Topical Anti-inflammatory
77 Reviews
Topical Anti-inflammatory
Based on All Available Studies
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Topical Anti-inflammatory
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Topical Anti-inflammatory’s Real World Take
An anti-inflammatory that takes weeks or months to kick in, so you’ll need patience. Provides modest benefit in some users. It’s never hit the big time in acne treatment. But it’s an interesting way to target acne on a purely inflammation level.
Topical Anti-inflammatory
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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October 3, 2015
Prepare for the purge
Purging was not given as a possible side effect to me, but after a week, all of the dormant milia on my face began to bubble up into pustules, pop and then heal fairly quickly. The reason I give this 3 stars is because my face currently resembles a mountain range and looking at myself in the mirror is tough. I'm not sure how long this is going to continue but I'm hoping it will calm down soon. I would recommend it if you have tried Otc products, birth control, dietary changes and still experience breakouts. Be diligent and don't give up. I might change the rating if things improve. -update- it's been about two weeks and the pustules, the whiteheads, are beginning to subside on the sides of my face. I had a retinoic acid peel last week which helped the top layer of skin slough off and bring even more dormant milia to the surface. Initially, my face was very scabby and dry, and now, a week later is beginning to fade. The skin is still very dry, and I'm willing to deal with that. My chin still has a way to go as I can see small little closed comedones, I am using the aczone (I didn't for a few days after the peel) and it is slowly, very slowly improving. I will continue to use the aczone and think it has potential. I definitely think I need to focus and stick through this since I'm turning 36 soon and I deserve to have clear skin for once in my life.
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November 29, 2015
I recently started aczone myself along with differin. I'm experiencing a breakout as well. Are things getting better for you?
January 14, 2016
I'm turning 36 this year too and am not happy with how my face looks. Let's just say Aczone is not making any zits heal faster, if anythings it's giving me painful bumps under the skin "cysts." I don't really have cystic acne so it's actually making me extremely nervous. My doctor told me to go on birth control to level my hormone, which I'm also worried about since I'm on the older side. Lets just say my Face hasn't looked or hurt this bad. Going to discontinue and get back to a milder regimen while these stupid birth control pills level out.
September 24, 2015
Still debating if this is right for me..
It's only been a week since I started aczone, but I have to say I am seeing some small results.. Some parts of my face like my chin and one cheek haven't gotten any new breakouts, but my forehead broke out really bad this week and I got one big pimple on my cheek. I used the aczone as a spot treatment and it seems to have shrunk things a little but I wouldn't call it a miracle like some people on here are saying! I don't think this prevents anything though. I use a neutrogena gentle cleanser before I put this on.. What does everyone else use to prevent new pimples??? I'm also not using any other prescriptions and I feel like maybe I need to be for this process to be more successful
September 29, 2015
I am on Spironolactone and Retin-A along with Aczone. I had previously been on minocycline for quite a while before switching to Aczone, therefore I was already clear. I can't really say how well Aczone would do to be the thing that clears you up. The spiro plays a huge roll in my face staying under control also. But the three meds together has been working wonderfully for the past 3 months. I was terrified to go off of the minocycline, but the Aczone twice daily has been perfect.
September 29, 2015
I am on Spironolactone and Retin-A along with Aczone. I had previously been on minocycline for quite a while before switching to Aczone, therefore I was already clear. I can't really say how well Aczone would do to be the thing that clears you up. The spiro plays a huge roll in my face staying under control also. But the three meds together has been working wonderfully for the past 3 months. I was terrified to go off of the minocycline, but the Aczone twice daily has been perfect.
September 29, 2015
I am on Spironolactone and Retin-A along with Aczone. I had previously been on minocycline for quite a while before switching to Aczone, therefore I was already clear. I can't really say how well Aczone would do to be the thing that clears you up. The spiro plays a huge roll in my face staying under control also. But the three meds together has been working wonderfully for the past 3 months. I was terrified to go off of the minocycline, but the Aczone twice daily has been perfect.
September 29, 2015
I am on Spironolactone and Retin-A along with Aczone. I had previously been on minocycline for quite a while before switching to Aczone, therefore I was already clear. I can't really say how well Aczone would do to be the thing that clears you up. The spiro plays a huge roll in my face staying under control also. But the three meds together has been working wonderfully for the past 3 months. I was terrified to go off of the minocycline, but the Aczone twice daily has been perfect.
August 19, 2015
Amazing product
I'm a 17 year old male, and like most 17 year old males, I've had my run in with acne. I've tried all of the over-the-counter stuff, prescription antibiotic lotions and retinoids, oral antibiotics, and finally a course of Accutane. Aczone was the last med I tried before Accutane and it saved me until I could get on Accutane. Aczone works extremely well, in my experience, for the red, inflamed, "angry", pimples and breakouts. Using any other products would burn when I put it on my acne but Aczone was actually soothing and I watched the inflammation go down before my eyes. By morning red, inflamed, "angry" pimple would be nothing more than a flat spot. Even after Accutane, I still spot-treat with Aczone because it works so well with my type of acne. A pimple that would last a week disappears overnight. It's extremely expensive for a reason, its an amazing product and a must-have in your acne-fighting arsenal.
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September 24, 2015
How often do you spot treat in a day/ how much do you use each time?
August 18, 2015
Really works
my dermatologist suggested I use this alone with cerave to help my acne. It's very drying, but it goes on the skin easy and dries up acne quickly! If you put it on the night before, in the morning, a lot of pimples will be completely flattened and barely visible. Make sure to use sunscreen and lots of moisturizer when using this product.
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September 29, 2015
I haven't had a problem with it being drying, and I also use Retin-A. Is there a possibility that you are using too much at one time? I use a pea sized amount for my entire face. I stay clear and don't get dryness.
May 28, 2015
Great!... But Will Not Get Rid Of Acne By Itself
I like Aczone because its very gentle on my skin and is an all-around good gel. Although its a bit drying, I don't think its anything uncomfortable or negative. I love the feeling and consistency of the gel; it spreads on the face very easily. When you apply it to your skin, you can see it lightens the acne, so you can literally apply it before going out or apply it under makeup. The one reason that I don't think it deserves five stars is that Aczone won't get rid of acne by itself. Its more of a helper medication. You need a stronger medication to use along with the Aczone to see fully clear skin in a reasonable amount of time. Also, make sure that you take advantage of the coupons offered on Aczone's website; it can save you a ton of money and makes the relatively high original price much more reasonable.
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June 13, 2015
By any chance do you know if blue cross federal insurance covers it? Or At least some
August 19, 2015
I have CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield's federal employee program, and with the coupon on Aczones site, I was able to get the 60 gram for $10. Without the coupon, it would have been $200. For some reason, I couldn't get the 90g for $15, even though that was what my prescription was for. That would have been $200 even with the coupon.
September 24, 2015
What were you using with the aczone?
May 17, 2015
Try it!
I've tried everything to both prevent and heal large, cystic acne. I don't get huge breakouts or breakouts very often, but when I do get these larger zits, it is 1-2 per day for 1-3 weeks straight, and nothing has ever worked as well as Aczone. It not only works much better at drying up the pimples but also doesn't bleach sheets and clothing. It also doesn't take much for it to work. It is both anti-bacterial (prevents zits) and also heals them and dries them out remarkably fast when they do surface. I am currently without a single cyst or even small zit on my face---not even one. I go through periods of having a face with around a dozen zits, to having none, but I attribute the fast healing process in large part to Aczone (I also use 0.025 tretinoin cream now but only at night and only every second night, very sparingly to help even out my complexion). It also seems to be lightening the scars I have on my face. They were deep, and very hyper-pigmented, and are now barely visible. This, after only one week of use and not even every day/night. If you've tried peroxide creams with limited or no success, this stuff is well worth a shot. It is the best drying agent for already-formed pimples I've used in 15+ years.
