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Any suggestions for treating acne scar between eyebrows


Posted : 05/14/2024 12:14 pm

Hey yall, I have this pretty severe acne scar between my eyebrows and would appreciate any advice on treatment options. The scar is depressed and has caused a vertical crease/fold. Its a fairly new scar (2.5 months old) so I would like to get it treated sooner rather than later. Currently considering subcision for treatment but dont know if I would be a good candidate. Appreciate any help. Thanks

Member Admin

Posted : 05/15/2024 5:11 pm

I think subcision (with suction) is usually not a bad start. But at least the stats show that it alone doesn't fix the issue, so you'll probably need something else. For that kind of depressed, single scar, my gut tells me that maybe a filler might be interesting. Have you looked into those? I always liked the idea of analogous fat, so like using your own fat as a filler, but I am not a big expert on fillers.


Posted : 06/05/2024 2:01 pm

@dan thanks for the response! I have not looked into filler but as I understand there is a higher risk of putting filler in the glabella region. A fat transfer is not something I had considered but will definitely bring it up with my derm. I recently went to one of the stop acne scar dermatologists in Chicago and she only recommended fraxel dual non-ablative fractionated laser which I dont believe will do much for this type of scar. Would love your thoughts on fraxel laser effectiveness on atrophic scars. Also would filler only be an option if I first subcise the scar?

Member Admin

Posted : 06/06/2024 7:53 am

Fractional laser works better with PRP, but no matter what, it takes lots of sessions. In studies they usually do 3 sessions, but the people who do 8 or so get better results. So it takes patience and results from each session are minimal. It just has to add up over time. But for a deeper depression like you have I haven't seen how it would work. That's why I wonder about filler. But yeah, you are not the first to mention that filler is tougher in the glabella region.
