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November 23, 2007
Burns, Itches, Irritates, Redness, Sorness
This stuff sucks, it irritated my skin so bad when I got my eyebrows waxed it took off my skin, luckily I used Neosporin and it heeled up. My skin was so dry no moisturizer would work, not even vaseline. The funny thing about this whole thing is, my skin isnt sensitive at all!! I have tough skin.
August 13, 2007
i don't have sensative skin and this still managed to make my face feel as if it were on fire. side effects were terrible terrible acne every i applied it. even if u accidently rub some on where there wasn't any acne, a new pimple would rise there
gave many blackheads on my cheeks where there never was any. ever. everytime i would work out, my face got soooo red it was ridiculous. there is no way i was going to stick with it. i am goin to try accutane in a couple weeks n hope that will work. i read isotretinoin is the only effective wa to treat bad cystic, nodule acne. while on it it can also get rid of acne you have any where else on your body.
January 24, 2007
No long term pros.
Broke out much worse..
Duac 1.0% gel ? whatever the stronger one is....
I started using this product about a year ago. The doctor told me to use it only in the pm. So i gave it about 2 months and nothing was getting better... although my skin was getting VERY irratated and dry. So she suggested using it mixed with a moisturizer at night.. 2 months and the same results... so she added duac in the am as well as a moisturizer in the am. One year later my skin is always dry and i feel as though im more broken out than before, and a LOT of redness that seems to never go away. So when i lost my insurance and i found out how much it really costs, I stopped using it. My husband asked me what i was doing because my face was looking better already. The biggest difference now is not that i dont have acne its that im not uncomfortable all the time and that im not walking around with a red face. So until i get insurance im going to try to eat better and take vitamins daily. Hoping for the best