Forum Replies Created

What 100% cured my acne

Hello everyone, I've been on 3 courses of antibiotics, accutane, every kind of acne commercial product, I got rid of dairy, gluten, etc and I still had terrible cystic acne. I want to share with every...

In forum Other acne treatments

8 years ago
Prescribed onexton, a little worried

Hello, i was was prescribed onexton which is part antibiotic and part benzyl peroxide. Do you think applying this cream will cause an imbalance in gut flora that oral antibiotics cause, I.e will it ki...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Skeptical to try Regimen and here is why

4 hours ago, jennymai said: So quick answer to your last question, no, that does not mean the bp is becoming less effective. It means your skin is adjusting, that's good news! Some people's ski...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Skeptical to try Regimen and here is why

10 hours ago, CP. said: The breakout could have been caused by something else. But to answer your questions on Moisturizer: The burning is due to the BP, not the Moisturizer. ...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Skeptical to try Regimen and here is why

Hello, I have gone through many acne treatments from my dermatologist and antibiotics worked for about a year but then I became resistant and accutane made my scalp extremely dry so I had to stop that...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Accutane Side effect please help!!

30 mg a day

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Accutane Side effect please help!!

Hello, I started accutane about 5 days ago, my only side effect so far is that my scalp is extremely dry. I have red patches with flakey skin ALL over my head, and It is so bad I cannot go outside and...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Solodyn update

I was in the same exact situation as you earlier this year except It seems that Solodyn atleast stopped your acne. I had been on doxycycline for a year and a half and I had perfect skin but unfortunat...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Roaccutane Newbie...week 1

I am on day 2 of accutane as well, I am also taking 30 mg a day for 4 weeks and I havent had any side effects at all except my lips a little dry so far but I am also on a very low dosage for my height...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Cant checkout!

4 hours ago, -John- said: @gbomb47 You can order the products on amazon. Yeah I was hoping I wouldn't have to pay the extra $10 for shipping on Amazon but I guess it has come down to ...

In forum Announcements and feedback

8 years ago
Cant checkout!

I cleared my cookies,browsing history, etc. and I used firefox,google chrome, internet explorer and tried on 2 different laptops. I type my information in and now it gives me a new error. " Please ind...

In forum Announcements and feedback

8 years ago
Cant checkout!

Hello, This is more of a technical question but everytime I enter my address and payment information, etc. it tells me this, " Please verify the provided address. Saved addresses may have incomplete i...

In forum Announcements and feedback

8 years ago