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4th month of Yasmin still breaking out


Posted : 03/13/2017 8:56 am

I am at the end of my 3rd pack. The week right before my period and leading into my period I get a bad breakout with big pimples. I currently have 4 on my chin. After those weeks, it begins to clear up. I might get small zits during the other weeks, but they go away quickly. Also, i skipped the Placebo week last pack to hurry it along. I am going to do the same this month.Is it not working for me? I am really frustrated and just want the acne to go away. Should I go back to the doctor?


Posted : 03/13/2017 10:43 am

Hey sorry to hear that. I've been on Yasmin for longer than 1 year and I still get the same amount of breakouts.. really frustrating. Unfortunately it's not going to be a life saver for everyone with acne.


Posted : 03/13/2017 10:48 am

y'all i was on Yaz for seven months and i thought my body just had to get used to it..biggest mistake ever. that shit wreckkkked me. My skin just kept getting worse to the point i had to go on accutane to undo the damage. If you're suspecting its not working for ya i recommend bailing before more harm than good is done


Posted : 03/14/2017 8:50 pm

On 3/13/2017 at 11:48 AM, GracieP said:

y'all i was on Yaz for seven months and i thought my body just had to get used to it..biggest mistake ever. that shit wreckkkked me. My skin just kept getting worse to the point i had to go on accutane to undo the damage. If you're suspecting its not working for ya i recommend bailing before more harm than good is done

Sounds exactly like what happened to me first from Spiro and then from Sprintec. :'/ I'm sorry it happened to you, too. Taking both medicines was of the worst choices I've ever made; Sprintec especially caused horrendous cystic acne that actually scarred my skin after only 4 weeks of taking it and now I'm on low-dose accutane [which has helped, thankfully]. I now know I'm estrogen dominant and clinically deficient in progesterone [which causes acne] and both exacerbated that problem. Both prescriptions definitely aren't the right choice for every woman with acne.


Posted : 03/14/2017 9:29 pm

29 minutes ago, cloudydreamer said:
Sounds exactly like what happened to me first from Spiro and then from Sprintec. :'/ I'm sorry it happened to you, too. Taking both medicines was of the worst choices I've ever made; Sprintec especially caused horrendous cystic acne that actually scarred my skin after only 4 weeks of taking it and now I'm on low-dose accutane [which has helped, thankfully]. I now know I'm estrogen dominant and clinically deficient in progesterone [which causes acne] and both exacerbated that problem. Both prescriptions definitely aren't the right choice for every woman with acne.

I actually started my second course of accutane in october because 6 months after the first one it came back even worse. However I am now starting my sixth month at 60 mg a day and i weigh 110 and my skin looks awful..worse than before i started its just so crappy and has made me so depressed. My derms first reaction was "oh well just add in spiro to see if it works"......first of all.....not to go against a doctor but spiro and accutane don't seem good to take together...second i asked her if i should get hormones tested to see if spiro would be what addressed the problem and she just said oh no well just try it no matter what as if it didnt matter to her if my skin completely blew up. so i got my hormones tested before i dare take anything. yaz made me blow up and that already contains spiro in it so I'm borderline refusing to take that. Plus, I've told her countless times that my period is exact to the day every month and very light and normal. My acne is comedonal all around my face, and on my forehead. it doesn't even look like typical hormonal acne so I'm so frustrated that she just wants to put me on a treatment that could potentially ruin my skin even more without even testing. Im just kind of lost right now though since my results with the accutane just aren't good at all


Posted : 03/14/2017 11:57 pm

2 hours ago, GracieP said:
3 hours ago, cloudydreamer said:
Sounds exactly like what happened to me first from Spiro and then from Sprintec. :'/ I'm sorry it happened to you, too. Taking both medicines was of the worst choices I've ever made; Sprintec especially caused horrendous cystic acne that actually scarred my skin after only 4 weeks of taking it and now I'm on low-dose accutane [which has helped, thankfully]. I now know I'm estrogen dominant and clinically deficient in progesterone [which causes acne] and both exacerbated that problem. Both prescriptions definitely aren't the right choice for every woman with acne.

I actually started my second course of accutane in october because 6 months after the first one it came back even worse. However I am now starting my sixth month at 60 mg a day and i weigh 110 and my skin looks awful..worse than before i started its just so crappy and has made me so depressed. My derms first reaction was "oh well just add in spiro to see if it works"......first of all.....not to go against a doctor but spiro and accutane don't seem good to take together...second i asked her if i should get hormones tested to see if spiro would be what addressed the problem and she just said oh no well just try it no matter what as if it didnt matter to her if my skin completely blew up. so i got my hormones tested before i dare take anything. yaz made me blow up and that already contains spiro in it so I'm borderline refusing to take that. Plus, I've told her countless times that my period is exact to the day every month and very light and normal. My acne is comedonal all around my face, and on my forehead. it doesn't even look like typical hormonal acne so I'm so frustrated that she just wants to put me on a treatment that could potentially ruin my skin even more without even testing. Im just kind of lost right now though since my results with the accutane just aren't good at all

60mg is pretty high for your weight/frame. I would ask another derm for a second opinion. Not sure why they felt it necessary to put you on anything above 40. If your gut instinct says no to Spiro, follow it. I got a bad feeling and took it anyway, same with Sprintec, and it ruined my skin.
