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How to Get It
Have a dermatologist or plastic surgeon? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find a dermatologist or the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to find a plastic surgeon.
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November 13, 2007


no downtime youd never know id had it done!my last resort!!!


never heard any1 else say this but thought it hurt a bit wihat a wimp eh!

im genuine unlike some of the other posts ive read where everyone goes to the private clinic(what a coincidence eh)i went to the aesthetic beauty centre in sunderland to see a qualified gp not a nurse no disrespect!having had peels there before i went back to ask dr dutta about nlite when my skin broke out again after years of being spot seen nlite advertised in various places and went for a consultation.he told me id have to be patient as this isnt an overnight cure and could get worse before better.i went for my first treatment four weeks ago and was pleased to see my skin hasnt relly got worse infact my scars seem to be a lot more faded and my spots went down after a couple of weeks. lately i had a little breakout but still looks much going for my next treatment tonite so il let you know how i get on.praying it clears up loads more for my hols in jan fingers crossed!he also told me you need to treat a very small area at a time to prevent causing more scarring!
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July 3, 2007


Very short recovery time (30 minutes)



Tried the Smoothbeam laser. Received treatment once a month for 3 consecutive months. Didn't notice improvement until sometime in between the 2nd and 3rd treatment. My skin was firmer and the beam helped rid of some redness.
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June 27, 2016
Cool Touch Laser
I suffered with acne on and off my entire teenage and adult life. Approximately a year ago, I went off my birth control pills for medical reasons which caused my acne to start again. I went to a dermatologist and was prescribed Spironolcatone 100mg/day and Minocyline 100mg/2x per day. I was also prescribed Aczone and Tazorac over the course of a year. The medications helped some, but did not control all of my acne. I still needed injections for some cysts which would appear around my time of the month. I was very frustrated especially since the birth control was keeping my acne controlled. My dermatologist recommended another skin care center which provided the Cool Touch Laser. She knew of some patients which were getting positive results. I purchased a series of 4 sessions which I received on two week intervals. After the first session, I did not notice any changes. After the second treatment, my overall skin appeared healthier and less breakouts. After the third treatment, my overall skin looked great and only got one minor pimple which healed within two days. After the fourth treatment, my skin looked much better and my acne seems under control. It did not completely clear my skin, but during my time of the month I only got one small pimple which healed quickly. I haven't had any cystic pimples since the second treatment. Since this regimen seems to be controlling my acne right now, I go back once a month for a treatment. We will try to lengthen the time going forward to determine how long the results will last. The laser treatments are very pricey but worth the money in my opinion. I wasting money on treatments that didn't work for a long time. I am also using Dr. Obagi's Clenziderm facial wash, Hydrate moisturizer, and sunscreen. I love the moisturizer and sunscreen. Doesn't clog my pores at all.
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April 2, 2008


Redness completely gone, shallow acne scars gone, deeper acne scars improved but still there of course.


After each treatment, I was horribly bruised and swollen. I had to take a couple days off work. My derm warned me that he would bruise me intentionally to get the best results, and some pain during procedure.

I've had moderate to severe acne scars for years and finally decided to have a combination of the smooth beam/ V beam lasers. I couldn't be happier with the results. Initially, I saw no improvement. It took 2-3 treatments to see redness fade, but took about a year after treatment for my shallow and deeper scars to even out with the rest of my skin. Deeper scars will never go away completely but mine have been improved significantly. People with acne scars should consider this. It is pricey, I paid $380 per treatment but I think it is definately money well spent.
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March 28, 2008


It worked, I recommend


Expensive, shop around

I was in my late thirties when I had three Nlite sessions at The Private Clinic. It worked for me and so I would recommend the treatment but NOT the clinic. Unfortuantely, I agree with others,it's all about money and although they were profesional there was no aftercare or follow up, so I sent a letter of complaint, when your paying that kind of money they should at least ask for feedback! I chose NLite because Dr Chou (of The Hammersmith Hosp)recommended it and he is the best in his field. My acne/scarring cleared for a few years but seems to be back (at 44). I am checking if any other more advanced are avilable. I now go to The London Bridge Hospital clinic, a lady called Sheryl is great and honest. The peels are great and good value, they use Omnilux which I am researching. Believe me, I have also had Isologen injections(mega bucks) and so tried it all and NLite was best. Streer clear of The Cranley Clinic as they are also all about money! Good Luck! Sarah
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January 18, 2008


In combo with VBeam laser helps with overall skin tone and scar reduction.


Not covered by insurance

I paid $1400 for a set of 5 Smoothbeam/VBeam laser treatments, I am now done and can see a huge decreased in my acne scars, redness, pore size, I still breakout a little but I would say this is the best treatment I have used. I tried Accutane and would never recommend it. The treatments do hurt I never used the numbing cream but they last only 20 min. so it is bearable. You have to get at least 4 treatments to start seeing results.
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November 30, 2007


looking much better after two sessions


having to be patient!and cost but so far its worth it

can some other people who didnt get theirs done at any of the "private clinics"write in please.the amount of times ive read how the nurses are so helpful and the products they sold were so great do the staff think people are stupid and wont realise half of the reviews have obviously been sent in by them!anyway i wrote a review in not long ago and ive now had my second treatment due to have my third in a weeks time.Scars and redness have definately faded quite a bit and im even using a makeup with lighter coverage as my skins a lot smoother.still secretly hoping theyre just going to disappear overnight but we have to be about four stubborn spots at moment the ones that hurt but where ive had laser no more have come up he targets only the spots that are there at the time so anymore that appear in different places will have to be treated next the way you dont need any follow up products with this so dont be conned!had couple microdermabrasions in between seems to help
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October 25, 2007


Very effective, and been free from breakouts for over six months after completing course of treatment.


Quite expensive. Seemed to make spots worse to begin with.

I finished a course of 6 n-lite treatments in Manchester about 7 months ago now. I was very sceptical at first, especially after the first 3 treatments seemed to make the spots worse. My skin improved dramatically after that and I've had really clear skin since. There's a visible improvement in how much younger my skin looks and the scarring is less noticible. I've since had some light peels that have really improved the darker skin marks too.
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April 20, 2007


skin is instantly smoother after each treatment
great results seen after 2 visits (in my case)


hurts like HELL!!
pricey ($300 per treatment)

i'll keep you far i've done 2 treatments in 3 week increments. my face looks great! ...not perfect...but a huge improvement...a lot less break outs and scars are smoothing out as well! friends, family, and co-workers have noticed...very exciting! some of these reviews really scared me but i guess i have the perfect skin scenario for this treatment...not stuck up girl: "oh my god, i got a zit" type....more like the infection/cystic type acne and mainly on the cheeks with mild scarring...but not crazy broken out all of the time and all over my face type either! i've had acne since my early-late teens...i've been on many medications and birth control has been the only thing that has worked. i researched many treatments before i booked my smoothbeam appt.! I think that I will do 2 more and let you know my final outcome!
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October 9, 2006


Pros: Effectively treats active ance lesions, yields marginal improvement in acne scarring, helps lighten post-inflammatory redness from acne, gives an overall 'smoother' appearance to the skin


Cons: Very expensive, expect pain and discomfort during, and directly after, treatment, best results may take a couple months after the treatment is finished to appear, risk more scarring if done incorrectly

This laser is a very uneconomical and marginally effective treatment for acne scarring; however, if you have the money, it is an option -- for a small fortune. (I spent $900 USD for a series of four treatments, and the results I see so far are disappointing for the amount I paid.) Yet, it is excellent for clearing active acne and relatively "new" blemishes. I have 100% clearance of my acne post-treatment, except I still have the acne scarring as detailed above. Please, be realistic with your expectations of what this laser can and cannot do. Although I see some *slight* improvement in my scarring, I expected a greater reduction in its size and depth; it will NOT completely remove scarring (as is true for most procedures.) I have had tremedous success with at-home chemical peels with the scarring without breaking the bank, and I would recommend this first before doing laser.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.