Forum Replies Created

Eczema on arms

Vitamin A (Accutane is derived from Vitamin A) can cause your arms to get rashes like that. My dermatologist said he has no idea why really, but almost everyone on Accutane he's seen has gotten them. ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

18 years ago
Any women tried Spironolactone?

On paper, that drug sounds a lot like Accutane, only I'm pretty sure only females should use it, lol, since you know...It cuts Androgens, a male hormone...Androgens are what causes the oil, so it's ju...

In forum Hormonal acne

18 years ago
Due to popular demand and numerous pm's...

So the "nothing ever seen before" regimine was actually....A list of stuff many many other people have done and posted about?   I fail to see how that is new at all, but whatever.   So yea.....

In forum Personal logs

18 years ago
Due to popular demand and numerous pm's...

This tossers extreme regimen is to cut off his head Plus, its almost the 16th already mate, just post the bloody thing 15th here in the states. Only by 3 hours, too. He's probably getting his b...

In forum Personal logs

18 years ago
Has Anyone Grown After Accutane?

Stunted growth isn't even listed as a side-effect, nor could I even see a connection.   It stops your sebacious glands from making oil, people...That's it. I have no idea how you could even begin...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
Due to popular demand and numerous pm's...

I have no idea why people are coming to this thread and expecting him to say anything but narcissistic comments and a buncha' BS.   Think about it, guys. If you found anything that you thought wo...

In forum Personal logs

18 years ago
Please give me your TAZORAC EXPERIENCES

My advice would be to moisturize if you must use this. I owe this lovely cream thanks for a scar on my face. I'm thankful it isn't a pitted scar or anything (looks like a small "oh crap I just fell an...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
Due to popular demand and numerous pm's...

He's just being a douche bag. Furthermore, he needs to wipe his shit-eating grin off his face. Oooo, you took accutane. Huge secret.

In forum Personal logs

18 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

you know what's the worst? i finally got up the guts to go out of the house with no makeup. GO ME! right, well i went to my psychiatrist appt. and the first thing he said to me in his french accent wa...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

19 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

Oh, thought of another...   I got in a fight once with some kid...Me and my friend did, and we both happened to have acne...My friend's acne was 100 times worse than mine...Mine wasn't too bad, m...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

19 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

I stay away from little kids as much as I can. They don't understand it and ALWAYS make a comment or ask questions. Little bastards.   In 19th grade, my acne wasn't too bad, but I was one of the ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

19 years ago
Does alcohol causes acnes ??

Alcohol dehydrates you immensily...Yes, it does aggravate acne, but it doesn't cause it. It'll just make it worse.

In forum General acne discussion

19 years ago

I haven't tried it yet, but perhaps you can used ENER-G EGG REPLACER instead of real egg whites.  I'm vegan,but I have no problem using animal products (I just don't injest them).Â&n...

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago