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Posted : 03/14/2011 11:05 pm

I'd hate to say but I could use some healthy/ acne free recipes.


Posted : 03/15/2011 1:38 pm

^ I can send you a .pdf with some recipes - just apply the acne diet tips to them, and you should be alright! You can e-mail me at acnebegonefairy (and that goes for anyone else wanting recipes as well!). :)


Posted : 03/15/2011 1:48 pm

ohhh abg = acne be all makes sense now


Posted : 03/15/2011 1:49 pm

LOL!! That was my original name - I shortened it, because people started calling me ABG Fairy, but maybe I should change it back! haha =D


Posted : 03/16/2011 3:32 pm

Just made a great smoothie that i want to share!! My roommate who hates them tried it and loved it also lol heres the recipe;


3 baby bock choy "plants" (including the stems)

2.5 cups of water

one pink lady apple

one bananna

handful of frozen pineapple



A little on the fruitier side of the smoothies i make, but still really nutritious and tastes great


Posted : 03/17/2011 12:01 am

So great that you got your roommate to give a thumbs up!!! Definitely sounds tasty!


Posted : 03/18/2011 1:01 am

I've been drinking 2 cups of green smoothies everyday for about 3 days.


I know its a bit early to be giving a response in so little time. But I think the green smoothies are already helping me. My existing pimples are shrinking along with some redness but not that much.


I'll post back in a few days.


Posted : 03/18/2011 5:16 pm

Little Kid,

That is wonderful news!! Definitely post back and let us know how it goes! :)


Posted : 03/18/2011 7:42 pm

Wanted to let everyone know I revised the green smoothie thread today and added a new soup recipe as well, Creamy Tomato Bean Soup. It's really delicious, so I hope you'll try it. It's at the bottom of the thread, and all the recipes are in green now so they're easier to get to. :)


Posted : 03/20/2011 11:20 am

Just made a smoothie, and I thought I'd share the recipe. I'm not sure if I like it or not yet, actually.


A bunch of frozen peaches, half a banana, ice, water, 1-2 handfuls of baby spinach, and maybe a tablespoon and a half of cocoa powder!


The chocolately flavor is an interesting twist... and I haven't had chocolate in a while, thanks to my new diet, so it's more than welcome.


Posted : 03/20/2011 6:47 pm


I haven't tried chocolate yet with peaches - might should give that a try, especially with the bananas added in, because I love bananas with chocolate! Thanks for sharing your recipe! :)


For a chocolate treat, I make the below a lot, and it totally satisfies my chocolate cravings! It's very rich. Love this stuff!! haha I'd be careful about eating too much at one time though, because it is a saturated fat.


1 can coconut milk (drained)

5 tbs cocoa powder

3 tbs honey

2 teaspoons vanilla

-Blend and refrigerate so the mixture thickens.


Posted : 03/21/2011 2:48 pm

So ABG will it be like chocolat cream or what?


ps. wut is this veteran^2 thing that we for some reason have O.o Are we super veterans? Do we have a secret super lounge?


Posted : 03/21/2011 3:57 pm


I haven't tried chocolate yet with peaches - might should give that a try, especially with the bananas added in, because I love bananas with chocolate! Thanks for sharing your recipe! 🙂

For a chocolate treat, I make the below a lot, and it totally satisfies my chocolate cravings! It's very rich. Love this stuff!! haha I'd be careful about eating too much at one time though, because it is a saturated fat.

1 can coconut milk (drained)

5 tbs cocoa powder

3 tbs honey

2 teaspoons vanilla

-Blend and refrigerate so the mixture thickens.

i did something like this today too! (i just cant have a day without something sweet, just caaant, i do all day ok but then at evening time ive had it lawl n gimmee something sweet alreadyy! i am-__-..but at least it was natural etc? >3>)

well i just made it kinda that way ^ cept vanilla thing + coconut sprinkles n cinnamon. n i did it only for 1 bowl n i didnt refrigerate it but nommz on it right away, like pudding it tasted x3 somehow i still feel like i cheated tho

is coconut milk very fatty or whut? how much is too much?

o n i just know when u grind sesame to powder n add honey it totallee tastes like halva or sherbett :> n ofc if u add other cool sweet stuffs (raisins, dates, apricots etcz) its even more ohsom (like if with candy), but its anywayz not too healthy tho, i spose >3>


Posted : 03/21/2011 11:55 pm


LOL about the Veteran^2 thing!!!! I noticed that too and tried to click on it hoping to see what it meant exactly, but alas, nothing there. haha I think it must mean we're extra special! hehe =)


The coconut dessert is like a chocolate mousse, but if you don't drain the coconut milk, then it's more like a pudding. You should try it!! I looooooooooooooooooove the stuff!!! I'm surprised I haven't turned into coconut milk. ......or a leafy green for that matter. hahaha :D



Bloody Corpse Deamonn duh,

Aaaawww!!! Your screen name scares me!!!! haha :)


I'm glad you made something similar to this today and liked it!! And I sooo know what you mean about having a sweet tooth that doesn't emerge until evening, because that's me! haha This coconut dessert totally satisfies my sweet tooth though, which is sooo awesome. I love sprinkling it with cinnamon too! Sometimes I add berries and even drizzle more honey on top. The coconut sprinkles is a great idea! That would look really pretty too if you were serving this at a dinner party.


Coconut milk is "very" high in fat, and it's a saturated fat, which isn't great. Honestly, I don't know what the healthy amount is, because most in the plant-food world say to avoid these types of saturated fats. I know those in raw food think coconut fat is awesome though (there are all kinds of health claims associated with coconut oil). I'd say probably no more than about 1/4th to 1/3rd cup a day, but again, I'm just guessing here. On the other hand, if eating a little too much of this is what you have to do to avoid eating "bad" sweet foods, then this is certainly a better choice! It would depend too upon how many other fats you are including in your diet. You want your fat intake to be around 10% (this number is debatable) and definitely under 20%.


Your sesame dessert sounds wonderful!!! Sounds like halva to me! Also, sweetening it by blending up raisins, dates, etc. is soo smart of you, and it's actually very healthful as well. Dr. Fuhrman recommends doing this in place of sweeteners. Sounds like you are full of all kinds of great ideas for making healthful sweets!!! You should share them in Alternativista's sweets thread!


Posted : 03/22/2011 5:26 am

Theres no real, well put together studies that show any health risks associated with saturated fats. Infact, your body will make the majority that you need for itself, with the lower end coming from diet.


Posted : 03/22/2011 10:09 pm


There is definitely a lot of controversy concerning saturated fats, and there are credible doctors who agree it's not a good fat. These doctors don't use poor studies, so I'm sure there are some good ones out there. However, I don't believe that everything has to be proven or disproven with science, and there are a lot of people who swear by coconut oil.


Posted : 03/23/2011 4:37 am


There is definitely a lot of controversy concerning saturated fats, and there are credible doctors who agree it's not a good fat. These doctors don't use poor studies, so I'm sure there are some good ones out there. However, I don't believe that everything has to be proven or disproven with science, and there are a lot of people who swear by coconut oil.

It doesn't really need a study to prove that saturated fats aren't unhealthy, it just requires a little understanding of the mechanics of the human body.

Saturated fat has been blown way out of proportion, its just a health scare created by the government to make money.

They based their conclusion on the HORRIBLY run study by Ancel Keys called The Seven Countries Study. He basically took the correlation of cardio vascular disease and fat intake, and concluded that the countries with the lowest fat intake were the healthiest. What he didn't include in the results was the fact that actually there were 22 countries studied, yet he published only the 7 that correlated with what he wanted and threw out the rest of the data.

On further investigation, when ALL of the countries were accounted for, the results showed absolutely no correlation between fat intake (particularly sat. fat) and any type of disease. They also found that countries such as Greece and Italy, actually consumed MORE fat that America and other countries and had a much lower amount of cardiovascular disease. They then pinned this down incorrectly to the fact they consumed a lot of olive oil and wine, which is wrong.


Posted : 03/23/2011 11:47 am


If that were the only study out there proving saturated fats to be bad, I would be quite happy about that, because I happen to like saturated fats. haha :P I wouldn't' be surprised at all if what you said about that study is spot on, as some "studies" out there are indeed very twisted and very deceiving. Thanks for sharing the info! :)


Posted : 03/27/2011 10:31 am

This is the 'all taste aside' smoothie that i've been using lately:


150g broccoli

50-100g spinach

2 carrots

2-3tbsp coconut oil

half punnet of raspberries.


All in all it doesn't really taste too bad, i've had worse :) As for effects, well its way to early to say.


Posted : 03/27/2011 3:26 pm

if its all taste aside why the raspberries? Im thinking of doing this next week:

100g broccolli

100g spinach


1onion O.o

few tbsp of olive oil


Its going to be my uber veggie smoothie :D And its going to taste bad xD


Posted : 03/28/2011 1:45 pm


QUOTE (joris (^_^)(^_^) @ Mar 27 2011, 09:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
if its all taste aside why the raspberries? Im thinking of doing this next week:

100g broccolli

100g spinach


1onion O.o

few tbsp of olive oil

Its going to be my uber veggie smoothie 😀 And its going to taste bad xD

Just because their low in sugar and good for you. It doesn't effect the taste much.


Posted : 03/28/2011 3:06 pm

ok ty :P


Posted : 03/28/2011 6:08 pm


Thank you for sharing your positive experience! :)


Ben and Joris,

With those veggie smoothie, I doubt half an apple would hurt to throw in. The greens do help to counteract the effect of the fruit sugars, and it would add a little sweetness. Adding in a tablespoon of lemon juice would make it really refreshing.


Posted : 03/28/2011 7:43 pm

Hi ABG Fairy, I just made my first smoothie today after reading your positive recommendation. I needed a decent meal for after work that eliminated bread/refined carbs. I made mine with a large pear, banana, cinnamon, frozen blueberries, and about 4 large leaves of black kale.


It taste fine, I think I'm going to go lighter on the Kale next time haha. I've gotten through about a glassful of it, it filled the blender. I'm curious, am I to drink the blender full everyday? Seems like a hell of a lot of greens ;)



Posted : 03/28/2011 7:49 pm

haha! I'm glad you're trying out green smoothies! 4 stalks of greens isn't much, but it's okay to start with a small amount as you're getting used to the greens, so cut back if you want to. You could also add less fruit so you you feel like you're not having to drink so much. Another option, since you're looking for an after work meal, would be green-based soups. The recipes for them are included in the first post. I'm addicted to these. :)
