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Daily 30 Minute Massages On Face Eradicates Scars?


Posted : 05/20/2013 11:13 pm

I have been massaging my face with Aloe Vera + Marine Collagen Moisturizer (as well as B5, B3, Beta Glucan, Hyaluronic Acid, [and Steiva A with copper peptides every 3 or 5 days] ) from and have seen an improvement in my skin. However, I came across this post on Yahoo stating that daily self massages on scars/ face can heal them completely...sounds fantastic if true...has anyone tried this remedy? I am going to start...


"You can rapidly get rid of them with this simple, safe, natural treatment. It has worked for many on Answers (see just some of the testimonials below ##)

I had acne scars, dark marks and pronounced scars from childhood accidents and this got rid of every single one. The trick is to repeatedly massage them over and over quite vigorously and firmly. Use a pure natural oil. They are noncomedogenic so do not clog or cause breakouts or make skin oily. Extra virgin olive or coconut or jojoba work well. USE BOTH HANDS AT SAME TIME and do forward and back massage using front and tips of fingers and palms (where you can). Circular massage will not work. To avoid skin pulling/stretching tighten skin by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth. The massaging friction rubs them away and forces a clear new skin to appear.

For best/quickest results gradually build up to a daily 20 or 30min daily massage (skin and hands have to first adjust). Can be in two or more sessions. You should get clear fading in about 10 to 14 days - depending on how frequently/how long you massage. Keep it up and it will completely get rid of them AND it will give you a totally clear totally blemish free and healthy skin.
From: Shaboo
Message: "Hello Mukunda, i just wanted to drop you a line to say a big thank you. Your massage method works brilliantly .I have one question, you know once my skin is all nice and spot and scar free should i stop the massaging? ..."
Jasmin had contacted me about removal of acne scars and dark marks.
"My advice? LISTEN TO MUKUNDA M!!! He knows what hes talking about. I directly emailed him because hes gotten so many Best Answers for skincare topics. Ive been doing the oil/massage treatment for a little more than 3 weeks and I cant tell you how absolutely fantastic the results are. Seriously. You will not be disappointed"

SOURCE(S): Many years Researcher/Skin Consultant - safe natural treatments/cures for skin conditions, skin enhancement and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments "


Posted : 05/21/2013 12:51 am

i am not sure if indented scars can be treated by natural methods especially if they aint really really shallow.

i am aware that the ones really really shallow get sort of filled a lil' with time.its takes a lot of time most cases.


Posted : 05/21/2013 2:11 am

Good point Aanabill [Edited image out]

I know the massages have helped my skin thus far, however, I'm going to start massaging for 30 minutes and see what happens over the next 2-weeks. I have a surgical scar on my face (where a PS cut out a mole and stitched the skin back together a very long time ago before the advent of modern non-invasive mole removal techniques) that has left a deep scar in my skin...I will see if this technique makes a significant difference to this surgical scar and others and report back. If it helps my deep surgical scar, then it should definitely help others (because this surgical scar would be deeper than any acne scar). Also, women that have Cesarean sections report success with massage therapy and silicon scar strips. Worth a try !

~ Peace ~


Posted : 05/21/2013 2:59 am

I have heard of the massaging too and it interests me also! Every night when I cleanse I massage my cheeks, concentrating on my deeper scars, as everything I've researched has indicated that it helps to break up the scar tissue. Not sure if it has helped me as yet as I can attribute my improvement to the Dermaroller but heck, it's worth trying right? After all the end-game is to release the tethering on the deeper scars and to promote collagen regrowth so it can't hurt to give it a go.

I'd say it would work better on the deeper indentations given there is more scar to "break up". The shallower scars may be tricker/more stubborn <--- Just my opinion though.

aquasea, aquasea and aquasea reacted

Posted : 05/21/2013 5:00 am

Yes, it seems to be a plausible method for scar reduction i.e. help stimulate skin cell growth, release tethering & induce new collagen ...but could it be that simple? I don't know, but, I agree with you Quirky Fox, certainly worth a try! Just need to ensure the skin is not overly stretched (i.e. to avoid creating new wrinkles) and has ample moisturiser...will start today too...


Posted : 05/21/2013 5:26 am

Try together with massage,try ormus,magnets and big amounts of water and beets.

Or you can massage with magnesium chloride,aka magnesium oil.

aquasea, aquasea and aquasea reacted

Posted : 05/21/2013 8:09 am

Hi Panos,

I don't know what is ormus, so I will have to research it, but the magnesium oil sounds perfect for massaging!!! I'll look into it. Thanx [Edited image out]

At the moment, I'm thinking of trying grapeseed oil and borage oil/ rosehip oil instead of the aloe vera + marine collagen moisturiser for a massage ointment (as well as a night serum)...I think the base of the moisturiser is great for daytime but not nourishing enough for nighttime as it has vegetable glycerine in it which can draw out moisture from your skin (which is also a reason why not to wear hyaluronic acid to bed)... hopefully though, with the right carrier oil, this massage therapy does wonders for healing skin.

Cheers :)


Posted : 05/21/2013 8:10 am

See I don't add any oils etc as I just massage using my cleanser. So it's like a deep clean and a massage in one. :D

aquasea, aquasea and aquasea reacted

Posted : 05/21/2013 8:20 am

That's a great idea Quirky Fox :) ...however, my skin at the moment needs lots of conditioning/ nourishing therapy so I probably do need oils, oils and more oils lol...but massaging while you're cleansing is great too !!!


Posted : 05/21/2013 8:25 am

Again I am hesitant to use oils in case I pick the wrong one and end up with my acne again! The idea of oils interests me but I'm not game to experiment just yet. :) Fingers crossed to all of us that try the massaging! We can only try!

aquasea, aquasea and aquasea reacted

Posted : 05/21/2013 9:05 am

Yes, I understand your concern Quirkey Fox...but I was just thinking maybe you should try the oil massage. You might dry out your face with the cleanser after 30 minutes! Tonight I used plain extra virgin olive oil as I don't have grapeseed oil. I've used it in the past and if I use it and wash it off, it seems to be okay, I just can't can't wear it all the time, day & night, everyday. So, tonight, after my massage, I'm going to sleep with it on and then will cleanse it off in the morning. Maybe you should look into trying the oil massage should help your skin, especially if you use an oil that is mild (jojoba, coconut, rosehip, grapeseed etc). Try leaving it on overnight and then cleanse it off in the morning. However, if you find your skin doesn't tolerate the oil overnight, just cleanse it off after massaging with it and stick with your Derma Quest moisturizer.


Posted : 05/21/2013 9:13 am

Thank you for the awesome advice! I haven't actually massaged my face for the full 30 minutes as yet (kinda working my way up) so I will definitely look into the oils that you have suggested. Like the massaging I can only try right? xx

aquasea, aquasea and aquasea reacted

Posted : 05/21/2013 9:25 am

Before the hand massage,what about using some handheld massaging device ?


Posted : 05/21/2013 9:57 am

Quirky Fox, Rosehip oil might also be might want to research a suitable one or ask your derm/ naturopath/ herbalist for their recommendation :)

Good question Panos. Not sure if they would be of benefit...but quite possibly yes...however, perhaps using your fingertips enables greater control of pressure so you minimise overstretching your skin...btw, not sure what brand has facial you? Cheers smile.png


Posted : 05/21/2013 6:23 pm

mmm.actually i am thinking massaging with your hands would be better.

Cause the hands are the extremities of the electricity begining from the nervous system.

Makes more sense to me,speaking about reiki also.

aquasea, aquasea and aquasea reacted

Posted : 05/21/2013 10:34 pm

Yes, I agree with you Panos...also hand massages allow for greater movement and pressure variation too...however, there is something called the Wellbox that is reputed to help acne scars etc but it's very expensive...

So far, I have massaged my skin twice for 30 minutes...initially, it looks a little worse for wear but then after a few hours the scars seems to be improving (or is it microswelling?)...time will tell...I'm using B3, B5, Beta Glucan & Extra Virgin Olive Oil for my massages, I then add a generous amount of tea tree oil to my skin (the places where I received the burn marks from going overboard with the glycolic acid love the tea tree oil really is helping my skin heal tremendously along with the beta glucan etc). I did go to sleep with the olive oil on my face and woke up with a tiny whitehead on my cheek (overall, my skin likes the extra virgin olive oil, but it does give me spots if I use it everyday). So, I'm going to add the tea tree oil to the olive oil (as the tea tree oil makes my skin super clear of spots) until I buy the grapeseed oil next week).

How are you finding the olive oil on your skin Panos?

panos, panos and panos reacted

Posted : 05/22/2013 11:38 am

Yeah exactly aqua sea,re evoo.

It seems to help but it also seems to make this weird white like hard pimples.

So either the extra virgin oil helps toxins to build up or the evoo actually detoxifies preexisting toxins from the skin.

I am afraid to use it for long term .Just once a week or every two weeks.

Yesterday i burned a bit the top of my fingers while on kitchen.I immediatley applied

cocoa butter(with vitamin e fortified,unfortunately this brand has also some parabens) and then bio oil.

It healed in like 4 hours.Now i barely feel anything and of course no crusting or flaking that should have happened.

So might be a good solution after burns in the face also.

Finally ,i came across one of the best detoxification protocols.It uses beets as the main juice ingredient

and then everything elso to manage the detoxified symptoms.It is calles the mini beet protocol

and claims to remove 100% the scar tissue in some months-2 years.

Beets act at a dna level,they are dna corrector,,they create new healthy red blood cells,and also they get rid of

existing malformed red blood cels that produce immense amounts of free radicals in the body.

So if you follow this protocol correctly you will have fortunately new healthy cells everywhere in your body.

It is just beets/asparagus juice followed by eating an apple and then a carrot.You begin from small doses and then you scale it up.(the final aim is to drink a juice consisting of 1 cup of beets,3/4 cup of asparagu followed

by eating 3 apples and then some carrots-thats a lot of juice!)

Jepb, Jepb, aquasea and 3 people reacted

Posted : 05/23/2013 2:13 am

Panos, I know what you mean about the evoo...yes, it's either detoxing your skin or cloggng them. Perhaps, you should try another oil?

I used evoo again today for my 30 minute facial massage but added a generous amount of100% tea tree essential oil all over my face afterwards and I have not had another whitehead appear (I also notice that evoo induces blemishes in my skin). However, evoo is so good for the skin generally. But, I will get the grapeseed oil next week. What do you use as a daily moisturiser?

Overall, I think it's best to stick with 100% natural products. The moisturiser I got from New Directions (Aloe Vera + Marine Collagen) makes my skin look flawless (along with tinted coverage) and glow, however, I noticed that when I wash it off, my skin looks more dehydrated, so I don't think it helps the skin structurally, only cosmetically. I think the vegetable glycerine in the moisturiser absorbs moisture from the skin. So, does hyaluronic acid. Knowing this, I now think I'll keep using the moisturiser only when I'm going out and want to hide flaws, however, at home (and as much as possible other times), I'm going to stick with vitamins, natural oils and natural products.

Re the beetroot juice, YES, it is a fantastic health superfood. I drink it often (with apple, carrot & ginger). However, I've never tried it as a topical, Are you recommending it as a topical too??

Re asparagus + beet juice, I haven't tried that, but I'll look into it. I know asparagus is high in folate which is always good to eat. Thanx!!![Edited image out]

Re bio oil, I have that, but it doesn't do a lot of good for my skin (I think it contains mineral oil which eventually dries out the skin). The cocoa butter sounds good for my skin burns, it is healing, slowly but surely, thankfully. I think the evoo + manuka honey + tea tree oil saved it from total disaster (that's the first thing I applied)...and maybe the copper peptides did too....but the beta glucan has helped the skin grow back. And the intensive skin pricking/ needling along with retin A/ steiva A has helped soften my skin/ tethering and induce collagen. The scars are very easy to cover now. But it will take 2 months to fade them and maybe 6-12 months to completely eradicate them structurally. I'm hoping the 30 minute skin massages will hasten this timeframe to 2-3 months!!

So, today, I did a skin needling session (with a single needle and with the roller), then I applied the Retin A/ Steiva A, copper peptides and B3 (NB use only a little and don't let it near your mouth otherwise you could lighten your lips!!!), B5, beta glucan. After 2 hours, I then applied fresh lime juice to my skin for vitamin c (my skin loves fresh lime ,juice, it makes it taut, shiny and improves my skin texture quickly...NB just don't go out in the sun with lime juice on as it could leave dark marks on your skin).

I think the 30-minute skin massages have helped induce collagen production in my skin. However, just after I do it, my skin looks red and not great!!! It takes 24-hours to see the results of the massage session. I think there's maybe a 4% improvement. Not much, but hopefully, this small improvement will become a major improvement as I continue with it over the next 2 weeks. Will see how it goes and will report back...

panos, panos and panos reacted

Posted : 05/23/2013 10:02 am

read the title of the thread, and started laughing.

if 5 figures worth of treatments don't even put a dent, let alone "eradicate" scars, how would some quackery massage do that?


Posted : 05/23/2013 10:32 am

Rx500, it might indeed be quackery...but I'm testing to find out for myself...also, if you research scar massage therapy, you'll see many doctors and therapists use massage therapy on major skin trauma/ scarring (i.e. accident/burn victims and surgical scars/ ceaserean sections scars). If it can help these scars, why not acne scars?

Cheers :)


Posted : 05/23/2013 10:40 am

On 5/23/2013 at 11:32 PM, aquasea said:

Rx500, it might indeed be quackery...but I'm testing to find out for myself...also, if you research scar massage therapy, you'll see many doctors and therapists use massage therapy on major skin trauma/ scarring (i.e. accident/burn victims and surgical scars/ ceaserean sections scars). If it can help these scars, why not acne scars?

Cheers [Edited image out]

No idea, but I'm tired of people acting like the medical and cosmetic surgery industry actually offers legitimate ways to improve your attractiveness (or become less ugly). When even the most expensive treatments don't do much, you have to laugh at the methods like this, it's like clicking on random ads through a google search hoping to find a cure, just scammers (low tier scammers, compared to the big doctors and plastic surgeons) wanting to take money from the ugly losers of society.


