Oral Antibiotic
1953 Reviews
Oral Antibiotic
Based on All Available Studies
Strength of Evidence
Note: Should never be used on its own and for a maximum of 3 months.
Oral Antibiotic
Side Effects
Oral Antibiotic
Acne.org’s Real World Take
Antibiotics should be used for a maximum of 3 months, provide only moderate benefit and only to some people, and may lead to side effects and strains of resistant bacteria. Studies do show they can reduce severe acne in the short term, but approach with caution and stay your own advocate.
Oral Antibiotic
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
Read All About Minocycline
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December 18, 2011


It actually works. Reduces size and severity of breakouts. No problems with side effects.


It's a little bit more expensive than the other oral antibiotics.

I have used this for years. It isn't just an antibiotic. It is also anti-inflammatory. Using 100mg twice a day. Works even better if paired with dapsone/Aczone.
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December 26, 2010


Cleared up acne pretty good just after a week or so.
Reduced redness of acne almost after a few days.


None as of so far.

I'm covered for the cost of this, and i've been set up to be taking this for awhile. I'm using this along with a topical of benzoyl peroxide combined with some other anti-biotic. The Truth is alot of people search online and are concerned and get worried by reading bad reviews or comments. I haven't personally had anything bad happen to me while on this. And all it has done is boost my self-esteem. My skin isnt sore anymore and my acne is slowly disappearing. I highly suggest trying this anti-biotic. Just drink lots of water. I'm taking 100 mg every day in the morning, and then eating an hour later or so. Cheer up, you deserve to feel better mentally and physically, there is nothing to lose by trying this! If you start to have symptoms just stop taking it if it's too much!
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March 1, 2015
Works well
I've been on minocycline (50mg - twice a day) for about 5 weeks now, and it has worked wonders on my acne. During the first 2 weeks I began it I saw my skin break out more than it has before, but as time progressed they quickly healed up. I haven't reached the second month period yet but my skin has been smooth and acne-free for at least a week and a half. All that is left to deal with now is the scarring from previous bouts of acne. Overall, this treatment has been the most successful for me. I've tried so many other topical, prescription, and natural routes to clear up my acne but no other has had the same results as this has had. I've never had one of the side effects they list for the product, but it can definitely be a hassle to take daily. I know a few people are wary about taking the antibiotics route for their acne, but if you balance out the antibiotics with probiotics and can wait the 2 to 3 weeks for it to start kicking in then minocycline is definitely a treatment to consider. Update April 19, 2015: After completing the 2 months of minocycline, I went off of it. It had majorly cleared up my skin and there was no purpose remaining to continue taking it. I've now been off of it for a month and my acne has not come back at all. While my skin does still have some scarring and hyperpigmentation, it is now beyond smooth. If I do get a breakout, it is extremely small and is gone within days. I am so thrilled and relieved with the results as many people say they have their acne come back after going off of it. I still strongly recommend using this product to help with your acne, and I really urge you don't overuse it. Once you see your skin clearing up, it's best to go off and see how your skin reacts. Staying on it for years in hopes it will keep your acne at bay forever will only minimize its effects and would not be very healthy for your body. I hope everyone else who decides to use this antibiotic have the same great results as I did when I went on it.
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January 24, 2010


Smooth Skin!


Side effects depending on dosage

My dermatologist put me on this for two months and i was initially supposed to take it two times a day, which i did for about a week. The side effect were so horrible i was so incredibly dizzy/nausea and i had no appetite and when i did eat everything tasted gross. it was not fun, however my skin was definitely becoming more smooth, but i just felt too sick. So, my mom called my dermatologist and he said to just take it once a day and since then i have had zero side effects besides smooth skin! I have not gotten one pimple since i have been on this medication. i am so happy i went to my dermatologist and that i called him when things felt like they werent going right. I have absolutely no blemishes now, but i am still taking the medication until i vist my derm in about two and a half weeks and then i slowly get off the medication. I do have marks where my blemishes were but my derm said that when i see him we will focus on getting rid of that. I am so excited! I know this stuff might not work for some people, but it did for me. Bottom line i suggest if you have skin problems and health insurance just go see a dermatologist talk to them about what you have used and how well it worked or didnt and when they give you medication communicate with them if theirs issues or questions, that way you can get the results you want! Also the successfulness of your treatments also can be affected by your lifestyle choices. so drink prenty of water, get rest, exercise, try and steer clear away from dairy products, and dont touch your face unless you have washed your hands :) Good Luck!
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December 30, 2010


It Helps! (Not Cures, HELPS)



Bottom line is, It really has worked. 28 Yr. Female with mild/moderate adult Acne. I Just finished my 1st script of 100MG 2X/day & It is by NO means my "Miracle Drug" but I'm feeling a little better about my face these days! Thank you Birth Control (Mirena) for screwing with my hormones & giving me Adult Acne!! I litterally tried everything under the sun & would Cry almost every night I washed off my makeup. I never had "perfect" skin, but after coming off the Mirena, my skin just kept getting WORSE & WORSE & finally I couldn't take it no more. I called my Doctor & she prescribes Minocycline. I researched the HELL out of it & read tons of reviews. It did make me very dizzy/neasiated when I took it in the mornings, but that feeling went away after a few weeks & It did get worse before it got better! Try to stick it out if you can, cause it did work for me. However, I'm sure it's not a "Long-term" solution, so I've made an appt. with my Dr. to refer me to a Dermatologist. I'm hoping I'll be able to wean myself off & keep the clearer skin... *Fingers Crossed* Also, I use an Oil Free Neutrogena face wash, Day & Night Cetaphil for lotion after wash & Clean & Clear Persa-Gel (after lotion dries about 10 min.) on my sensitive areas. Good Luck, Acne sucks & no one can understand how it makes you feel if you've never had it!!
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June 23, 2011


Acne clears up
Less oiliness


Appetite increases
Skin feels raw

I started to break out HORRIBLY around December 2010. Before that I had virtually clear skin. I tried Philosophy, Proactiv, and other over the counter products, and nothing worked. I finally gave up and went to the dermatologist because the giant pimples on my face were unbearable and brought me to tears because of how painful they were. He put me on this antibiotic, and also gave me this Retin-A Micro cream. In about 2 months, my skin completely cleared up! Although, my face is now scarred with hyperpigmentation :(. The scars are slowly going away. I'm just so thankful that I'm not in pain anymore. I can actually smile. I almost feel like myself again. The only downside I've noticed from this medicine, is that it makes me extremely hungry. Ever since I started taking this, I have this huge appetite for salty, greasy foods. I don't particularly want any sweets. I feel like I've gained a couple pounds, but I've tried to keep up on my exercising so I don't balloon up. So far, I've been on this for 3 and a half months. I want to stop taking this so I can slim back down, but I'm scared my skin might explode again! Overall, if you are suffering not just from severe acne, but a full blown skin infection like me, take this. It does wonders.
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August 20, 2010


+works!! :o)
+saw improvement within 2 weeks
+no new pimples, and old ones have disappeared
+side effects are minimal compared to Accutane


+been on this before and it might stop working (nooo)
+feel kind of loopy, spacey
+have to take it on an empty stomach which is kind of hard to schedule around
+bad long term effect kind of scares me

Listen, I've been through it all. Horrible break outs that made me want to call in sick and hide indoors and cry. Clear skin that strangers have complimented me on. And everything in between. I've been on Accutane. Which was tough but worth the results. After a year since I finished my treatment, breakouts were happening again! I was so frustrated and mad that I vowed I was going to try everything to get back to clear! I scheduled a derm visit and was hoping she would put me back on a second course of Accutane. She instead put me on anti-biotics. 2x a day 100mg. It seems like a lot but its friggn workn!! It took two weeks to see an improvement and my skin got worse before better. I had three new big pimples that hurt, but after like 4 days they were gone and no new ones (yay)!! Please don't give up for you're only a week in and your skin's retaliating. I don't want to jinx myself (watch me wake up tomorrow with a face full of pimples lol) but I knew I had to review since I look to this website to help me when I'm desperate. Try Minocycline. It could really improve your skin. You deserve to be happy about the way you look :)
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April 14, 2011


Easy to take
Worked for the fist 2 weeks


Didn't help my acne
Dried out my skin (which I expected)
Sun sensitivity
Just made my acne worse
You have to take it at the same time everyday and no food for 30 minutes or after
SIDE EFFECTS- discharge, headaches, swollen joints

I was expecting minocycline to help my acne since it was a pill which I thought would clear up my skin. It didn't really help my skin at all. It only worked for the fist 2 weeks and then my acne came back and it was almost worse than before. In 30 days I will start accutane
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August 21, 2010


* Helped keep cystic acne under-control
* Noticed cleared skin after 14 days (2 weeks use) ... even dark pigmentation seemed to clear! (perhaps with the help of Differin cream)
* Easy to take (pills were fairly small in size)
* Killed off bad bacteria in my body!


*Killed off GOOD bacteria in my body!!!
* Diarrhea (entire time during the course)
* When treatment stopped, noticed few pimples re-appearing (on my back only, not face!)
* Stopped treatment due to illness and yeast infections
* Tongue became infected with bacteria/ yeast
* Random stomach pains that often accompanied by gas
* Trouble sleeping (dosage of 180mg was lowered by myself to 50-100mg and noticed improvement in sleeping habits)
* STAY OUT OF THE SUN! Will burn li

It's worth a shot, if you're a male. Antibiotics are NOT good to be used for a long period of time. They can really disrupt the PH balance in your body (hence all the yeast infections I was getting) ... And I wasn't able to have dairy while taking the pills so yogurt, cheese or milk was not an option top keep the yeast away. When taken with dairy it will be less effective. I will go back on it for a few more weeks after I give my body a rest from it all. I'm sure it was quite hard on my liver! Since it did help rid of some pimples, and I used it with Differin cream... there was noticeable results! This is something that should NOT be taken in high dosages because you will feel the effects more. Thankfully, I did not feel nauseous. I took it with food each and every time and refused not to do without it. Drink it with a FULL glass of water and eat right after it's in your system. Headaches are so9mewhat common and it did happen to me a few times. Advil was taken and cleared up my head pains over night. I was also VERY thirsty on this medication and sometimes felt dizzy. I would sit down and feel as if my head was SLOWLY spinning clockwise. DO NOT lye down 30 minutes after taking this medication or you WILL feel sick! My skin seemed to feel smooth and soft after the two weeks. It's strange because after I got off the treatment my acne seemed to still continue to clear itself. Occasionally I would break out with a new pimple on my back though. I felt REALLY tired and lazy on this medication and would spend alot of extra time in bed catching up on my missed sleep or because my body wasn't fully energized. Do not take supplements while on this medication either.
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December 23, 2009


Easy to take (can eat with meals, just not dairy)


I think it made my red marks more prominent, did not work at all to help my acne

I took Minocycline for about 5 months, and it did not improve my skin within that time period at all. On the contrary, my skin worsened to the point where I had to take Accutane. I'm not sure if Minocycline is the reason for this, or if it was just bound to happen anyway. The 5 months I had taken Minocycline were the worst 5 months of my life, because my skin was so terrible. I'm sure it will work for people with less severe acne than me. I know many people that have taken oral antibiotics with much success, however it did not work for me. I wish I had taken Accutane instead of Minocycline, it was much more effective.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.