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How to Get It
Have a dermatologist or plastic surgeon? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find a dermatologist or the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to find a plastic surgeon.
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November 5, 2008




Treatment is very expensive, and it doesn't work. The treatment itself is quite painful, and there is no aftercare.

In my consultation, the nurse decided I should need three treatments in total, costing £225 each. I was told the treatment would clear up the spots and calm some of the permenent redness and scarring on my face. However, it is about a month after my third and final treatment, and my skin looks and behaves exactly the same way as before I had anything done. I have spent all this money and there are no results to show for it. Its a complete waste, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I felt that the nurse at The Private Clinic wasn't very knowledgeable or helpful, and when I queried the fact that there was no improvements, or even side effects during the treatment as you're ment to get an outbreak of spots, she just kept fobbing me off with " it takes time to see any results".
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December 23, 2007
I had my first Smoothbeam treatment a week & a half ago. I am 41 with mild acne. I decided to try SB to reduce some acne scarring & reduce my pores. I was given numbing cream for my face which I was instructed to put on every 10 minutes for an hour b/f treatment; it worked great & the "pain" was minimal. My situation now, however, is that I have several hyperpigmentation lines on both sides of my face & some spots as well. They can be pretty much covered with mineral makeup, but what the heck?! I am disapponted with this aspect. My skin does seem somewhat clearer... if you don't look at the lines. I am scheduled for a 2nd treatment, but am hesitant at this point. Will it make these lines worse? The Deratologist doesn't seem to "see" the lines for some reason (?). But my husband notices I'm not nuts. Still deciding if treatments will continue....
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June 25, 2007


The private clinic have nice offices


Not worth the risk of permanant damage.

Had a first free consultation at the Private Clinic for laser treatment for some mild scars on my face, Was told I now have to have another consultation with the laser expert and pay £100. I was told that I should expect 70-80% improvements. After reading the comments im going to give it a miss. Its not worth taking the risk of making your face worse by using a laser to burn your scars away. The nurse told me that the redness goes away in three days, but reading all the comments this seems to be a contradiction. I am 29 and I think I will wait until the technology is more proven and has a higher credible result, in the mean time I have learned an important lesson. Don't spend £1000s to make yourself feel better, be healthy and happy as there are people in the world who are less fortunate than us.
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November 29, 2006


You get psyched up with all the promises of huge improvements!


Not over-expecting anything life changing, the results after 9 treatments were a dillusioning let down! I was told to keep going, not to lose the momentum of what was started. I was told it takes up to 1 year to see results. Total B.S!!

If I had the choice to do it again for FREE, I wouldn't do it! The pain and time spent WERE NOT worth the results!I'm in my 50's and search daily for alternative, no down time treatments. SMOOTHBEAM is in my opinion totally oversold and just one more huge let-down for what I thought was finally an answer to scarring. I compared some pics of 1 year ago to present, and virtually so no changes. My advice, is DON"T BELIEVE ANY OF IT!!
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December 5, 2013
Temporary but effective


Very effective after a suitable number of treatments
Helps fade redness, marks and scars


Temporary, required repeat treatments
More discomfort/pain as laser strength increases
Outbreak is a side effect

My view on Nlite: This is an extremely effective COSMETIC treatment, although it is only temporary. This is not a cure for acne and I was informed by the nurse who treated me with Nlite in October 2012 that results may last up till 10 months. It also confirms this on the Nlite website. This treatment will quite simply destroy the bacteria that cause acne as well as speeds up the time it takes acne redness, post acne marks and scars to fade. Please note that when you have this treatment you run the risk of having red / dry face or even an outbreak in the days that follow. How Nlite worked for me: I am 21 year old male and for three years I have had acne. Between October and December 2012 I had three treatments. The strength of the last was 2.4, 2.6 and 3. No real improvement after two sessions but in January 2013 after my third my face was starting to clear and was completely clear until October 2013. Unfortunately for me my acne is starting to come back, although it is nowhere near as bad as it was originally. I have started my new cycle, having two treatments with laser strength of 2.8 and 3 already. I am having a third in January. I am extremely optimistic that it will clear up again. My conclusion on Nlite: I highly recommend this treatment and would suggest it would be an ongoing thing you need to do to keep your skin clear. There is no limit on how many times you can have it but there is a limit of the time between sessions, 30 days. Get a 'top-up' every couple of months, leaving at least three weeks before an upcoming even (a wedding for example) to have a treatment to ensure you skin is clear!
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February 13, 2007


I have gotten two sb so far, and notice i would say SOME results...i am hopeful though and not stressing out over it. I think the less i stress the more i will see results. It has worked a little to fill in scars. NOT painful at all...!!


fairly expensive...better see results...takes time

Okay bottom line...scars take time. My scars are fresh and new so that plays a hUGE role in the turn out. I think i can see some improvement now. AGE, AND HOW OLD THE SCARS are do play a role keep in mind..and just remember dont give up!!! it takes time...its like fitness for skin...results are gradual...
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February 13, 2009


calmed down acne breakouts significantly. made skin less oily


probably temporary. everything depends on practitioner--they can make it worse. no lessening of depressed scarring or tiny veins.

i had a series of 4 (once a month) last summer. the (suprisingly amazing) control of my acne breakouts (have acne for 11 years) seems to have gone away 6 months later. I went for mild depressed scars on cheek and jaw and red spot scars. (smoothbeam/v-beam combo). Most scars look the same now--but beware! The last treatment was more intense (leaving bruising) and I was left with 4 or 5 pretty noticable spider veins around my nose--when i only had one small one before--and even tiny little veins going up my nose to my eye area. upsetting. red scars not changed. Also, there was one depressed scar that is now more than twice as big. thats the worst part--be really aware when u do this that it could happen no matter what they say--because some scars are actually bigger underneath, and somehow they get exposed. I had the low-risk skin for this too bc i have fair skin and im really careful with my face (sunscreen, always follow directions, no fragrance products).
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April 10, 2007
i'm confused why all the laser pricing seems to be irratic: i've had one smoothbeam treatment and one vbeam treatment at my dermatologist's office. each cost $150, or i could have opted to buy a package of 3 for 20% off. it's hard to understand how anyone else is paying $1000, or even half that for the same thing. it makes me wonder what the hell kind of profit margins these doctor's offices are operating under. btw, the one smoothbeam treatment i did months ago made a negligible difference.. i ran out of money to do the follow up treatments. just did my first vbeam today. other than some really slight swelling and a few little purple marks, i don't look any different yet. i'm planning on one or two more treatments.
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November 1, 2006


I am realy sorry that i havent read all those messages properly before starting with N-lite
I am 29 have scars left on my cheeks but I only had few spots on my chin it wasnt major problem but i thought i would try to achieve clean skin


plus treat the scars as well. I went to my first N -lite 3 weeks ago and my chin got absolutely mad i had the worst break out ever and had to stay off work for a week, on my second N lite spoke to dermatologist and she put me on antibiotics

they started working straitaway so i dont have any new spots coming up but the break out left me with terrible marks on my chin and will take me hell lot of time to heel them up. I am now extremly scared of carrying on with N lite I have another one to go next week and than see how i go still hoping that the laser will actualy help obviously cant stay on ATB for ever i will keep you updated with the results so fingers crossed for that [ i do the N lite on private clinic in London]
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April 1, 2008


Less active acne. Supposed to smooth out scarring


Expensive. $400 a visit. Luckily my insurance covers SB, so I pay $34 copay per visit.

I have had 4 treatments done. My insurance will cover 6, so I plan on having the final 2 done in the next month. I am in my late 20's, not much active acne, but scarring from years past. The active acne that was on my face before the first visit is now pretty much gone. The doctor took pictures before my first treatment, and the results so far are definetly noticible. She says she can tell my scars are smoothing out, but it will take a few months after my final treatment before I will really see those results. She said it takes time for the collagen to rebuild? Something to that affect. Anyways, I was concerned about getting rid of cystic acne. That I occasionally did have problems with. Less as I got older, but none the less it still would happen. I have not gotten any cystic acne since I have begun SB. The procedure is really only uncomfortable on a few places on my face. It is bearable. They put the numbing cream on. So far, I would recommend SB.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.