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Daily 30 Minute Massages On Face Eradicates Scars?


Posted : 06/13/2013 3:53 am

Hi AMcGuill,

Thanks for your reply.

I have no interest in writing a dissertation. My arguments/links are just a small sample of available evidence. Dr Rima Laibow is just one of thousands of whistle-blowers re global depopulation program. If you don't wish to investigate the Truth further, that's your choice. However, if you wish to dismiss my evidence, just keep drinking your aspartame laced sodas (known to cause cancer), or sports drinks (containing toxic flame retardant), or perhaps you prefer the yukky aftertaste of rat poison/industrial strength synthetic fluoride in tap water (known to cause cancer and lower IQ) - yes, it's your free choice to keep drinking that too [Edited image out] fact, if you wish to eat rotting toxic meat, knock yourself out [Edited image out] basically, if you wish to place your trust in Monsanto, junk food outlets, GMO, chemotherapy, vaccinations, corn syrup, MSG, Big Pharma and Benzoyl's your life, have fun!! [Edited image out]

All the best [Edited image out]

PS Anti-fungal douches are highly effective...


Posted : 06/13/2013 5:48 pm

All the best with your healing Redxmoney :)!!


Posted : 06/13/2013 7:32 pm

UPDATE: Friday 14 June 2013

Okay, so I said I wasn't going to provide an update here until the 21 June 2013 - that is, unless I experienced significant improvement - and I have! I hope this info truly helps others too [Edited image out]

Basically, the last three days, I have been skin rolling with a short(ish) 0.25mm skin needle roller (from and fresh lemon juice. The results have been outstanding. I did massage only once in that time with rosehip oil and fresh lemon juice, but the other two days, I just skin rolled and used fresh lemon juice straight after (left it on), and then applied fresh lemon juice again at night before bed (left it on again) basically, I've been wearing fresh lemon juice on my face 24 hours the last 3 days (applied fresh twice a day) and skin rolled each day once, before applying the fresh lemon juice.

The result is AMAZING!!!

I always knew limes were great for my skin, but I never tried lemons. And I've discovered that it has ALMOST MIRACULOUS SCAR HEALING/ REDNESS HEALING CAPABILITIES WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH SKIN NEEDLING!!! Was this experience unique to me? NO! Go to the product review page on this forum re lemons. You'll see most people rate it very highly and many rave that it heals their redness and scars like no other product!!!

I've now discovered that I prefer fresh lemon juice + skin rolling to using glycolic acid peels. Because unlike the glycolic peel, fresh lemon juice contains vitamin c which diminishes redness and is much safer (it also makes the skin go red/ remodel after you first apply it post skin needling - just like glycolic acid - but better! That's because the fresh lemon juice makes the redness fade and the skin look great if you don't wash off the lemon juice! Well, that was my experience anyway...not sure if this is a universal effect... Fresh lemon juice also lightens pigmentation problems and brightens skin tone! It also makes the skin look very healthy when you leave it on (although a tiny bit sticky) skin is now at the stage where I don't need full coverage, just some concealer and non-toxic 100% mineral powder!!! I"M OVER THE MOON WITH JOY...

Even my severely damaged leathery coarse forehead is looking much better. I only have some superficial scarring left. My surgical scars, especially the deep one is level with my normal skin now - but it's still a little light in the center and the surface of it still looks a bit irregular and not smooth... but I'm hoping the lemon juice will fully heal it...(NB I credit the massaging with lifting the surgical scar, but I'm wondering now if the fresh lemon juice plus skin needling would have created the same results and possibly faster??).

Re my TCA scar, it's 99% have to look really hard to see it anymore!

My scars on my left cheek that looked like lots of deep red scratches from my burn is transformed ( NB this was the site of my previous early stage rosacea created by BP damage prior to receiving the burn). The red scratches are 99% gone and there is only the lightest pink there now! I can't even see any rosacea like capillaries!!!

My right cheek that had my surgical scars (and it also received greater burn marks) is much better too. I would say it is now 85-90% better!!! However, I'll still need to skin needle more with fresh lemon juice to get it looking super smooth and repair the evidence of disfigured/ damaged pores surrounding the remnant scars.

Re my red nose, it too is looking better, but the improvement is not as great as the other areas...however, the red capillaries on my nose are fading and some have even disappeared! I would say the improvement there is now 85%

My forehead is smoother, tighter and far less leathery looking...the pigmentation is still there, but it looks a little lighter. I would say my forehead is 85% improved. My forehead looks much better with fresh lemon juice applied to it. I guess I'll be wearing lemon juice every day (or nearly every day) there until it fully heals.

So that's it, until next update...

Lastly, I just wish to state that after experiencing such positive results with fresh lemon juice and skin needling, I don't think I'll be returning to glycolic acid peels in future...fresh lemon juice is far safer and offers more benefits than the glycolic acid peels in my experience now...I wish I'd discovered this before getting my 2nd degree burns!!!

It's just outstanding how far my skin has improved since early April. My skin was so damaged....I had partial thickness burns that made some parts of my cheek have major different skin layer heights....however, the beta glucan/ skin pricking/ skin needling really helped heal/ remodel these burns BIG TIME!!! But the rosehip massages continued with the healing/ regrowth process.... and now the fresh lemon juice with skin needling has taken my skin healing to the next level.

I really hope this information helps others...ALL scars can & will definitely heal with proper mesotherapy!!!

I recommend that people reading this should test fresh lemon juice on their skin for 24 hours before attempting to use it as a 24hour topical or in conjunction with skin needling.

I also don't recommend fresh lemon juice for very sensitive/ thin skins...i.e. if you're using retin A, I would recommend you discontinue it for 2 weeks to 1 month before attempting the fresh lemon juice topical just in case....and please do a 24-hour patch test first...

I would now rate my overall improvement between 85 - 90% !!! I'm thrilled....

I also rate fresh lemon juice with skin needling as one of the most potent ways to heal, smooth, heal redness and remodel scarring FAST!!! What an amazing discovery...I hope other people benefit from this modality....just please trial it safely....

So, is my skin perfect? NO!!! But it's so MUCH closer to the "normal" category since receiving my burns accident.

From hereon, I will continue with alternating between:

  • Daily skin needling (with a 0.25mm needle) and applying fresh lemon juice directly after; waiting 15 minutes then applying rosehip oil and massaging for 30 minutes...leaving this on my face...reapply fresh lemon juice before bed...
  • Daily skin needling (with a 0.25mm needle) and applying fresh lemon juice directly after; not applying rosehip oil or massaging
  • Daily skin needling (with a 0.25mm needle) and applying fresh lemon juice directly after; waiting 15 minutes then applying rosehip oil and massaging for 30 minutes...wash off the rosehip oil after massage and reapply the fresh lemon juice only to wear all day/ night.
  • Daily 30 minute massage with rosehip oil only
  • Rosehip oil, no massage
  • Not doing anything all, leaving my skin alone for the entire day/ night

    NB The rosehip oil has helped recondition my skin and heal my scars, but the fresh lemon juice is tightening my skin, helping my pigmentation, healing my scars/redness faster...I feel at this stage the fresh lemon juice with skin needling is what my skin currently needs...the rosehip oil is great too, but perhaps my leathery skin doesn't just need softening (from the rosehip oil), it needs tightening (from the fresh lemon juice)...

    Please let me know if others are using fresh lemon juice and skin needling or just fresh lemon juice as a topical and what your experience is with it...

    ~ Peace ~ [Edited image out]

PS After the third day of my fresh lemon juice/ skin needle trial, I have started to flake a little, which is a good sign my skin is shedding the very top damaged layer of my skin...however, my scarring is continuing to improve (this contrasts with my retin a use post burns, previously, it smoothed my skin and improved it's texture, but post burn, if I left it on for more than an hour, it would start to accentuate my scars..perhaps I can trial reusing the retin a in another week or so..will see).

PPS I use pure 100% vitamin e around my delicate eye area.

PPPS I'm drinking fresh lemon juice (and seeping the lemon wedge) in a glass of spring water and drinking it every day first thing for extra detox/ healing...

panos liked

Posted : 06/13/2013 11:55 pm

Hi aquasea. I have applied natural olive oil for the past two days and so far my face feels nice and moisturized.

I am very impress with your results lets hope that your results will stay like that after you stopped massaging. I am a bit skeptical about how much you say the massaging has helped you. A 90% improvement on your facial skin is impressive. Its miraculous to think that your red marks, surgical scars, and tca scars are close to normal skin tone/appearance. A 99% improvement on your early stage rosacea is an inspiration for me, I also have, at least what it appears to be, early stage rosacea. Congratulations.

You would be so kind to show a before and after photo? I understand that's privacy is an issue but you can most certainly black out your eyes.


Posted : 06/14/2013 1:09 am

Hi Adrianfe12 [Edited image out]

Re Olive oil, just be careful with it, it can encourage fungal growth on susceptible people...I found it good to use but not left gave my skin a horrible cauliflower texture....see how you go....

Re my skin, I did have shallow rolling scars in the past, but I rectified most of it before through skin needling/ skin pricking/ glycolic peels/ retin a/ copper peptides etc...I have been skin needling for over a year...probably close to 2-years now. So most of my skin impovements were made via past treatments, not current treatments...

My current treatment was constructed to address my recent skin concerns since receiving 2nd degree burns in April 2013, including :

My recent 2nd degree burns scars/ and damaged skin texture post burns
My 3 surgical scars (which still had not healed completely - 1 indented, 2 hypertrophic)

Improving the texture of my forehead, that still needed healing, and also some burn scar damage

My TCA scar (which improved from previous treatments, but not fully)

Chin scars which I don't know how I got, but I'm guessing via my recent glycolic peel mishap/ burns (as I used it in conjunction with retin a in one session).
My stubborn red marks/ rosacea (from BP damage)
My pigmentation issues (from BP damage).

Please note, I have no boxcar scars nor icepick scars. However, to offer hope and help, I rationalized that my surgical scar could be used as a comparative scar to gauge how massaging may help these aforementioned acne scars as my surgical scar would be deeper than any boxcar or icepick scar.

Also, you must realize that I have not just massaged my skin, I've been skin needling and skin pricking too. So, in this way, my trial is not reflecting the effectiveness of daily 30 minute massaging only, but massage used in conjunction with skin needling/ skin pricking & topicals (rosehip oil/ fresh lemon juice).

And no, I am not posting any pics of myself. If you don't wish to trial these methods, that's absolutely fine. I'm just here trying to help myself and sharing the results with others. You can test it for yourself, or not.

Btw, I'm not here to deceive anyone, only offer help and my results. If you prefer to take a chance on invasive/ expensive/ risky scar revision methods/ lasers, that is your choice. But why wouldn't you first test a low risk/ inexpensive/ natural option first ??

Cheers [Edited image out]

PS I made the point earlier that IMHO, 30 minute daily massaging would help superficial scars, but for deeper scars/ skin damage, skin needling/ skin pricking would be needed in conjunction with good natural topicals & daily massaging. I also suggested for boxcar scars/ icepick scars, that vacuum therapy/ cupping (see etc) could be used, although I had never tried it myself.


Posted : 06/18/2013 10:04 pm

I massage my face for around 20 min every night with honey then wait and pass some ice on my face to close pores and then apply with gentle massages natural aloe vera crystals on my face and so far my skins feels much better, red marks are fading aswell, but i gotta tell that i do not only use these natural treatments.. Im now under azelaic acid 0.2g cream, use some nights cicaplast from la roche to regenerate my skin ever since i had laser last november, and some odd days i use eucerin to lighten up my red marks... Also i wear sunscreen since I wake up till night because the sun really damages our skins... Good luck everyone! :)


Posted : 06/19/2013 7:02 pm

Hey, i just read some story where this girl massaged her face, and kept massaging and eventually her face sagged.

What are your thoughts about this?


Posted : 06/20/2013 1:38 pm

Try together with massage,try ormus,magnets and big amounts of water and beets.

Or you can massage with magnesium chloride,aka magnesium oil.


Posted : 06/21/2013 8:51 am

Hi Fleurverte & Majjad [Edited image out]

Glad to hear you are both testing the massaging and using your own key ingredients. Just do it every day for 2 weeks (maximum 4 weeks). And then, for general maintenance only once every two weeks (or month etc) don't want to over do it.... Cheers [Edited image out]

Hi AghhNe,

Well, I don't know about that....but you shouldn't do anything excessively. Massaging your skin nightly for 2 weeks to 1 month ONLY for 30 minutes won't make your skin sag. Instead, it will make your skin lift!!! Cheers [Edited image out]

Final Massage Update:

I've finished my daily massage experiment over a 4-week period and my skin is much improved. I would say 90 out of 100. My skin is not perfect, but it's soooo much better than when I started 1 month ago. But I also skin needled with a roller (0.25mm from and single needled during this time. I also discovered I prefer skin needling with fresh lemon juice (but I'll only do this once or twice a week from hereon). I don't think I'll ever use glycolic acid again after discovering how good fresh lemon juice is for my skin. I also reintroduced retin a back into my skin treatment. It is going well. I will use it every 3 or 5 days for another 6 to 12 months (until my skin fully heals) and then completely stop using retin a. I will only continue to use fresh lemon juice and rosehip oil as a topical (and when needed, tea trea oil and for a spot treatment, lavender oil) in the future. I will also source some other natural topicals to use, including a pure natural product containing beta glucan.

Also, I discovered a great face mask, I mix:

NB Here's an article about spirulina used as a face mask

I have been reading that rosacea or red skin needs vitamin c, zinc, minerals/ vitamins, and amino acids (protein), EFAs, skin growth factors & other 'skin food' to heal. So, I've made my own face mask using my supergreen powder (chlorella, spirulina, wheat grass, barley grass), fresh lemon juice and manuka honey. This green powder is nature's most perfect food, it contains complete protein, complete minerals and possibly complete vitamins too...I have used it on my face twice and it seems to be helping it. I leave it on for about 3 or 4 hours before bedtime before rinsing off. I will try to do it at least 3 times per week for another 3 weeks and then as a weekly face mask.

I love the way it goes on my face like a deep forest green. I believe it is healing/ feeding my skin the nutrients it needs to recover from the severe BP damage and recent burns. .

As for massaging, I'm giving my skin a break from it as I'm using the retin a now which is too harsh to use in conjunction with massaging. I will only massage my skin now once every two weeks or once a month. I think this is a great antiaging technique. But, I will in future look into cupping/ vacuum therapy for deep tissue massage therapy once a month too...

So, I recommend massage therapy for everyone (unless your skin is fragile or you're using a harsh treatment like retin a/ accutane etc). Please only massage for 2 weeks (maximum 4 weeks), and give your skin a break once a week. If your scars are stubborn, try skin needling/ skin pricking/ cupping/ suctioning (see

I'm glad I tried this therapy. It works. But it should be used in conjunction with other non-invasive therapies & natural topicals (unless your scarring is light/ superficial).

So, good luck everyone!!!I hope you all find this technique helpful...SKIN DOES AND WILL HEAL!!!!


Miko Yan liked

Posted : 06/21/2013 11:48 am

I don't trust anything whitout before/after photo.


Posted : 06/21/2013 7:36 pm

Hi Remicade,

Thanks for your comment. You don't need to trust me, you can just test it & see for yourself if it works for's low risk & cheap... but If you prefer to go through the invasive route, that is your choice. I'm not here to convince anyone. I'm just sharing what I've learned/ learning & my results....

All the best [Edited image out]


Posted : 06/22/2013 12:35 am

Hey, i just read some story where this girl massaged her face, and kept massaging and eventually her face sagged.

What are your thoughts about this?

That's kind of worrying, could you provide the source of that info? she must've massaged way too much for a very long time and with a technique not targeted at just scars alone!

aquasea liked

Posted : 06/22/2013 1:57 am

Thanks for the links aquasea, i've taken spirulina since childhood and i didn't know it could be used as a face mask [Edited image out]

I'm starting to see dents filling up as a result of massaging, but unfortunately i got a cyst just in the middle of the area i was massaging (cheek) so i won't be able to do it for the next week. The other cheek is still recovering from a chemical peel i did weeks ago so we'll see which side ends up better in the end.

Also don't worry about people asking for pictures, i wouldn't upload any even if i had perfect skin (shyness, mostly). This is one of the few if not the only technique that is 100% safe and provides good results all around; if not for scars, for a natural lift and healthy skin glow.

aquasea liked

Posted : 06/22/2013 2:25 am

Great to hear your indents are filling-up Miko Yan!!! [Edited image out] If you need extra help, try single needling too (see .

As for the cyst, if you're eating healthy, it could just be the skin purging (or as Panos wisely noted, it might be the scar fibroids breaking, purging and healing)...otherwise, maybe you ate something that wasn't "clean" i.e. dairy, junk food, gluten, something you have a food allergy to, tap water, tomato sauce, sulphites, deli cold meats, vinegar, processed food, canned food, sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, pastry, cake, coffee, foods/ drinks in plastic containers, microwave food, GMO, MSG, artificial additives, fried food, processed sugar, corn syrup etc....or perhaps it's a topical used recently or the skin peel...

Maybe you could try detoxing with chlorella, cilantro, Benoite clay, dandelion tisane, pectin fruit like apples/ banana etc etc...

However, it's great to hear you've been taking spirulina since childhood!!! [Edited image out] Have you considered chlorella (internal/ external)? It helps you at a RNA/ DNA level to detox & heal...barley grass & wheat grass are also good for nutrition....

PS Yes, I don't wish to post my pictures on here...privacy is important...nice to hear you understand that concern...


Posted : 06/22/2013 9:25 am

Ok I'll post my before photos and I'll post another after 30 days. Wish me luck :).


aquasea liked

Posted : 06/22/2013 9:59 am

On 6/22/2013 at 10:25 PM, Remicade said:

Ok I'll post my before photos and I'll post another after 30 days. Wish me luck [Edited image out].

are u doing anything for the pores?

try keeping a track if the process is helping the pores as well.

i am not very sure about scars.

but i am told that i have this box there's a pic :

will massaging(with say,my usual cleanser while cleansing) help it in anyway?


Posted : 06/22/2013 10:02 am

Only dermarolling + Retin A about 2 years but don;y know If it works for pores. The photo is made with a DSLR with plenty of details, in real life in a mirror I don't see so much pores. When I open the photo I was scared, in reality I'm not so ugly :).


Posted : 06/22/2013 12:36 pm

i dont think u r ugly.

u just have huge pores.

and a few scars.


Posted : 06/22/2013 4:52 pm

Thought someone trying this massaging might find this thread interesting:


I'm fairly sure massaging wont do anything for old icepick or boxcar scars, but I don't know much about rolling ones and can't comment whether this could help untether them or not. Doesn't hurt to try, I guess.

aquasea liked

Posted : 06/22/2013 8:21 pm

Hi Remicade [Edited image out]

Great to see you're taking the leap of faith!! [Edited image out] And your skin should heal quite easily & nicely...But you need to take a holistic approach to maximize your healing & results. (Also, perhaps you should stop using the retin a for the trial or only use it once a week, maybe twice a week.)

Thus, from your picture I noticed that your skin looks really dehydrated and not supple. It also seems to lack nutrition & looks stripped of a natural lipid barrier/ layer (hence the large pores)...i.e. this suggests your facial skin is not getting enough skin food/ nutrients & is overly washed with a harsh topical or harsh tap water. I would, therefore, like to suggest that while you skin massage that you:

A) Drink fresh veg/fruit juice daily (once or twice a day) - i.e. beetroot/ apple/ carrot/ ginger with 1 scoop of super green powder containing chlorella, spirulina, barley grass & wheat grass See

B) You use a super green face mask twice a week (wear it for at least 1 or 2 hours before rinsing off) containing: manuka honey (at least factor 10+ or above) or raw organic honey + super green powder + fresh lemon juice from 1 squeezed lemon wedge. see this for inspiration & see this

C) Once a day, cleanse your skin using the Oil Cleansing Method: try it with grapeseed oil or another oil. See here for details

D) Once a week, wash your skin with sea-salt to ensure you don't get a build-up of oil/ dirt etc. And you can apply fresh lemon juice to your skin after as an astringent/ vitamin c mask.

E) Eat super healthy & take a quality multivitamin with no toxic fillers etc

F) Drink spring water, coconut water or fresh juice only

G) Eat mostly raw vegetables, i.e. green super salads with kale/ dandelion greens/ cilantro/ flat parsley/ red onion/ avocado/ alfalfa/ lemon juice/ sprouted quinoa or lentils (make it from the dry package/ just soak overnight and boil it next day for 10 to 15 minutes)/ red cabbage/ mixed raw nuts (if you're not allergic to them)/ mixed raw seeds/ salt + pepper/ tumeric/ cayenne pepper/ lots of evoo + flaxseed oil etc ; lots of fresh fruit daily like organic apples, strawberries, mixed berries, passionfruit, mango, watermelon, kiwifruit, banana etc; baked potato with the jacket & sweet potato/ or pumpkin (peeled) (just place in foil and bake for 1 hour) - add lentils/ salad/ turmeric/thyme/ cayenne pepper/ hummus/ lemon juice/ flaxseed oil/ salt & pepper to taste...just keep eating lots of natural unprocessed organic wholefoods and superfoods daily, even brown rice dishes are great with tempeh, peas, steamed thai vegetables (frozen)/ bok choy/ fresh lemongrass/ fresh ginger/ cayenne pepper/ coconut oil/ coconut milk/ homemade peanut vegan sauce etc or mixed mushroom vegan risotto (just stay away from any junk foods including gluten products like pasta - however vegan flat breads are okay on occasion like Lebanese or Pita Bread etc...note that wheat products and dairy products contain opiods that make then highly addictive and bad for your body/ skin, but once you manage to kick the "habit" of eating dairy and junk food/ gluten/ wheat opiods - it takes just 30 to 60 days - you will no longer crave junk food but fresh, clean healthy food...and you'll notice just how sluggish/ awful you feel if you ever try eating these wheat/ dairy/ gluten/ junk etc foods again i.e. I now notice how awful I feel after eating I avoid it now....I love the energetic feeling I get from eating LIVE, CLEAN, NATURAL, ORGANIC fresh vegan wholefoods i.e. raw fruit/ vegs/ legumes/ chickpeas/ flaxseed oil / fresh lemon & lime juice; gluten free muesli + almond milk + banana + pumpkin seeds; tomato/ eggplant/ chia seeds/ quinoa/ fermented healthy foods like tempeh & sauerkraut & miso etc/ hemp seeds/ sea vegetables/ lentils/ nuts/ seeds/ chia seeds/ olives/ capers/ super greens/ super foods/ hummus/ unhulled tahini/ spices like cayenne pepper/ thyme/ turmeric/ ginger/ and herbs like flat parsley/ mint/ basil/ cilantro/ thyme/ homemade vegan sauces/ 85% vegan dark chocolate/ raw cacao etc

H) Stay away from coffee & tea, these just leech vitamins and minerals from you body...same with sodas/ sports drinks/ tap water/ energy drinks etc...herbal tisanes like peppermint/ rosehip/ dandelion etc are fine though...

I) Exercise gently daily for 10 - 30 minutes..this makes your skin look its best, improves blood circulation to your face (therefore more nutrients go to your face/ skin) and activates your natural human growth hormones to repair your skin...

J) Get some natural sunlight on your body/ face for vitamin D daily, just don't burn and make sure you are not wearing sun protection (i.e. try sitting in the sun or walking in a park, late afternoon i.e. after 3 pm for about 10 -30 minutes depending on how sensitive your skin is to sunlight)...

K) Get positive/ think positive/ love yourself smile.png

L) Aim to get a good night's sleep for at least 7.5 - 8 hours per night (and get to bed before 10pm ideally) a cool, dark, tidy & relaxing room...

M) Consider single needling and suctioning/ cupping/ vacuum therapy for more stubborn scar areas i.e. See &

N) If you get a spot, use 100% organic lavender oil directly on the spot (not all over the face, it's too drying).

Finally, note that it takes 4 weeks for the skin to regenerate and 2-3 months for new collagen to form. So, major results won't be visible until 2 to 3 months. However, you should see significant results within 2 weeks that will give you the motivation to continue with natural holistic healing modalities...and your face should be totally healed within 6 months - 12 months max if you continue to treat your body well/ skin well with the best & healthiest topicals/ mesotherapy/ lifestyle practices & habits.

All the best [Edited image out]

PS Please consider drinking a herbal tisane or vegan hot chocolate/ cacao twice a day with 1 or 2 spoonfuls of virgin cold pressed organic coconut oil. This should really help your skin get its suppleness & glow back...i.e. some "models" say coconut oil helps their skin & body stay healthy ...basically, it's a super food that nourishes your body & blood back to health...extra virgin olive oil is also great... add it generously to your salads daily...

