
756 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 18, 2012
Toothpaste being used as an acne cure is one of the biggest lies in all cures- while toothpaste in it's purest form may or may not be effectual, the chemicals in modern toothpaste are counter-productive. A few hours of having this on my cheeks left a scar/burn like texture on my skin which has not disappeared an entire year later (or even shows signs of healing). Ultimately, another failed product. Since this is the most destructive cure I have ever tried, people should be warned not to cross a line like this. Do this at your own risk- and even then, make sure it is the pure, unflavoured type.
June 25, 2011




it made my skin worse

I used toothpaste, not the gel, and I left it on over night. The next day, I had a lot of white heads around my chin area. I'm guessing it didn't work for me because my skin is sensitive, idk. I don't want to try it again because I'm afraid it might get worse, but it might work for someone else
December 25, 2010




it made my zits even bigger !!

it just doesnt work for me..
October 16, 2010


none really


it burns, and my skin red.

i only put a little bit on my cheek and left it on overnight i woke up in the morning and my cheek was burnt and red D: and it stayed that way for a day or two
September 7, 2010




Made my acne grow twice in size, become even more inflamed!

I applied this the night before, noticed a tingling sensation from the mint in the toothpaste, but I figured it was normal. Woke up this morning to huge, painful, bright red cysts where my acne was! I haven't broken out this badly in years. Thank god for lactic acid, within a couple of hours of using that peel the cysts had shrunken down in size. They're still a bright-red eye sore, though. I don't know what happened, maybe I used the wrong kind of toothpaste or something. I will NEVER try this again!!
June 22, 2010


Cheap, easy to find!


Didn't work for me

I put this on as a spot treatment for a pimple that hadn't yet emerged... when I washed it off, not only had it grown to twice its size, but it had a gigantic pus-filled head! Then again, it could be the type of paste I'm using... I have sensitive teeth and my toothpaste is a translucent blue gel. I encourage you to try it; if it doesn't, you didn't waste any money! (Hopefully you all brush your teeth...)
June 7, 2010


Easy to get hold of


I got it in my hair lol :P
It left red marks

I really don't know what the huge fuss over toothpaste is about. It did absolutely nothing for me. It does reduce the size of the pimple, but it does nothing to reduce the redness, in fact, sometimes it worsens the redness. I'm one for using concealer, and the red marks that the toothpaste left on my face were EXTREMELY difficult to cover up. The effects of toothpaste on the pimple is very minimal, so if you have this really random little annoying pimple, its worth a shot :) but other than that, dont bother
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April 28, 2010


none, for me


dried out my skin made my pimples worse... made one of my sore pimples into a huge scab.

i used crest and it hurt but i thought that was just side affects so i ignored it but the next morning when i took it off my acne was red and scabby. my face was irratated even though i only used it as a spot treatment. i did that three days ago and its not gotten better! it could be my fault but just warning you it can irritate your skin badly if not carefull,
April 9, 2010


- Easily found around the house or at any other people's house for that matter.
- Cheap and easy to find (drug store, convenient shops, supermarkets, etc)


- Not recommended for people with sensitive skin.
- Too harsh on acne wounds and can be a very painful experience.
- Dries out skin very easily and can worsen inflammation.

It was my mum who first mentioned to me that toothpaste can combat acne. Personally, I have found that toothpaste is not a reliable acne remedy for my skin condition. I have sensitive, oily and acne-proned skin and results have varied from slightly effective (rarely) to detrimental to super-bad-idea. It dried my skin out and left the inflamed acne even redder than before. It also stung so bad when I applied to acne wounds. That was the last of the toothpaste remedy for me.
December 29, 2009




I did not notice a difference in my acne. In fact it seemed to make my zits more red.

I have sensitive skin and so that might be why using toothpaste on my zits didn't help me.
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