Forum Replies Created

Over three months on regimen: sudden cystic acne breakout

Your skin becomes dependent on BP killing the p.acne bacteria in your skin. Coming off it your skin will need time to adjust to having to fight that type of bacteria on its own. This is very common in...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
If I'm Allergic In Bp 2.5% Should I Stop This Regimen?

As long as you see improvement, yes. If after a week or two the redness is the same, you're likely allergic.

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Can You Identify What's Causing The Acne/blackheads On My Chest And Shoulder And Review My Treatment Plan? (Picture Included)

Most likely not as you'll be washing off the majority of it before it has time to dry/sink into your pores. SA gels are pretty cheap though and can be found at any drugstore.

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Can You Identify What's Causing The Acne/blackheads On My Chest And Shoulder And Review My Treatment Plan? (Picture Included)

In my experience with patients BP works much better on folliculitis than SA does due to the bacteria found in the pores with folliculitis. SA is really more of an exfoliant which makes it better for b...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Moisturizer Greasiness

It's a pretty bad moisturizer for oily skin and that's a really common complaint. The vast majority of people that use the regimen do not use Dan's moisturizer. You should get an appropriate moisturiz...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
2 Months In The Regimen, No Improvement. Should I Quit?

Make sure you're not irritating your skin in anyway. You can try upping your BP dosage slowly and seeing if that helps. Give it another month and if you see no improvement your acne is likely too seve...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
If I'm Allergic In Bp 2.5% Should I Stop This Regimen?

Try using it at night only and see if the redness goes down. If not yes you probably should stop.

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Bp= Premature Ageing?

So BP does increase your chances of getting wrinkles due to the way the free radicals affect your skin. Higher % can make this worse so I would not advise using over 2.5% as there really isn't any adv...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Can You Identify What's Causing The Acne/blackheads On My Chest And Shoulder And Review My Treatment Plan? (Picture Included)

My first guess was folliculitis but I'm not entirely sure. Do the spots have puss in them and do they smell bad if popped? They look like blackheads from that angle, which SA should help.

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Using Benzoyl Peroxide As Mask?

This could end up really irritating your skin if you use too much. To be honest though within 15 minutes your skin can absorb a lot of BP. You likely wouldn't even be washing much off. You're just inc...

In forum products

9 years ago
How I Feel Every Day About Acne

You should see a highly rated board certified dermatologist in your area. If your acne is very severe you might want to consider stopping breast feeding and going on Accutane. This is a personal choic...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Huge Breakout 1.5 Years Into Regimen

So the redness and breakouts are likely from rosacea as BP should not be causing redness after such a long period of being on it. I would contact a highly rated board certified dermatologist to determ...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Acne From Working Out And Cardio

So acne is almost completely genetic. There is actually no study that has ever been done linking acne to any type of food consumption. Many people think their diet is the cause and while some foods th...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Starting Regimen On Clear Skin?

Just a heads up about the moisturizer that comes with the kit, it's not very moisturizing and doesn't have the best reputation here due to all the ingredients Dan puts in it. It causes a fair amount o...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Starting Regimen On Clear Skin?

So it's probably alright if you try to use BP to clear up your remaining acne. BP is actually very good for post Accutane users assuming they can handle it. Dan himself is actually a post Accutane BP ...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Skipping Step Three Helped Acne

I can second this. Dan's moisturizer is not good at all for most acne prone skin. Many of the ingredients are well known to clog pores. He really needs to fix this at some point. Facts are facts, look...

In forum products

9 years ago Glycolic Acid

Yeah it's an ingredient listed in the product that causes that. That scam product called "Cure" that's really popular in japan uses a similar ingredient to fool you into thinking it's dead skin. Shoul...

In forum products

9 years ago
Will Dan's Aha+ Reduce Or Enlarge The Appearance Of Pores?

So I've never seen any study that shows that ANY product can affect the size of your pores in any type of long term way (more than a few minutes). Pore size is completely genetic and your pores will a...

In forum products

9 years ago
Aha No Stinging Is Bad?

Some people just have tougher skin than others.

In forum products

9 years ago
Should I Stop The Regimen ?!

I honesty don't know why Dan recommends starting off using BP twice a day. I started using maybe half a pump ONCE a day and I still got pretty red. Can't imagine using as much as some people do and ev...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Does The Products Here Help With Scar Also?

The AHA can improve some scars a bit, but it helps with hyperpigmentation (often mistaken as a scar) a lot. Unfortunately the only really effective treatment for most scars is laser treatment.

In forum products

9 years ago
How To Buff Away Flakes From Aha

Wet washcloth, but be very gentle.

In forum products

9 years ago
Starting Regimen On Clear Skin?

How long have you been off accutane and how dry is your skin normally?

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago Bp Vs. Paula's Choice Bp

Just a heads up if you're switching from PC to Dan's BP. Dan's BP is like pharmaceutical grade and like you said does not contain those ingredients that reduce the side effects from BP. I only mention...

In forum products

9 years ago
Jojoba Oil Alone As A Moisturiser?

You can give it a shot but jojoba oil is really a hit or miss product. It just depends on your skin type. It's great if it doesn't clog your pores but it is an oil and despite what some will tell you ...

In forum products

9 years ago