
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 18, 2009


It cleared up my acne by 60%..


Not having the miracle results i expected

Yeah well it can help your acne, no doubt but don think it will clear ALL of your acne .. atleast it didnt for me anyways .. it stopped working after about 2-3weeks, like everything else i tried...
May 14, 2009


It Works....



Controlled my oily skin within a week.
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May 11, 2009


- Really starting to clear up acne within a week
- Fading scars like crazy!
- