Forum Replies Created

Red Bumps/Rashes appearing everynight

Omg I have the same problem these days and I'm also using the Garnier Micellar water. Do the rashes/red bumps also disappear again during the day?

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
4th month of Yasmin still breaking out

Hey sorry to hear that. I've been on Yasmin for longer than 1 year and I still get the same amount of breakouts.. really frustrating. Unfortunately it's not going to be a life saver for everyone with ...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Anyone recommend a foundation that doesn't break you out?

Vichy Dermablend foundation! Great coverage, suits oily skin, high spf and non comedogenic. Some people say it's high coverage but if I use this I can still see my freckles. It just really take the re...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

8 years ago
Diane 35 log

Katy your skin looks soso good! And enjoy your vacation to the Bahamas!! 

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Rooibos tea

On 24-8-2016 at 9:17 PM, SkinDeeply said: Not too sure. I've been drinking 2-3 cups a day for a few years just because I like the taste and it chills me out. I'm pretty much 100% clear these da...

In forum Diet & holistic health

8 years ago
Popped pimple that keeps filling up with pus and opening up again

Don't put anything on an open wound. Don't try to speed up the healing process, just let your body do it's work  

In forum Skin picking

8 years ago
Crazy things you've done to get rid of your acne

To sleep with honey on my face. One big sticky mess when I woke up xd

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Using aha even after scab have come off?

Well I wouldn't put AHA on fresh new skin since it's more sensitive. So you should probably wait a few days to put it on  

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Birth control not working?

Ah same  The last 2 months I constantly keep breaking out. Yeah I hope it will work eventually. Maybe even after a year? Anyway I'm deff not going to quit with BC. I still have...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Birth control not working?

Me again here. Me with the same problem here. Guess it were not those 3 months we were waiting for to get clear skin... Are you going to try something new?  It's so weird, acne has all to ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Diane 35 log

Pimples under the skin are so frustrating.. I should delete my last comment. I guess we were too hopefull 🙁

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
What is YOUR skincare routine? And CeraVe opinions?

I use a cottonpad with Garnier Miccellair water to get the dirt of my face. I'll wash it off just with water. I pat my face dry with tissues and put 5 times a week every morning and evening 2% bha lot...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Diane 35 log

Omg look at our skins. We've made such a progress!! Can't believe how little the red dots are

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Diane 35 log

Omg it's looking so much better. The redness is totally fading  I know the struggle with crusted skin and foundation, it's terrible.. Goodluck <3

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Diane 35 log

I also got an initial breakout like the 4th day. Nothing crazy!

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Going on Diane 35

Yesss I will, you have to keep me updated too! it's my 11th day and I'm not having any new breakouts but the ''old'' ones from the first week are tough! They wont get smaller ugh. Can't wait to see ho...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
How bad is my skin

Where them scars at?

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Going on Diane 35

Hey Imm not sure abot diane35 but It's pretty close to Yasmin because it's a combination pill. It's my first week on yasmin and I do get a initial breakout. Everyday there is a pimple growing under my...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
How ya feelin' about your acne today?

Strange enough I'm feeling pretty good even tho Yasmin breaks me out like crazy. I'm so positive because if it will stop breaking me out in 3-4 months I'll have for the first time clear skin during th...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Comedonal Acne and Accutane

Omg woah your skin looks so good! And that only after 3/ 4 months. You must be verrryy happy (: goodluck with the upcoming months

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

8 years ago

I had the same thing. I just dabbed it all the time with a tissue and water till it stopped leaking. If it's still leaking but not that bad you just have to leave it alone. It's a wound so you'll get ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
How ya feelin' about your acne today?

it's my first day on yasmin and my first day of using Erytromicyn. Can't wait for the results (: have been breaking out badly, time for some positivity

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
How ya feelin' about your acne today?

Today I feel so fooking done with my face. I emotionally can't handle my acne and ingrown hairs and every fkn hair on my cheeks anymore. I just want to cut my skin off

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Scarring vs purple discoloration

What is worse acne scars or dark purple marks? Based on how 'easy' to get rid of it

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
How ya feelin' about your acne today?

I got a cyst in my ear and it's so painful   Such a weird place, never had one before in my ear

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago