Oral Antibiotic
1734 Reviews
Oral Antibiotic
Based on All Available Studies
Strength of Evidence
Note: Should never be used on its own and for a maximum of 3 months.
Oral Antibiotic
Side Effects
Oral Antibiotic
Acne.org’s Real World Take
Antibiotics should be used for a maximum of 3 months, provide only moderate benefit and only to some people, and may lead to side effects and strains of resistant bacteria. Studies do show doxycycline can reduce severe acne in the short term, and as far as oral antibiotics are concerned, it’s usually the go-to, but approach with caution and stay your own advocate.
Oral Antibiotic
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
Read All About Doxycycline
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October 20, 2011


for me: non


nausea, break-outs, itchiness, skin irritation

This is the first oral solution I've tried. The nausea was there, but bearable, and it only happened the first couple times. I've been taking 100mg a day for almost 3 weeks. At first there was no affect, but in the past week my skin has been irritated, itchy, and breaking out like crazy. I've broken out with with pimples and red splotches ALL OVER my neck and chest. I've never broken out there in my entire life. My skin is rough and puffy and so uncomfortable. Wish this had worked for me like it did for other people.
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October 19, 2011




Made me feel sick. Made my skin worst

I never wrote a review before but since I always read them decided to share. Those peels were horrible for me. Made my skin much worse and I felt sick all the time. Once even threw up from it. I wasn't taking it on empty stomach. Anyways, after I stopped taking them my skin actually got better. Hope it helps someone
October 17, 2011


Works well with painful inflamed blemishes


Must be taken with food. Otherwise, you'll suffer from fatigue and barf.

need to wear sunscreen.

It did take a month and a half to show any signs of improvement but it really helped me. I was on a crusade to heal my acne holistically but failed so I started on this and im very impressed with the results. I have serious skin issues with a combination of sometimes dry, flaky, oily skin and this calmed everything down. Did not help with scars but definitely ended breakouts. If your concerned about choosing pills to clear up skin vs. holistic methods choose this antibiotic in a low dosage and get your life back.
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October 13, 2011


clears acne


can make you nauseous
takes a few weeks to see results
acne might come back once you stop taking it

i took 100 mg twice a day, and although i kept breaking out the first few weeks and thought it wasn't working, six weeks later there was definite improvement. now 3 months later my dermatologist, family, and friends have all commented on the improvement in my skin. i am very pale but still tanned outside and did not experience and allergic reaction or extreme sensitivity as my doctor said i would. i did throw up once when i decided to experiment and take it first thing in the morning without eating. but most of the time i would take it in the middle of the day, a few hours after eating, and i experienced no nausea doing that. i have heard it is more effective to not take it with food so that is what i did. i was also very careful about not eating dairy two hours before or after i took doxycycline. i think what you eat definitely makes a difference in the effectiveness in the medication. it worked great, and now i am supposed to go down to once a day and hopefully my acne will not come back.
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October 13, 2011


Did not get deep pimples for a week or two


Started to get more cysts (more than I've ever had on my face at one time) once I took 100mg twice a day
Yeast infection
Nausea if not taken with food

I've been taking 100mg once a day from August 24th to mid-september. But I realized I was actually supposed to be taking 100mg TWICE day, so I've been taking 100mg twice a day for about a month now and my acne is not really getting better now. I'm not going to lose hope but this was about $70.00 in Canada and I really hope it ends up working. The true bottom line is follow what your dermatologist says. I've also been using differin and benzaclin so I'm not sure what's helping/not helping.
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October 12, 2011




Getting sick if taking with little food
Gave me lots of cysts

I used it two times in my life and both times I broke out horribly with these pills. My acne got so bad like never before and after about 2 months I stopped using these pills. It also made me feel very sick if taken with little food, felt like throwing up and could not stand.
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October 12, 2011


so far its clearing my skin


yeast infections
stomach irritated

i have been on doxycycline for about a week i see my skin is improving i also started drinking alot more water. to prevent yeast infections i take 4 probiotics chewable tabs or gummies :) i also have a good skincare regime i wash my face 2x a day am and pm with mario badescu acne cleanser and then i tone my face and i use clindamycin lotion after then i prep my skin for make up to cover up i use bare minerals but i deff see my skin is getting better i see it clearing it up you have to be motivated to clearing acne
October 11, 2011


Cheap and pills are small and easy to take.


Didn't work. Made my face peel and burn. Extreme sensativity to the sun. Made acne worse. Made skin so sensative to the sun that it burnt my hands and fingers and left permanent scars.

Don't waste your time on this product. I was on it for 4 months and never did it really work. The burns are still here and it is october. I started the treatment in March and ended in June.
October 7, 2011


Gets rid of blackheads
Clears body acne


Sensitivity to sun, kills good bacteria as well

I have been taking this antibiotic twice a day for about a month and so far it has been working very well. I was concerned about the side effects, but I always take this pill with food, and no upset stomach has occurred. I also take a probiotic to avoid the chance of yeast infection. I did notice a major increase in sensitivity to the sun, my skin starts getting pink within minutes of being outside, but I packed on high spf sunscreen (oil free sunscreen for my face) and that problem went away. Overall, my back acne has cleared up and my face looks much better. I think it's worth it.
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October 7, 2011


Got rid of acne
did it quickly


have to take with food or your stomach complains

This is the only antibiotic that's actually had an effect on my skin. I started it with retin-a about 4 months ago and it's fantastic. I'm now weaning off the retin-a and using just the doxy to keep my skin in check.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.