
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 30, 2009


easy to take, works without side effects, natural, helpes even with cysts



for sure worth a try! really speeds up the skin healing process.
June 23, 2009


makes zits smaller, fewer, and faster-healing this took about 3-4 weeks to start working. Then I tried upping the dosage and started getting symptoms of iron deficiency. I'm a long-time vegetarian (borderline vegan), so I think i need zinc.


can cause anemia if iron absorption is a problem, can cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach.

25-50 mg / day may be helpful to those who have a zinc deficiency. These might include vegetarians and especially vegans. Be sure to take an iron supplement and/or eat iron-rich foods while taking this as, over time, it can cause an iron deficiency. If you take both zinc and iron, take them at different times during the day b./c they can affect each other's absorption.
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June 17, 2009


Have taken this for 2 weeks now and have not noticed an improvement. It hasn't made me nauseous in the least, tho. Maybe I should take more than 100mg then...



Hasn't worked yet.
June 17, 2009


dramatically reduces oil, smooths out skin's texture, begins to eliminate blackheads within a week (for me at least), reduces redness, stops breakouts
--taking 75 mg/day


none so far

i have had moderate acne since i was in junior high. my acne isn't severe or cystic, but lots of breakouts. forehead always covered in bumps, red pimples on my cheeks, and obvious, clogged pores on my nose, forehead, and chin. it has been persistent and nothing i've tried has made a difference for more than a week. i'm going to a dermatologist for the third time next week, but am now rethinking this after starting on zinc. i can't believe how much my skin has improved...in just a week! it is now so much more smooth, and 90% of my acne is gone. all of my red scars are also going away. another big thing is that my skin does not get oily in an hour anymore. before i had to blot my skin at least 8 times a day and reapply powder. not anymore. not even once a day. all i can say is that it's worth giving zinc a shot. for a few bucks, what can it hurt? i didn't expect anything out of it and look where it got me. i'm thrilled!
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June 13, 2009


I've been taking 50mg daily, and I began seeing results in about a week. It's been two months and most the hyperpigmentation is gone, and I don't get red, inflamed acne anymore (had mild-mod)


I still get clogged pores- so it's not like my skin is flawless. also, if I don't take it right after a meal, I get nausea.

Worth a try for inflamed acne, I still have clogged pores but it's not something that's obvious for anyone other than myself. Also, before when I'd squeeze out a clogged pore, it'd become an angry pimple- not anymore, I guess thanks to zinc's anti-inflammatory properties.
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June 13, 2009


this works greatt! i have had severe acne since 5th grade and tried everything. my doctor recomended me to take zinc for my immune system and i am now in 8th grade i have been using zinc for 2 weeks and most of it is gone!


it can make you feel sick if you dont eat it with food.

if you arent happy with your skin buy this product. but if you are happy with your skin it would be a good idea to still take it to maintain your skin. and zinc unlike other products gets better right when you start using it. it doesnt get worse.
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June 8, 2009


works for controlling oily skin in which is the cultprit for acne! Crush 1 & let it dry on your face then leave it on for 30 min. Controlls oily skin. Leavs it soft. Of course you have to add moisturizers. Use Acne Free Sever kit fr walmart. wrk 4 me


make sure you eat a good meal before taking the suppliment and make sure you take copper with it as well. They coincide together! Do your research!

I've had a sudden break out! I mean the whole hard core cystic acne and I'm 32! Definately not acne! Crazy! I had this dream about why I had cystic acne. And guess what the dream told me. Food Allergies! Yup. If your acne is not clearing although you wash the heck out of your face and keep it clean no matter what! Well people their is definately an internal problem. Of course my dream told me that I was allergic to a specific type of food,but when I woke up I was like what the heck was it. Well I went through the elimination process of finding out what food I may be allergic to and guess what. I love pasta! I had to be gluten free! or should not eat anything to do with baked goods. So! I also realized that zinc,copper, vitamin b5, acidipholus (prevention from over growth of yeast in body-guess what the culprit for yeast is---PASTA!). My face was hurtin bad and the huge bumps on my face were turning into sores and bursting-DISGUSTING! My face is feeling better now.
May 28, 2009


IT REALLY DOES WORK! LESS zits and the ones that do come up are very small.


you have to remember to take it everyday.

I had been going to dermatologist since i was 13yo. ive tried everything i even went as far as slushing if anyone knows what that is. everything was temp. i got so tired of the chemicals that make your face red and dry and avoiding crowds because of the way i looked. i got on the internet and researched vitamin deficencies and i found where zinc had some research about a antibiotic property it has so i gave it a shot. i now no longer have any chemicals in my house for my acne. i wash my face every morning and every night with regular soap. and i take zinc every day at breakfast. its my miracle drug.
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May 28, 2009


I haven't had any luck with this at all. I've read so many good things about zinc but after a month of taking 50mg twice daily I've had no change in my acne.


Losing hair

It hasn't worked for me, I guess I thought it would be some kinda miracle pill the way people have described it.
May 21, 2009


clears active acne
no more oily skin


must be taken with a meal

zinc is the only thing which has improved my skin (and i've tried so many things). when i take it, my active acne completely clears. i stopped taking it for about 3 days and i started getting spots again. it has also made my skin a lot less oily. I take 4 x 15mg of Chelated Zinc daily, of which 0.75mg of each tablet is Copper.
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