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April 27, 2015
i dont want to be super negative about this product but beause i can see how it would work for many. ive been using clyndoxel gel for a year and love it but is a bit drying so i tried out this product on some areas on my chin. my skin s very dry on my chn and im not sure if its the residue of clyndoxel on my skin or the dryness but my skin turned like dark brown after i used this and i had to miss school the next day until the skin was finally exfoliated off. im just saying but test it on a small area of skin before rubbing it on your whole face. it did work for my acne tho
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February 18, 2015
Been using for almost 4 years now
Ok so, to start off, I have suffered from acne since I was 14. I went to multiple dermatologists, and I really didn't find any improvements until I went to a really great doctor when I was 16, and she prescribed me Azcone with the combination of Doxycycline, antibiotic pills (50 mg). Wow, after a couple months I really noticed a difference and luckily my face is much better. Around the age of 18, I stopped taking Doxycycline (it's an antibiotic and sometimes aggressive internally) and used Aczone with birth control, and I was scared that my acne would be worse, and while yes it did get a little worse for about 2 months with birth control, it went away after a couple weeks and I'm very pleased now. So really the only topical gel I'm using for my acne is Azcone; I do not use any medication soap. I use the Lush Coal Face bar soap and this exfoliates nicely. Aczone is also safe to use alongside with apple cider vinegar (which is fantastic for redness). I really love Aczone because I also suffer from redness, for example my acne scars take forever to fade and when I first wash my face, it turns pretty red. However, I apply Aczone and after about 30 mins (give it time to settle into the skin), my redness is gone! I use it as soon as I wake up, and before going to sleep, and redness is diminished. Before applying make up, I wait about 20-25 mins, for Aczone to settle into my skin. Also I use sunscreen alongside with Aczone, because it's a must. If you don't use sunscreen every time you go out in the sun, you risk coming back with purple to red spots on your face (yikes!) and these will take forever to finally fade. I'm almost 20 now, and my face is doing much better. Still get some pimples here and there (especially during that time of the month) but around this time I use a combination of Aczone and then once the Aczone dries, I apply apple cider vinegar as a spot treatment on pimples (mix it with a little bit of water so it's not too strong). With the Apple cider vinegar, the Aczone, and the birth control, I feel my Acne is almost practically gone.
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February 13, 2015
Stick with it for 12 weeks
I tried this product for my adult acne. I was on Clarifoam but it smelled like rotten eggs and made me smell bad too. When I first tried Aczone, for the first month it made my skin much worse. Like it brought cysts to the surface that were festering. At about 6weeks it started to improve. I almost quit it but I was researching another medicine my dr called in, Clindamycin, to replace the Aczone, and I read on the company website that you have to give it 12 weeks to get the full effect. My dr never told me that it might takes weeks to work. Aczone has fewer side effects so I stayed with it. I am very happy with it. Doesn't dry your skin. My only complaint is that it dries and leaves a white, slightly powdery finish on my skin.
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February 9, 2015
In my opinion, the best topical acne therapy available for cystic acne!
I'm a woman who has struggled with acne for most of her life (I'm nearly 53!). I remember my first pimple in the first grade. By the time I was in my 20's, my acne was terrible. I often had the deep, cystic acne that took forever to clear. As I got older, it was evident that my acne revolved around my menstrual cycle. In my 30's I was diagnosed with rosacea (but thankfully that went away when I was in my 40's). Throughout the years I tried so many different treatments, including Accutane, but I was still plauged with cystic acne, especially on and around my chin. Several years ago my dermatologist mentioned that there was a medication that seemed especially helpful to those who had the deep, cystic pimples. I gave it a try, and it has worked wonders. About once a month I will typically feel a cyst developing under the surface of my skin (usually on my chin), and when I do, I religiously put the Aczone on. It will often help diminish the cyst even before it surfaces. If the pimple does surface, the Aczone usually helps it go away fairly quickly. It's not a perfect medication, but for someone who has had severe acne, it's been a godsend!!
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.