Posted : 05/23/2013 11:29 am

rx500,this is not quackery.

Its about improving blood circulation ---->if the blood has quality nutrients it will heal the treatment area

faster and more efficiently.

No one in this thread tells anything unscientific. There is a forum that people earning money from what you call

''losers''. ...check it and you will see wht i am taking about.

Aqua sea,i am not using any moisturizer,i let the natural oil do its job and i do some really light cleanses here and there.

Good option about using manuka honey,i have heard its very healing.Bear in mind also that honey has electromagnetic properties. Another thing to consider about.

Re evoo i think it actually makes some flaws of the skin to die. Thats why we think it induces blemishes,while in

fact it makes the fibrotic skin layers to die.But when this dead blemished skin peel off after some time,it will

reviele healthier looking skin. Just my 2 cents here.

Re massage i TOTALLY believe in massage.I mean TOTALLY.

It surely helps,and makes the skin feel revitalized more oxygenated and i

actually i believe that exactly this happens!

Jepb, Jepb, aquasea and 3 people reacted

Posted : 05/23/2013 11:30 am

This one seems like a treatment that is pretty 'far out' there. But it's nice to hear that someone is willing to try it so we can find a definitive answer to it. :)

aquasea, aquasea and aquasea reacted

Posted : 05/23/2013 8:40 pm

Well, yesterday I did 1 x 30 minute massage session in the morning and 1 x 15 massage session at night. Inbetween, I skin needled - both individual and using the roller (my topicals were Retin / Steiva A, beta glucan, B3 - just use a tiny amount and not near your lips as it lightens them and your skin! - b5, evoo + tea trea oil, fresh lime juice). I can say that today my skin has improved by about 10-15%!! Even the stubburn redness from the BP damage etc has somewhat subsided. I guess the massaging helps maximise the skin needling. I'll do another skin needling session next week sometime. However, so far, this is proving to be a very beneficial modality for me. I would advise that Retin A/ Steiva A be used in conjunction with this modality and evoo (with 100% tea tree oil to prevent breakouts).

Of course, anyone reading this is free to see a dermologist or a PS for advice. Unfortunately, I've never found one that could help my skin (they just prescribed topicals that did worse damage long term to my skin). So, I'm interested in natural remedies that work. I've noticed that improving the health of your skin is best accomplished by a synergistic/ wholistic approach. There no "silver bullet". You need to enhance your entire health and wellness. If I knew lasers were safe and effective I would go for it! But it doesn't work for everyone. And in many cases, it can cause further damage. So I'm doing everything possible to heal my skin without the use of lasers. Yes, it takes time, but healing does occur when you are diligent in using non-invasive skin healing practices.

All I know is that no doctor prescribed pill/ topical cured my acne, it was my healthy, mostly raw, non GMO, wholefood vegan diet + fresh veg/ fruit juices + super foods like chlorella/ spirulina/ barley grass/ wheat grass etc coupled with natural topicals like tea tree oil, lavender oil that helped heal my acne along with sea salt washes/ crystal alum. As well as exercise and a healthy/ balanced lifestyle.

So, I am receptive to natural therapies because I've seen it work miracles in my own life and would like to share this knowledge with others to help them (and hopefully learn new remedies from other people too).

~Peace ~

PS Rx500, please be cognisant of the words you choose to speak and write. For they are powerful and reflect your values and shape your reality.

~ Peace ~

Jepb, Jepb and Jepb reacted

Posted : 05/23/2013 9:08 pm

Panos, I like your post [Edited image out]

That's wise of you to stick with the natural oils. They are superior to store bought miosturizers. My aloe vera + marine collagen moisturizer from New Directions makes my skin look good when I apply it to my face...but the next day, my skin looks dehydrated. However, the evoo + tea tree oil is really helping my skin quality (and the tea tree oil is preventing any breakouts so far...).

And re your quote;" ...evoo i think it actually makes some flaws of the skin to die. Thats why we think it induces blemishes,while in

fact it makes the fibrotic skin layers to die.But when this dead blemished skin peel off after some time,it will

reviele healthier looking skin. Just my 2 cents here.". This is very interesting to me. I never thought the breakout using evoo was a sign of healing but a sign that it wasn't ideal for my skin type...but you could be right!! I'll need to research this....

And yes, massaging helps circulate blood + nutrients to your skin!!! It also seems to help to "plump" it and thicken the skin/ induce collagen...the same principle is illustrated with a callus (i.e. if you wear a shoe that is uncomfortable, if it keeps rubbing a site, it will eventually thicken that site). The skin is really quite malleable, you just need to be consistent and have perseverance.

Cheers smile.png

panos, panos and panos reacted