Vitamin B5

521 Reviews

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 25, 2012


-Less Oily
-Pores appear smaller
-Less frequent breakouts
-Black heads reduced & seem to come to the surface easier for extraction(nose)


-Have to remember to take them
-Expensive depending on brand you choose

Seems to work, but not a miracle. Be patient. I bought the Clear5 brand of B5 vitamins ([link removed] I got two bottles and started out with a dose of 2 pills, 3x/day. I've read that a lot of B5 vitamins require mega dosing. Not so with Clear5. I've been on these for 2 months or so now I think. I am now down to 4/day. I have not experienced any hair loss or other side effects. Some other things that I have incorporated with the vitamins: -Drink lots of water(half your body weight in oz) -Get enough sleep -Exercise(sweating is so important) -Natural skin care(Oil method, tea tree oil, etc.) All in all I think this is worth giving a shot. You need to be patient for total results, but I did start seeing a reduction in oil after a couple weeks. Another brand I want to try is Clearzine. Apparently this is even better than Clear5, but I haven't tried it yet.
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February 13, 2012


-Reduced redness/skin tone more even
-Reduced oiliness
-Less breakouts


-Have to remember to take it 2-3x everyday
-Can cause upset stomach/diarrhea for some people(rare)

I've been using it less than a week, I will update again after further use, but I have noticed a reduction in breakouts, and my skin is seems softer and more even in tone. I like it because you're not scrubbing or drying out your skin witha harsh product. It's more natural.
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January 19, 2012


Reduces Oiliness
Clears acne

I stumbled on this product by fluke. I bought a multi-vitamin formulated for hair from Holland and Barrats (vitamin shop in UK). After a month or 2 of using this I noticed that my acne had reduced considerable. I then looked at the ingredients and the main vitamin was B5 (100mg 1667% of recommended daily allowance). I did not change anything else so can only contribute it to this. I know this may sound like a small amount to make a difference but it does reduce the oiliness and maybe because i am a petite female, this maybe all i need. My word of caution is that this product is known to make you scalp dry, so make sure you use good conditioner or oil on your scalp. Also it is known to reduce mucus production (throat, cervical) so this maybe an issue. I would not megadose and would advice people to start small and then work your way up after a couple of weeks. Please be patient
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November 15, 2011


So far makes my face less oily


Non yet

Ok so i have suffered from acne since i was 13yrs of age and now 26. My acne is not the worse in the world but it bothers me (especially when people make comments on it). Ive tryed many things for it, antibiotics, pro active, ect. I was searching in the internet about acne cures and B5 came up.. And ive read so many good reviews about it that i decided to try it.. This is my 6 day on it and by the 3rd day i notice that my oily skin have reduced about 75%.. Im still getting break outs but not anything out of the ordinary but ive read that it takes a few months to actually work so fingers crossed.. Im not mega dosing cuz im scared about the side effects. I started with 1 500mg from GMC and by day 5 i went up to 1g.. I take one with my lunch and a multivitamin and the other with my dinner with a b-complex.. So far so good. I will keep updating for new results..
November 12, 2011


I have been using B5 for probably two years now. Aside from a certain birth control pill it is the only thing that has worked for me. (I have tried countless over the counter cleansing products and different birth control pills.) However, I still have to take the full 10g a day to be completely clear.

It does work really fast - my skin clears up within a week or two, and I do have moderate acne.

Haven't had any negative physical side affects at all.


If I cut down to even 8g, I break out, although it's sort of manageable with make-up...

If I forget to take it for a few days altogether, my skin gets just really bad (as in large hurting pimples and do not want to leave the house kind of bad).

Doesn't fix the (unknown) cause of the problem.

I am 36 years old and feel like I would have to take these for the rest of my life. To me it's not a long-term solution, but I also still don't have any better ideas.
August 27, 2011


reduced severity
makes my skin heal faster
overall better skin


not the "miracle cure"

I take 1 gram of this along with 400IU of Vitamin E. If you are trying this, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEEEEEEEASE don't megadose!! Sometimes people think it will only work if you take it in crazy amounts, and everything will be OK because you can just pee it out. NOT THE CASE. It's not good for your stomach and can cause toxicity that can give you PERMANENT hair loss and dry skin. Everything is good until taken in excess. Don't take any more than 1 gram per day. It will help your skin, but don't expect it to be the natural Accutane or anything. It helps but doesn't cure. Give it a try, though :)
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May 10, 2011


Cleared up oil quickly!
Not too expensive
No new cystic acne after 3 days


Minor initial breakout
Lots of pills

I only started taking B5 3 days ago, but I've already seen a significant reduction in oil! I used to use an oil wipe like every 3 hours, and today I haven't had to use any! I started on 5g, the next day moved to 7g, and now I'm taking 10g a day. Not sure if it's going to clear up my acne though -- fingers crossed :) Keep fighting the good fight, my comrades!
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December 1, 2010


It has made my skin less oily and almost eliminated my acne on my back.


Lots of pills to take

If you don't mind taking a lot of pills this is the perfect cure. I take 3 pills four times each day and my back and chest acne is almost completely gone after only 2 weeks. I can't wait to go skinny dipping at Turtle Lake nudist resort in Michigan next summer to show off my new skin!
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August 18, 2010


- Skin is less oily
- Cystic acne has pretty much disappeared
- Smaller pores


- Initial breakout especially around the jawline
- Expensive

I have been taking Vitamin B5 consistently for 2 weeks now and I have noticed a difference in the oiliness in my skin. I still have oily skin but this is gradually reducing and the level is of a more acceptable level - I don't feel like a grease ball anymore! My poors are also noticeably smaller, though my face is still bumpy due to the small scatter of spots - for some reason especially around my jawline. I am hoping that the next few weeks will make more of a dramatic change. I am feeling positive on this and will update again in 2 weeks time.
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May 25, 2010


Wow! it works i take 2 grams a day
it relly helps me with my oily skin
my pores shrunk its kinda cheap...


very dry skin on my hands
& my menstrual cycle seems
kinda strange anyone having
problems with their period???
soo yea sux. and i get relly
dry on my vaginal area its embarrasing to
admitt but thought id let it out it never happend before the pill any grrlys
dealing with this prob?

well it works ill tell ya that way lesser acne less oily skin might lower the dose...
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