
756 Reviews

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July 2, 2015
Warning about irritation!!
Although toothpaste can dry out spots, it generally causes over drying. Because of this, your body responds by producing oil to compensate resulting in increased risk for more spots. I made this mistake of applying toothpaste every night. since I stopped my spots are less aggravated and my skin doesn't dry out too much.
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June 20, 2015
The worst treatment ever!!!!
This is terrible! It did nothing to my pimple or acne. It just made it more painful,red and irritated. Also If by chance you happen to apply it anywhere on your facial skin other your acne area you will break out terribly! Please don't you this.
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May 22, 2015
Please don't ever do this, EVER!
I don't know why i even attempted this. I should have known better. I put this on my face and now i have a huge chemical burn on my face that is probably going to take months, maybe even years to go away. I literally cried for 2 hours straight after seeing my face. Its horrible. Please don't ever do this to your face, it might work for some people, but its not worth the risk in my opinion. Just go get some benzoyl peroxide from the drugstore and use that instead.
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May 31, 2015
Same just happened tomenim gutted. My skin has dried out and a massive burn mark in the middle of it. I only dabbed it on a pimple on my cheek area and left overnight and now this hurrendous mark. I jave spinal surgery in the morning and I am not allowed makeup on!!! Gonna look great that mark. I agree never do this ever because I certainly won't be x
May 7, 2015
great for OCD pickers to resist touching face at home
the toothpaste treatment is not a miracle at fighting acne, so don't count on this as your no. 1 cure because it isn't really that effective, it may however help some pimples dry out/ surface but it only really worked on my most superficial acne. The best way toothpaste actually helped me was that it made me resist touching my face because I couldn't see any of my blemishes and that definitely saved me a lot of scars as back then I was a major OCD picker and just couldn't leave my face alone. So thanks toothpaste. just a little warning: when in-doors expect to receive strange looks and remarks from curious family members. Oh and before you leave to go somewhere, make sure you have cleaned everything off properly!
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April 14, 2015
You just have to use cotton swabs to apply a "dot" on top the pimple. Just make sure that you've wash you face (pat it dry) before application. You can leave the toothpaste overnight. Not for sensitive skin. PS. Try it at your own risk though. For Dark marks left by the dried acne. Try using lemon or calamansi juice. Apply as if you would an astringent. Leave it for 10-15mins. Wash it off then apply moisturizer :)
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April 5, 2015
only for use on the big pimples
i only use this on the bigger pimples, it just makes it go away faster.
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February 24, 2015
If your skin is oily as f**k like mine, the over drying and irritation is not much of an issue. Granted, I find that most people do not have extremely oily skin like I do, so be careful. I also think that Its not just the kind of skin you have that should be taken into consideration, but also the type of acne that you have. I do not use it for pimples that are near the surface and will most likely get cleansed. I use it for the breakouts that are much deeper underneath the skin, and don't seem to want to come to the surface and heal. Drying out the skin of this kind of acne helps speed the process.
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February 14, 2015
Worth the try!
This treatment is debatable; it works for some but not for others. But it doesn't hurt to try it out. I would say this is more of a spot treatment, a quick overnight rescue me type of product. I wouldn't recommend this to those with sensitive skin. It definitely has a stinging sensation after application, but naturally I assume it means it's working and it's not an overly strong feeling which causes burns. Recommend applying the toothpaste in very small amounts - almost pea-sized. And on very noticeable pimples only. I've found it minimizes the size overnight and reduces the redness.
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December 8, 2014
Easy Go-to
I will first say, that if you have sensitive skin or are otherwise irritated by toothpaste, DONT DO IT! This can make your breakouts worse and cause rashes among other symptoms. Because it's also not designed for skin, I wouldn't recommend doing this too often, even if you DON'T get a reaction the first time. Just buy an astringent wash if you need it more than a few times a week. Word of the wise, don't apply this too close to your eyes, the minty fumes will irritate them. Now, if you're like me, with otherwise tough skin, toothpaste is a pretty quick fixer-upper. Just a dab or two on the hot spots, leave it on a few hours (or overnight), and it'll be dried out and ready to leave. With all its drawbacks, I only give it five stars because it's so quick and almost always on hand.
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November 3, 2014
h'm,, questionable...
First of all before you apply toothpaste please, please make sure your applying it to a pimple (acne) is actually a pimple. I thought a bump i had on my chin was a pimple but,, it wasn't and i broke out in a horrible rash (it was sore). so, it dries out skin, dry skin means even more pimples... i'm not quite sure whether it works or not though,, so i guess try it for yourself..
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