Forum Replies Created

PCOS and Hormonal Adult Acne

WELL HEY THERE STRANGER!!!   How's it going? So glad to hear that Accutane worked out well for ya!   I HEAR YOU!! I'm over a year post-tane and while my results have been impressive and lo...

In forum Adult acne

13 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Ummm your skin looks kind of AWESOME!!!!!! You certainly came a long way, congrats on your beautiful glowing skin and congrats for hanging in there. Accutane is not exactly easy but seeing inspiring s...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Updates!!   Skin? Interview? School?  

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Don't be discouraged or frustrated!! I definitely agree that you should have your dosage increased, I'm sure once you tell your derm how you feel and what you've been experiencing he'll understand. Ha...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Hahhaha omg I just remembered I had a couple of weird dreams too and they started when I was on accutane. Must have been last week when I had my last weird dream. The only thing I pretty much remembe...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
Accutane Log: Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces

Congrats on your Veteran status and your wonderful progress on the course thus far!!   It's funny that you bring up Muse because my boyfriend actually just made me listen to some of their stuff e...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Ohhh I DEFINITELY see improvement from your last set of pics!!!! LOOKING GOOD!!! And the right side looks completely clear   I'm getting the dam back cramps too, its so annoying! Also, I had to...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Your updates are always so entertaining and adventurous, I love it. I hate the ones that lurk too.. grr!! Don't worry, they will all DIE soon enough. Lillith just won't give up huh?   I can feel ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
Wedding Day Count Down - Accutane Do Your Stuff!

Looks like your progressing beautifully! My acne is very similar to how yours was when you first started the treatment- but a bit worse   You'll be clear in no time!!

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Aww don't worry and don't get discouraged, we're all in this together You never know, things might go differently this month! Just be positive- and next month, demand your raise! If it makes you fe...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Hahaha well I actually find comfort in the fact that the blackheads actually come out!!! I was starting to get the impression that they were just going to hover under the surface looking like they're ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
SUNNICALI KiCkin Acne'S Butt!

Hii there!! I'm just a few days behind you on the road to clear skin!! Looks like your progressing quite nicely-- I think my IB is still going strong   Oh... LOVE your blister pack dance

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

14 years ago
Diane 35

So after being on Diane and Apo-Doxy simultaneously, I found that my face was improving but I was still getting minor breakouts. So when my second cycle of Diane ended, I decideed to stop using it all...

In forum Hormonal acne

15 years ago
Diane 35

Im glad to hear im not the only one who broke out when starting diane 35. ive just finished my firts 3 weeks and not only have i not improved im worse than ive ever been. before the pills i h...

In forum Hormonal acne

15 years ago
Diane 35

I was on Diane35 2 times before, I'm on my 3rd round of this stuff. (1st time 1.5 years, 2nd time 1.5 years, 3rd time 1 month so far) The 1st time, it was about 5 months before I saw results, I did ge...

In forum Hormonal acne

15 years ago
Diane 35

Hey guys... I just started on Diane 35, it's been about a week now and I'm sure it's far too soon to be expecting results but I did notice that I haven't gotten any new breakouts. Whereas, a few weeks...

In forum Hormonal acne

15 years ago
Apple Cider Vinegar


In forum Scar treatments

17 years ago
what has cleared me 100% (no BS, only 2 products)

I gave this regimen a go.. and I must say I am amazzzedddd at the results.. it's working reallyy well for me.. I'm almost clean and clear and under control!!!! (hopefully) Thanks for posting this thre...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

18 years ago
cucumber juice works

interesting.. sounds like it's worth a try.

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago
Diane 35

You know............I don't know how to react to this pill because obviously everyone is different.  There are people who have no side effect...

In forum Hormonal acne

19 years ago