
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 8, 2007


cheaper than retinoids and works pretty well


might give headaches, might make you throw up on an empty stomach, takes a little while to work so DONT STOP YOUR ORIGINAL REGIME!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that if you take too much zinc oxide (over 50mg), it interferes with copper absorption. seriously, go look it up if you dont believe. Thats why some products carry extra copper. But Zinc Monomethionine does not interfere with copper absorption, and i saw it to be about 4-5$ in vitamin shoppe. it was called optizinc. and to those taking over 150mg of zinc a day, i hope it isnt zinc oxide cause you might get sick in the long run. take care
January 11, 2007


Cleared marks on my face quickly and is drying my remaining blackheads. Another pro to Margarite Zinc Cream is that it has really controlled the sebum. My skin isn't nearly as oily.

I'm a 39-year-old female still suffering with acne. I've been using a 50 mg supplement but didn't see any real results until I purchased MARGARITE ZINC CREAM. It can be purchased on Amazon. That stuff is AWESOME! After only four days I saw incredible results. My skin hasn't been this clear in a long, long time. I have spent more money trying to clear up my acne by purchasing over-the-counter products, the Obagi skin care line, essential oils, glycolic peels. Nothing worked. But this stuff is great and very affordable! I'm only using it one time a day, usually at night. I have never posted on any board before but I felt like I had to tell everybody else who is suffering from acne.
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January 5, 2007


works well
skin feels softer


does work very fast
can cause head aches

i think that zinc is good because all it can do is make acne better so you have nothing to lose by taking it about 20 of my zits are gone after 2 weeks of using 70mg a day
November 27, 2006


Works well.



I have used this Vitamin for a few months as an added benefit to my VERY COMPLEX regimne that i wont even get into,but definitely works...im a guy..and my skins so amazing i have people asking me if i wear foundation!!...i have taken it on an empty stomach twice by accident,and must admit, both times i have thrown up! ( i take 50mg)..dont give up and think its not working..just stick to it as easy as it is to breathe!..TRUST ME!
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November 19, 2006


ZINC needs to be taken properly.

Reading some you your peoples posts, some of you are taking 300+ mg/day, thats insane. Too little zinc in your body effects your immune system, TOO MUCH zinc in your body also effects your immune system. The RDI says 20MG/day, get a 30-50mg/day tablet and only take that 1 a day. You people taking 100+ are noticing bad results because you are taking way too much. Too much zinc is bad for you, just like to much iron, etc.
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November 12, 2006
I've been taking zinc as a supplement for about two weeks. I take 3 50mg pills in the morning, and 3 50mg pills after dinner. So far I have not seen ANY improvements for my skin. I am still getting frequent breakouts. I'm also taking B-complex supplements along with the zinc one. Should I increase my dosage for zinc to more than 300mg per day? or should I decrease my intakes? how long does it take usually to see some results? I am so frsutrated after reading everyone's comments and that it seems to work for most of the people. Am I just being impatient or is it REALLY not working for me?