PPS If you don't want to go 100% vegan...then eat boiled/ poached organic/ free range eggs from a humane farm and consider a B12 supplement of between 2000mcg to 3000mcg per week (NB even non-vegans should take this too, as they are often deficient in this vitamin). Also, everyone should include ample omega 3 in their diet (i.e. 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily) and iodine sources like kelp/ sea vegetables or a quality multivitamin with iodine or iodized salt...

PPPS Don't fry/ don't use a microwave/ no GMO/ no fluoride toothpaste/ no MSG/ no additives/ no artificial foods or fast / drink super healthy - make every mouthful truly delicious and nutritious ! [Edited image out]

tracyyy and aanabill liked

Posted : 06/22/2013 10:22 pm

Remicade, one final suggestion...please look into using a quality dermatological product or natural organic skin care product with B3 niacinamide and beta glucan. These help heal the skin at a cellular level...they are very potent topicals & work!!! (NB Don't use these ingredients alone as they are too potent, you only need a small concentration..not sure of the optimum dosage but I think 1% or 5% max for beta glucan & 10% max for b3 niacinamide....but please research the dosage as I'm not exactly certain...and stick to a quality dermatological product to ensure you're getting the safe/ optimum dose...

Also, calcium is said to benefit the a product with this would be beneficial...

Basically, you need to be a skin detective or as Panos noted, an alchemist....because the primary reason that our skin has scarring etc is because it is missing a key nutrient or nutrients and we need to figure out which one it is..... i.e. you'll notice that if you place a key nutrient on your face that your skin has been missing or deficient in, you'll see an instant MAJOR improvement once you place it on your face...likewise, if you don't see an instant major improvement, you are probably not deficient in that nutrient so you'll need to continue trialling new nutrients/ natural topicals until you achieve maximum healing & skin health to your personal satisfaction.


Posted : 06/22/2013 10:28 pm


Hey, i just read some story where this girl massaged her face, and kept massaging and eventually her face sagged.

What are your thoughts about this?

That's kind of worrying, could you provide the source of that info? she must've massaged way too much for a very long time and with a technique not targeted at just scars alone!

Sorry i havent been able to go to this site for days. Trying to enjoy my life despite this acne and scars. Anyways, it's been days since i read that story but im pretty sure you guys will be able to find it on google. Just type, facial massag ruined my face. You'll eventually find some. Because i always search the negative together with the positive. But anyways, im excited to try this massage! I agree with Aquasea. TRY IT ONLY and ALWAYS listen to your face ans skin! Stop if there is negative effects immidiately!


Remicade, one final suggestion...please look into using a quality dermatological product or natural organic skin care product with B3 niacinamide and beta glucan. These help heal the skin at a cellular level...they are very potent topicals & work!!!

I want to buy some beta glucan but i cant order online and cant find it in stores. I just hope there is a natural fruit or vegtable that i can utilize instead.


Posted : 06/22/2013 10:35 pm

Hi AghhNe,

Try a face mask with oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal, that has natural beta glucans...

Cheers :)


Posted : 06/23/2013 12:28 am

On 6/22/2013 at 10:59 PM, aanabill said:
On 6/22/2013 at 10:25 PM, Remicade said:

Ok I'll post my before photos and I'll post another after 30 days. Wish me luck [Edited image out].

are u doing anything for the pores?

try keeping a track if the process is helping the pores as well.

i am not very sure about scars.

but i am told that i have this box there's a pic :

will massaging(with say,my usual cleanser while cleansing) help it in anyway?

Hi Aanabill,

This scar is very simple to remedy. You just need to single needle (& possibly use fresh lemon juice as well) to stimulate collagen...just do this once or twice a week for 4 to 8 weeks & then stop (i.e. prick your scar 3 or 5 times, leaving some space between the pricking to ensure skin is left in tact). You can also consider suctioning/ cupping/ vacuum therapy for more stubborn scar areas i.e. See http://shop.owndoc.c...les-pid172.html & http://shop.owndoc.c...ars-pid212.html . Also, you might want to trial massaging your scar for 5 minutes after pricking it. I know when I pricked/ needled my skin and massaged I noticed better results.

Cheers :)
