well over 20g of fish oil daily by eating fish for a meal (maybe 2 meals of fish, for lunch and dinner). Thats all the capsules are, so theres no harm in taking t...

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago
Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids

So I got this fish oil where one capsule is 1000mg with 399mg EPA/DHA. The bottle says I should take 1-2 each day but reading here I would need 3-4. Is that safe? yes, it's safe. you're target ar...

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago
Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids

  So I got this fish oil where one capsule is 1000mg with 399mg EPA/DHA. The bottle says I should take 1-2 each day but reading here I would need 3-4. Is that safe?    

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago
Topical Vitamin A?

I'm not entirely satisfied with this either. Been using it for few months now and while I've seen results, it's kinda odd. I used it on my arms to get rid of acne which appeared last year. It worked l...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

18 years ago