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Stem Cells for Acne Scar Repair (SCIENCE FACT, not science fiction!)


Posted : 09/02/2009 9:41 am



You are very trusting. Most people on this site think there issues ARE super urgent, so expect a lot of emails.


In any case, i wish you good luck in your last stages of treatment. It seems as if you have put a lof of effort in correcting the damage that was done to your face. I acttually looked back at your post, and you do have a picture of yourself posted on a thread a long time ago. I think this was before you had the scarring and were only dealing with acne. One this is all done, I hope your battle with acne and scarring will be over.


THis new metthodology is both exciting and nerve racking. If it works, it will revolutionize how we deal with scarring. If it doesn't, those of us with severe scars will be heart broken.


Good luck to you man.


Posted : 09/02/2009 10:44 am

id like to make 1 small reccomedation to everyone. USE medik8 ive ever used.




Posted : 09/02/2009 11:20 am

hi guys i dont have too much time on the net at the moment..working and trying to not think of this anymore..i have had a lot done..the stem cells have helped but as i have said before hand ive done a still waiting for BRD to send me the script for the upgraded prp.

i expect my results to get better in time..heidi 55 has had tratment with dr khan recently and is very happy with her results im going to make this easy..beause it seems people dont read threads and keep pming me about who dr khan is and where he is and if he uses the celution like to point out i brought this machine to harley street! an appointment with him ..just google dr ammer khan harley street..its 96 harey street..ull get the info there..when i get my reply from brd and then my reply from the dr in dubai i will produce one final post..then i shall leave this forum for around 3 months..for my own good..if anyone needs to contact me SUPER urgently my email is *moderator edit - email deleted at poster request*..but please dont unless its really sure evrtything u need is in this thread.

icarethelp..sorry for my bad english..i'm italian and i don't understand from what you write if dr khan use the celution machine. here in italy i've a doctor near my home that have this machine and if you say me that is the machine used for your procedure a will be very gratefull to you...

another time sorry for my very bad english...



Posted : 09/02/2009 12:55 pm

hi guys i dont have too much time on the net at the moment..working and trying to not think of this anymore..i have had a lot done..the stem cells have helped but as i have said before hand ive done a still waiting for BRD to send me the script for the upgraded prp.

i expect my results to get better in time..heidi 55 has had tratment with dr khan recently and is very happy with her results im going to make this easy..beause it seems people dont read threads and keep pming me about who dr khan is and where he is and if he uses the celution like to point out i brought this machine to harley street! an appointment with him ..just google dr ammer khan harley street..its 96 harey street..ull get the info there..when i get my reply from brd and then my reply from the dr in dubai i will produce one final post..then i shall leave this forum for around 3 months..for my own good..if anyone needs to contact me SUPER urgently my email is moderator edit - email deleted at poster request*..but please dont unless its really sure evrtything u need is in this thread.

I'm a little confused here.You were pretty disappointed in your previous posts and now u say ur scarring is almost gone........can u pls clarify?


Posted : 09/02/2009 1:56 pm



please icarethelp reply me..have you a procedure with the celution machine?


i see this link..


i read that the results last for 2/3 not for ever.

or i don't understand very well..


brd what you think about this??


thx anyway.




Posted : 09/02/2009 5:50 pm

im seing improvemnts or have been seeing improvments over the past 4-5 days...i feel eventualy with good time my scarring isnt going to be there or if it is it will just be normal looking skin anyway...the redness hh as gone down a lot which is what made me upset more then anything

You said the other day that your scars were completely gone but that now with good time your scarring isn't going to be there anymore?

sorry but i'm a little confused too.


Posted : 09/02/2009 10:32 pm

Icaretohelp, how much improvement have you seen? Does it work for ice pick and box car scars as well?

Posted : 09/03/2009 6:30 am

I found this post highly interesting. I regularly perform Vaser which is a form of liposellection and I understand this technique can be used for harvesting MSC. However, there is an Irish company that is called MYcells which sells a simple system for harvesting stem cells from Blood samples which is far easier. The quantity of stem cells will always be the issue.

Bone marrow aspiration is a very simple technique that i used to regularly perform as a juniour doctor and I wander whether the aspirate would be a far better source for the stem cells using the Mycells system.


