
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

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April 22, 2009


Cleared me up- ZERO acne, easy to use, cheap!

I take it with a multivitamin high in iron +meal, never got nauseous.



All i can say is AMAZING. I've had acne since i was 12 (i am 22 now), moderate on my face (with severe bouts, especially in the last year), and on my back in a mild-moderate degree. I have *really* tried it all, even accutane, but it all came back. I have been going to the dermatologist for years, i tried all the lotions and potions, and at the end I always have to resorted to piling on my Colorstay foundation to cover it all up. I started taking 100mg zinc, 50mg twice a day about 4 months ago, and after 1 month of use i stopped getting new acne, NO new acne! That is much less than the usual 5/day. And i've had TWO pimples since (not cysts like before), that is two pimples in 3 months people! And guess what, no more makeup for me, just in time for summer! Oh yeah, i also have crazy oily skin, and that seems to have decreased dramatically. My skin used to get extremely oily after 2 hours of washing, which was disgusting when wearing makeup and trying to cover up pimples.
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April 22, 2009


face not as oily
significant decrease in pimples


errrr not yet

Its cheap and easy to use. might as well try!
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April 17, 2009




Didn't do anything.

Took 2x50mg daily for 2 months, noticed no difference. I doubt I was deficient to begin with but I thought I would give it a go anyway. Only made me feel nauseous if I left the pill on my tounge for a little while before swallowing and this feeling would only last a few seconds anyway.
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April 12, 2009


very effective, cheap, and easy.


can make you ill.

When I first started using this, it was a miracle. After awhile, my acne was becoming as bad as it previously was so I decided to up the dosage. It`s nine months after I started taking it, and I`m now showing alot of the symptoms of having too much zinc. I took 100 milligrams (not including whatever is in my multivitamin) when you really should only take 45. I have no energy, my heart beats so fast I feel like I might die, I have dizzy spells, and it may have caused an iron deficiency. However, if you don`t over do it it`s definitely worth using. Although it did cause a great decrease in my acne, I`ve continued using it and it all came back. Now, if I skip taking it a day I break out. When I lower my dosage, I`ll probably break out badly.
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April 10, 2009


I'm 25 and I've had bad skin since I was 16. I'd long given up trying to cure the problem, but I started taking multivitamins (A to Zinc) and noticed a HUGE improvement in my skin. Its never been so clear.


Skin is a little dry

I started with multivitamins and realised it must have been the zinc content (as little as 5mg) that was doing the trick. I've recently complemented them with 15mg zinc tablets. I think those who are taking 25+ - esp. like 100mg - are taking too much.
April 9, 2009


Works very well. I have only been using for about a week, but so far have had great results. Started out at 50mg/day. I increased to 100mg a few days ago and it made a huge difference.


None so far. Hope it stays that way!!

I've been dealing with acne for about 13 years and have seriously tried everything. Accutane was the only thing that worked really well, but I'm sure as many of you know, about a month after stopping it the pimples come right back (usually in full force). It's also something I don't want to keep putting in my system. The first few days of taking the zinc were actually quite comparable to taking accutane (very dry, itchy skin). So, if you're looking for a great, cheap alternative, I'd suggest zinc. I wish I'd found this years ago.
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April 6, 2009


Cheap, effective, works very fast!


Must take with a full meal or you will want to vomit, yuk!

I started 50 mg of zinc a week ago and I have seen an improvement! I already do the Dan's Regemin, but the zinc on top of it is amazing. I have both chelated zinc and the gluconate zinc, not sure what the difference is, but my friend who is a nurse said chelated zinc breaks down easier.
April 5, 2009


I take one 50mg caplet right before bed because it makes me feel sick. When I wake up my face is not red anymore, I'm loving that. It's


Just that it makes me feel sick

I wish I knew about this before.
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April 3, 2009


Works well, clears me up almost.


Not 100% perfect skin but nothing has done that for me so thats not really a big deal.

Its cheap and it works. Its worth a try.
April 3, 2009


100 mg/day clears up my acne. 75mg a day maintains pretty well. I've been using it regularly for 20+ years starting at age 32. I've noticed no negative side effects, except nausea when taken on an empty stomach. Best taken right after dinner.

The only thing I've tried that works consistently, and quickly.
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