Topical Retinoid
969 Reviews
Topical Retinoid
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Topical Retinoid
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Topical Retinoid’s Real World Take
Produces similar results to the two other topical retinoids, tretinoin and adapalene, which means only partial clearing, and comes with far more sensitivity and side effects when you first start using it. It probably won’t be a total game changer and don’t be surprised if it’s too much for your skin to take.
Topical Retinoid
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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January 26, 2018
Works pretty well on my sensitive skin
I have extremely sensitive skin and can rarely use acne products with harsh chemicals such as these prescription ones. But, I mix Tazorac with my moisturizer (Renee Rouleau - the best) and use every other day. This has seemed to be helping my face stay clear but not too dry! I recommend this for people who can't tolerate most harsh chemical acne medications. Granted, during the winter I do get dry and have to use less than every other day. Happy with the effects this has on my skin.
November 30, 2017
It worked, hang on in there!
If u do use tazorac i recommend the cream version because initially i had the foam and it did nothing but when i used the cream i started to see results. My doctor prescribed me aczone 7.5, tazorac and antibiotics. It got really bad and my jawline was covered with bumps for at least 3 to 4 months and i was fustrated because family members would say that i need to be using this or that and they didn't understand that it would get worse before it got better. During the first 3 months i stopped taking antibiotics because although it helped with my cystic bumps, it didn't help with all the other types of bumps i was getting. I continued with the aczone and tazorac, i started taking zinc, oneaday vitamins and probiotics, as well as drinking a lot more water and eating salmon. So really it took about 4 to 5 months for me to have mostly clear skin. I do have a lot of visible acne marks but my bumps are minimal to clear now and i would recommend it, i will say some days i cried and didn't want to go anywhere but it will get better. I'm praying for you all because Ik how hard that it is and many people don't understand it and it's not fair but clear skin is coming your way!
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October 25, 2017
Works - but NOT WORTH IT
Before Tazorac starts working, there is a HUGE breakout period that happens almost immediately. This breakout was the worst breakout of my life and was emotionally crippling, but having faith in the product, I continued through. It took me 7 weeks to obtain "clear skin" with Tazorac. I say "clear" because the initial breakout caused INTENSE scarring, scarring I'm still dealing with today 5 years later. On top of that, I started breaking out again a few months after Tazorac made my skin "clear", even though I was still using the product. Did it clear my acne? Yes. But the initial breakout left horrible scarring and gave me extreme anxiety, and in the end, the results did not last.
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March 22, 2017
I started this medication with about 8 pimples on my face at any given time. I've been on this medication for 3 months now. Today I counted my pimples and I have 61 of them along with a golf ball sized cyst on my chin and a marble sized cyst in between my eyebrows. I look like a monster. I will be left with the permanent scarring from this medication for the rest of my life. Do not use this horrible stuff. I only hope I can get back to where I started. My face is so painful and this medication has ruined my skin forever. Please don't use this.
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January 3, 2017
Patience!! Honestly works!
I can't complain. For about two years I had a lot of skin colored (white heads) bumps surfacing my forehead. I started tazorac but wasn't patient and stopped. Once my dermo put me back on it she said to continue to use it since results may not occur until about 3 months. My skin was already used to benzoyl peroxide so I was able to apply it every night with not a lot of drying for 5 months straight (July- December). I can admit I noticed my skin to fluctuate, I honestly think it got slightly worse before it got better. As of now I don't have nearly as many bumps than I did before and I am so thankful. I have a few dark spots, slight discoloration but my skin is so much more clear. Much more confident in myself! I was using Tazorac .05%
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December 7, 2016
Keep your head up! :-)
The end of 2015 into 2016 i had very minor acne when i was on my period or stressed out for whatever reason. I used aveeno clear complexion face wash every night. By june of 2016 i began to breakout more then usual so i turned to proactiv. Proactiv was amazing for me! My skin was completely clear and healed all my scars. But by the end of august of 2016 i became immune to the Benzoyl peroxide and the other ingredients im the product. My face started breaking out so so so bad which forced me to call the derm. I drove almost an hour away because i was so upset. He prescribed me 200 mg of doxycyline hyclate, tazorac 0.05% & clindamycin phosphate gel 1.2%. I right away bought all the products (spending $140). I started doing the cream and the gel and the pill, the first 2-3 weeks were absolutely terrible! I broke out all over my face including places i have never gotten pimples before. After doing loads of research i learned that those first couple weeks is the purging stage and is the worst. Going into the 3-4 week i was so depressed and really down on myself. I sat there and cried to my dad because i hated myself so much. Im in my 6-7 week now and my skin is honestly doing so much better. My scars are fading, i barely have any bumps except on my jawline which is probably because of my hair. But if you are on tazorac and feel like you want to give up or its not working all i have to say is keep going! I was in the same position. I know how it feels to feel like everyones making fun of you or looking down on you. You are beautiful and keep your head up because it will get better! Tazorac will help you
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February 15, 2017
I'm two weeks in and am definitely seeing my acne get worse. Holding out hope. I have a long few weeks ahead of me. Thank you for posting this. I am on the verge of crying to my mom about it, but reading this makes me want to push through!