Dr Kam Singh


Posted : 09/03/2009 3:55 pm

hi icarhelp..many thx for the reply.. only the last thing.what dr khan say? are results permanents?



Posted : 09/03/2009 11:46 pm

i think this brings a lot of hope and optimism to a lot of people here, and i understand with that comes a lot of questions, but i think we should respect icaretohelps wishes and not ask him/her anymore questions.



Posted : 09/04/2009 5:37 am

i think this brings a lot of hope and optimism to a lot of people here, and i understand with that comes a lot of questions, but i think we should respect icaretohelps wishes and not ask him/her anymore questions.

elevate are you normal?

this is a sharing comunity..what's wrong? and icaretohelp is here like us to share important experience..

i'm gratefull to him and he would be gratefull to all of us that share our experience with him.. only in this way we can grab the goal..

thx again icarothelp..

i would ask to dr brd if the final results are permanent or last only 2 / 3 years..


Posted : 09/04/2009 7:27 am

I,ve just booked a consultation with dr. khan in london i see him on the 25th sept I will keep you posted


Posted : 09/04/2009 4:07 pm

ghet, i'm saying people should be more patient. he just had a procedure done and needs time to heal. he has been bombarded with questions to the point that he is incapable of answering ANY questions because there are so many. not to mention, this forum is covered with redundant questions it makes it quite hard to actually find information.


BECAUSE this is a sharing community, people should be respectful, and allow him to give information on his own terms.



Posted : 09/04/2009 5:15 pm

i think this brings a lot of hope and optimism to a lot of people here, and i understand with that comes a lot of questions, but i think we should respect icaretohelps wishes and not ask him/her anymore questions.

actually, i think it's kinda comical to come on to a message board, say that a procedure has completely removed your scars and not expect some type of reaction to include a host of many questions from an audience that you know is desperate and emotional as we acne scar sufferers are.

I'm not trying to step on anybody's toes or create a hoopla over this, just providing an observation.


Posted : 09/04/2009 8:04 pm

icaretohelp - this is totally just a suggestion that you can take or leave at your discretion, but I just had an idea that might help limit all of the questions you get from people. Maybe you can post a brief summary of the treatment you had with the types of details that people ask you about over and over again on your blog on your profile page. You can even disable comments so just the info you summarize is available and then at the end of the blog you can refer all questions to this forum.


I am not totally sure if this is a useful suggestion or not, but at a minimum you could just point people there instead of having to repeat yourself time and time again. I know you can just point them to this thread as well, but we all know how likely it is for everyone to read through such a long post :)


Again, this is totally just a suggestion. I'm not planning to get this treatment myself anytime soon so I am certainly not asking you to do this for my own benefit. I just thought that it might be worth a try more for your benefit than anything else :)


Posted : 09/06/2009 12:42 pm

my laptop is broken so typing somthign long isnt fun..i will say that my shadows or indentations are gone..what i will also say is that i dont believe ill have my final results untill say 3 months from now..i stlll have a bit of redness..which is fading and thus making the results look better..i think qalll of you shold stop looking to me as your only source and pestering me (no offence) just 1 person..untill yiu guys go out there and do somthing ur not going to know if it works or not..heidi 55 has had hers done as recently as 10 days afgo and is very happy woth her results thus the other questions


IT DEF WORKS on boxscars but again..listen you need to try it yourseld before i can truly validate that..taking into account i brought cytori to the UK im a bit dissapointed in everyone here or most ppl....i work do things etc but still had time to make a difference and put the word out there..this hasnt been fun for im getting bombareded with ppl asking the same questions when ivr answred them before..i dont know what % its improved by all i know is its so much better then it about 85% to be safe...yeh id so so..i still might do PRP plus added growth factors but im just generaly for ppl trying to bring this alternative medicine to another source (dubai) much happier with my skin appearence..i can SAFLEY SAY THAT now

if you guys want to seek answers then 1 person isnt enough..if u really want to know..DO...look at how i havent asked anyone a single questionn aside from BRD...there is SO much info in this thread go read it find a dr..expect to be dissapointed..and try try again..OR EVEN BETTER call dr is the number 00442079350986

as i said i will tell u more about the dr in dubai when BRD is able to answer the questions she sent for me to send to him.

i took the leap..if you want to know it works..theres only 1 way to find out..and thats not me.

sorry if i sond harsh here but only 4-5 people in this entire thread from nearly a year ago now have actualy tried to do what BRD has reccomneded we do..

as i said..i will when BRD replies to the question in hand send u iformation of another dr in dubai..but only when its concrete.

be well all

Is it just me or does idonotcaretohelp sound a little arrogant and aloof?

This is a place where we share info and ask questions.

Like the other member said,of course there will be people asking you excitedly when you tell them your scarring is gone!!!!Taking into account you brought the machine into Uk makes you what???...too proud to show us the ropes?And you are disappointed that the other members didnt bring in a machine too ??Many members here are constantly being asked about their valuable experiences whether they had introduced the cytori mahine to their countries or not.We dont hear about BRD complaining about your pestering him or anyone for that matter.Do you think BRD is being "bombarded" with questions when you make up a good chunk of that?Do you hear BRD or anyone say that you should just "read the thread,take the leap,roll the dice......thats the only way you'll find out.Just dont ask me even though I had it done "

We know you are close to ending your battle with your scarring and suddenly you feel people should leave you alone.Could you be any less humble?I remember reading your desperate posts asking for help awhile ago.And now you think people should just go out on their own and not ask you questions.Your previous posts were not exactly very helpful.Perhaps you should take Lillya's advice.

Fortunately,most member here are more than happy to share and help.


Posted : 09/06/2009 3:55 pm

Lol icaretohelp, I hope you're enjoying your improvements. I hope to see significant improvement one day...


Posted : 09/06/2009 11:04 pm

I think Lillya suggestion is useful.Many members have posted detailed summary of their treatments.

Frankly,I did find icares posts a little confusing.Many of us here just want to help each other.We are all in the same boat.


Posted : 09/07/2009 1:47 pm

So if you live in america where can you get this done? And how much is the cost?


Posted : 09/07/2009 2:03 pm

If you go a few pages back, you can see that there is a center in Mount Sinai, NY. However, that center is not doing the exact same procedure as BRD described. But they do treat scars with stem cells.


Other than that there isn't a center that I know of in the USA.


Posted : 09/07/2009 2:08 pm

Bennyb, jump to page 28. There, you can also read a bit more about what that center in NY (called Stemcellsforhope) said to me and what BRD though of that.


The costs are astronomical, btw. At the most $35.000.


Posted : 09/08/2009 5:26 am

I have an appointment with Dr Khan on Thursday :D


One thing I forgot to ask... does anyone know how much he'll charge for the consultation and then for the stem cell treatment itself? I'm at a point now that I'd spend all my savings on it but would just like to be warned beforehand.


Also, if he does agree that the treatment will be right for me, I'll try and take some before and after photos. It will be difficult because the look of my scars depend on the lighting and makeup etc but I'll try and take a lot, to get a good overall impression of them.


If/when this happens, shall I post them here or start a new thread?


Posted : 09/08/2009 11:59 am

Bennyb, jump to page 28. There, you can also read a bit more about what that center in NY (called Stemcellsforhope) said to me and what BRD though of that.

The costs are astronomical, btw. At the most $35.000.

Is that $35.00 or $35,000?


Posted : 09/08/2009 12:07 pm

Thirty five thousand.


A rediculous amount of money if you ask me. I wonder what Dr. Khan charges... Does anybody know and/or like to share?


Posted : 09/08/2009 12:14 pm

I have an appointment with Dr Khan on Thursday 😀

One thing I forgot to ask... does anyone know how much he'll charge for the consultation and then for the stem cell treatment itself? I'm at a point now that I'd spend all my savings on it but would just like to be warned beforehand.

Also, if he does agree that the treatment will be right for me, I'll try and take some before and after photos. It will be difficult because the look of my scars depend on the lighting and makeup etc but I'll try and take a lot, to get a good overall impression of them.

If/when this happens, shall I post them here or start a new thread?

It would be very much appreciated if you posted pics. I think if you posted them here it would be fine. Good luck with your treatment, dostoyevsky.
