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Skipping Step Three Helped Acne


Posted : 01/04/2015 2:00 pm

m writing this to help others who have suffered from acne. I kept breaking out on the regimen so I de one day to stop using Dan's moisturizer. The moment I stopped my skin improved dramatically. I just moisturize in the morning with clinique moisturizer bc I think Dan's may have broken me out for some reason. I would just use a little less bp and sleep with it on. Then in the morning wash face with a mild cleanser and moisturize. This seemed to help a lot and my skin wasn't so flaky. I was on the full three step for 3 weeks when I decided to not use the moisturizer. I have had mild/moderate acne, but the when I used the regimen it brought out zits where NEVER got them in my life!! So once I stopped the just started healing! I hope this helps others.

Shakiraa liked

Posted : 06/04/2015 2:13 am

I can second this. Dan's moisturizer is not good at all for most acne prone skin. Many of the ingredients are well known to clog pores. He really needs to fix this at some point. Facts are facts, look at the reviews on it.


Posted : 07/15/2016 10:38 pm

I think I'm going to skip out on the moisturizer, also. I just started this. Literally day 2. But I can tell that I don't need the moisturizer. I hardly ever get dry skin...ever. I have extremely oil skin. I followed the directions for how to apply step 3 and I feel very sure that if I rather only apply step 1 and 2, then I will get clear skin that isn't as oily as cooking oil.