October 19, 2016
This stuff is horrifying. It wrecked my skin after only two uses. I dont know if I will ever recover and I can barely even function now because of this crap. I used it for a small amount of pimples I got from not washing my face for awhile and it did the following: -Blotchiness -Itchiness -Crepe like skin bunching up like cellophane -Pores/pin pricks everywhere -Fine lines and wrinkles that look very abnormal -Dents and shallow marks of all sizes and shapes out of nowhere (more continue to come) -uneveness In color and in thickness of skin -Burning to the point it felt my face was used to put out a fire -Turned my porcelain skin to a reddish yellow mottled mess with texture issues galore -made me breaks out like nuts after a week or so had passed -made my skin sensitive as all hell -made my skin mushy and "mesh like" especially the's like parts of my face are a partially deflated helium balloon, my skin no longer sits flat against my face -Made me depressed to the point that now I contemplate leaving this earth if my skin doesn't go back to its pre-tazorac state ...I am now in contact with others who have been damaged by similar retinoids..crazy enough their damage is similar to those who have been damaged by laser and chemical peels..i now have to visit the IPLaser damage and support forum thanks to only two tiny uses of this cream (.05)..I'm devastated I hope for my own sake as well as the sake of others that I am able to update with news of fully healed skin with time..if anyone had similar reactions or is prescribed this, don't hesitate to contact me WARNING: JUST Don't use this stuff unless you want to risk potentially permanently damaging your skin, if you think acne is bad, wait until the day comes where it feels and looks as if someone has transplanted your entire facial skin with someone else' that of an 80 year old man who has labored in the sun and the elements all his life..and your acne will be 1000 times more like to SCAR if you have a bad reaction to this advice..if you've got bad acne, go in on Accutane, and if you have good skin, don't try to make it better with something as harsh as this chemical is. All its positive effects are temporary while its negative effects are seemingly permanent. So really there's no reason for ANYONE to use this stuff, unless you want to risk your happiness and quality of life completely. And even if you have good's all gives the appearance of helping some people's does not ACTUALLY permanently improve your skin. It's gilded dog poo as far as I'm concerned. And as one of the 3 dermatologists I visited labeled it.."Paint Thinner"
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December 7, 2016
Thats because you used it for 2 days... It takes months for this product to actually take effect. And your also not supposed to you it was a spot treatment. It is supposed to be an all over treatment. Before you go around posting your "review" on a product you used twice, check the facts.
December 7, 2016
It's not because I only used it product should do lasting damage from only two keep damaging my face until hopefully the damage cancels out the damage you are saying?? It's been over 3 months and none of my reaction/damage has dissipated. I was told even by every derm I went to, to never put it on my face again. So how about YOU check your facts. Because it doesn't get any more real and authentic than personal experience..and that is what I'm sharing. The FACTS of MY situation from using this product. That's what a review IS. And come to find out that I am FAR from the only one dealing with this. No matter if it is used once, twice, for months, many have had similar, if not identical reactions. And I did put it on pretty much my entire face, also derm's also prescribe it as spot treatment please, before YOU go around spitting moronic, ignorant, insulting BS to someone dealing with a nightmare, check not only the facts, but also your capacity as a human being.
October 13, 2016
Stick with it!
So I started tazorac .05% exactly 5 weeks ago. I had mostly mild/moderate acne localized to my chin and a little around my mouth, so probably hormonal even though I'm on birth control (ortho cyclen). My acne ranged from small tiny texture bumps to large cysts/inflamed pimples. I decided enough was enough and saw a derm who prescribed me tazorac .05% at night and aczone 7.5% in the morning. I am doing this regimen with cetaphil cleanser and ceraVe pm lotion. The first 2 weeks were SO awful my skin was unbelievably dry and peeling and breaking out. Around week 3-3.5 I noticed the breakouts were getting smaller and now at week 5 I have maybe 2 small active whiteheads and the rest of my chin is healing hyperpigmentation from the initial breakout, which I can easily cover with makeup. My face looks 90% clear at week 5! I saw my derm today who said my skin looks great and to keep the regimen up! My suggestion is I do believe tazorac will work for most people but stick with it and use a topical antibiotic in the morning. Definitely moisturize! Good luck :)
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February 15, 2017
This gives me hope! Two weeks in and suffering through the purging phase. I would say my acne went from moderate to severe in two weeks. It might just look that way from the redness though... Hoping for miracles.
July 6, 2016
Stick with it
Currently on week 9 1/2 of Tazorac. 05 at night with Aczone 5% of morning and my skin is just now showing the big improvement I've been waiting for and my skin has never looked better since before puberty. Before last year I would get random zits here and there, but they would always clear up with Clearasil or some other over the counter spot treatment, but last summer I broke out horribly, and after almost a year of trying every OTC acne treatment out there, as well as Dermalogica, which is very expensive and didn't even work, I went to the dermatologist and was put on Taz and Aczone. Honestly I was about to give up about two weeks ago after reading about people seeing miracles after a month, and there I was 7 weeks in and still not improving, but I stuck with it after reading enough success stories, and finally I'm starting to see a huge improvement in my skin so I decided to share my story. Some things to keep in mind are that moisturizing and applying sunscreen are critical when on these products. Your skin will be a dry and burnt mess without. Without sunscreen my skin burned as soon as I stepped outside. Also be very gentle when washing your face, let the medicine to the work not the facewash. Over washing your face will further damage your skin and prolong treatment. Be patient, very, very patient. Some people see results in a month, others it's taken months, it really depends on your situation. But the wait is very much worth it.
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October 14, 2016
Can 15 year old teen use it ? And when can we , day or night??
December 7, 2016
I would say talk to your derm first but its usually a nightime product for overnight
July 6, 2016
Probably made things worse
I used tazorac as a spot treatment (it was too powerful to use all over) for about a year and a half. I think I liked the idea of just zapping my zits away by drying them out, but I don't think it really made them heal any faster. If anything, I was noticing that the blemishes I used it on would be the most red and inflammed, and I would often get more breakouts in the the same areas that I was using the tazorac on. On a hunch, I decided to stop using tazorac. Sure enough, I stopped having multiple breakouts in concentrated areas and the new zits rarely became as problematic as the ones that I used tazorac for. I do know some people personally who use tazorac and they are almost clear, but for me, I honestly just think it upset my skin and made things worse.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.