Forum Replies Created

Are Rice Crackers Acne Causing?


In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Banana Peels For Healing Acne?

I read some where that rubbing a banana peel on a bruise helps fade the colour of it.

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Could Hand Soap Cause Acne?

If you wash your hands with soap right before you wash your face then I can see why it might be causing you acne. Soaps can sometimes leave residue and then when you wash your face your all that chemi...

In forum Personal logs

12 years ago
Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion

I've been using this moisturizer for a couple of years now and I think it works just fine.

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

12 years ago

I've been making some green smoothies for a while now and today I wanted something chocolatey so I added some cocoa powder. I read somewhere about akali being used to make it or something and that it ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
A Good Sunscreen?

I'm using sunscreen because my skin is hyperpigmented from acne scars. I'm now using Heliocare. it has a good rating on the net, but it makes my face oily and shiny. So far so good. I've tried other ...

In forum Scar treatments

12 years ago
Oatmeal Remedy

I've been doing this for a few months now and the results are amazing! I like to use this with some tea tree oil. Its so cheap so if you don't like it then its not that much of a waste.   how l...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

13 years ago
Oatmeal Remedy

I've been doing this for a few months now and the results are amazing! I like to use this with some tea tree oil. Its so cheap so if you don't like it then its not that much of a waste.

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

13 years ago

I've just bought some chard and my mom said that "chard isn't good for acne." I asked her how but she said she doesn't really now how to explain it. I don't see how its not good for acne since it i...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
The Effects Of Pesticides.

So for the past 1 and a half months I've been eating inorganic fruits. Since school started I've been finding it hard to focus in class and tend to doze off during lessons which is effect my work habi...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
The Awkward Moment When... (Play It Fun)

When your watching TV with your friends and then BAM! Acne commercial about skin Id, proactive, clean and clear, etc...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

13 years ago
The Awkward Moment When... (Play It Fun)

When your applying something on your face in a public washroom ( school for me ) and some stranger student comes in and sees you.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

13 years ago
Dried Fruit

Well dried fruit seems to contain more sugar then regular fruit. I used to add frozen berries to my oatmeal until I decided to cut out gluten and then oatmeal from my diet. I would just say that you c...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago

Probably greed. You see, as long as we have acne they will keep making money; as we come back more and more for stupid products that either causes serious side effects or just plain doesn't work (whic...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

13 years ago
For anyone who has sisters or brothers with beautiful skin and feels really really jealous 🙁

Both my brother and sister have clear skin. Right now my sister eats an okay diet while my brother eats mcdonalds, KFC, and other fast foods. But my mom said they both used to have moderate acne and t...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

13 years ago

What about Ginger?

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago

Back again on day 26 of yummy and healthy green smoothies! My acne has been clearing a bit more from my last post but not as much as I thought it would. Oh well.     I've been thinking of a...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
Masturbation-Acne Experiement 20102015

DAY:3, 2 days have passed succesfully.. but i'm getting horny!!!! COME ON!! YOU CAN DO IT!! >    

In forum Personal logs

13 years ago
Masturbation-Acne Experiement 20102015

Woah. Only day 2? I hope you can reach to your goal!   I've been to busy to masturbate for about 3 weeks. I've felt the same and looked the same but maybe a few less spots but I think its from t...

In forum Personal logs

13 years ago

ABG Fairy i've been reading through this thread for the last hour and I have to say I admire the amount of effort you put into responding to everyone and how informative you are. Had my first green s...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago

I've been drinking green smoothies for 15 days and my acne has been going away!   I still have acne but I would says about 10% of my acne has gone away. In the beginning I broke out a tiny bit b...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
Really super nutrient dense recipes and ideas

I'm not sure if this really counts as nutrient dense, but it's pretty tasty, healthy and fast for those of us who are lazy or short on time: Instant Almond Bread (gluten, dairy, soy, grain and sugar ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago

I've been drinking 2 cups of green smoothies everyday for about 3 days.   I know its a bit early to be giving a response in so little time. But I think the green smoothies are already helping me....

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
what happens to a pimple if you dont pop it??

Sometimes pimples pop on their own and you just can't stop them from popping.   If you REALLY REALLY must pop a pimple put some honey or aloe on it so It won't become infected again. I use honey...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago

I'd hate to say but I could use some healthy/ acne free recipes.

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago