Forum Replies Created

SD newbie (sorta) need some vet insight

Hey there, I have something similar as you and was diagnosed with pityrosporum folliculitis originally. Oral fluconazole and topical ketoconazole and ciclopirox showed minimal improvement and eventual...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

6 years ago
Is this acne, pityrosporum or something else?

Thanks so much for the pics....super helpful to see. And you're right its definitely not just acne. Its obvious and yet derms dont get it. I've been trying Nizoral on my neck and it has helped a lot b...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

6 years ago
Sudden acne rash, possible rosacea?

Did you ever find out what this was and successfully great it? I have similar skin and NOTHING seems to help and my derm is clueless

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Is this acne, pityrosporum or something else?

Hi there, I have similar issues around my nose and mouth, side of neck and bra area of chest. Has anything worked for you yet?

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

6 years ago
Can't cure fungal folliculitis

Okay question for you guys. Are you heat sensitive? Do you get diffuse redness to where it almost looks like constant flushing irritation that worsens with heat?Everywhere I have this folliculitis my ...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

6 years ago
Can't cure fungal folliculitis

Sadly the oral itraconazole did not work on my face. It cleared up my neck and chest about 90% but not my face at all. Then 4 weeks after finishing the meds it all came back on my neck too. Nizoral sh...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

6 years ago
Tiny bumps that don't go away? It may be PF!

Thanks for the info on your regimen. I'm gonna give the mask a try and back to the derm next week. Still not much improvement but not gonna give up. So glad to hear your skin is doing great. Crossing ...

In forum Oily skin

6 years ago
Pityrosporum folliculitis skin redness

First they did a scraping to look under the microscope. The Dr. Didn't see anything but said they're often hard to see. So then he did a shave biopsy and it came back positive....pityrosporum. Ask for...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

7 years ago
Can't cure fungal folliculitis

Thanks for the comment 99f. I'll definitely ask about infectious disease. These doctors want to act like because they're meds haven't worked then I must not have it. Now they want to call it acne or c...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

7 years ago
Pityrosporum folliculitis skin redness

It sounds like folliculitis for sure. Dermatologists are soooo frustrating and I've gone through several and only found one who has any common sense. Most glance for a second and send toumoff without ...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

7 years ago
Tiny bumps that don't go away? It may be PF!

Hey Dounage so happy for you! I took 2 weeks of oral itraconazole just finished a couple days ago. It's an antifungal but didn't do much. I just ordered tea tree shampoo and a mandelic acid body wash ...

In forum Oily skin

7 years ago
Folliculitis or clogged pores? I hate my skin and I can't look at myself in the mirror..

Hi Little Chickadee I have the same problem happening. It sounds like folliculitis....that's what I have. Were you able to find a treatment that worked?

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Can't cure fungal folliculitis

I'm in the same boat as the two of you. Battling for nearly a year and this stuff won't budge and spreads. Even worse its moved up to my neck and if my chest and back weren't bad enough. I'...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

7 years ago
Small bumps getting worse!! Help!

Hi Vonnegaga, I don't know much about SA peels but I spoke to a skin center this week who suggested mandelic acid peels. Apparently it's both antifungal and antibacterial so may show improvement regar...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Small bumps getting worse!! Help!

I feel your pain. I have the same bumps on face, jaw, and neck and they just keep spreading! A derm biopsied and it came back malassezia aka pityrosporum folliculitis. It's fungal folliculitis and sup...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
FOLLICULITIS - natural path - help!

Hi Journey, I've been going through a similar experience only with malassezia fungal folliculitis after antibiotics and prednisone threw my natural flora out of whack. It's been 7 months and just keep...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Fungal acne !?

Hi there, Like you I have similar looking bumps and they did turn out to be fungal acne....malassezia folliculitis to be exact. So far I've tried Diflucan oral and Selsun and Nizoral as body wash. Thi...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Does this look like folliculitis? Pictures attached.

My face looks exactly like your pics right now. Did your condition clear? If so what specifically did you use? I really am running out of ideas and I have it on my neck too! Thanks for replying if you...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Tiny bumps that don't go away? It may be PF!

Hi Dounage, Keep me posted on how things go for you. I just got a biopsy done so waiting on results. Dr says if it's not fungal it could be hormonal acne. This stuff spreads like a rash though and itc...

In forum Oily skin

7 years ago
Tiny bumps that don't go away? It may be PF!

Curious for any updates from you all on how things are going? Dounage any success? A biopsy confirmed pityrosporum folliculitis on me but Nizoral, Selsun Blue, even oral antifungals didn't work! I jus...

In forum Oily skin

7 years ago
Malassezia Folliculitis

Curious if you ever found a treatment that worked? After 20 days of antibiotics followed by 10 days of prednisone 7 months ago I've been battling this as well. It's spread from my chest and back to my...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Pityrosporum folliculitis skin redness

Ok so I had a weird rash of bumps suddenly appear a month ago across my chest. Tiny little bumps mixed with slighter larger red pustules. I was on prednisone at the time and though maybe it was a reac...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

7 years ago
I am so depressed please help

I have similar bumps like this on my jawline and cheeks and it is pityrosporum folliculitis. Caused by fungus overgrowth. Mine started on my chest and spread. A biopsy at the derm confirmed fungal. I ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago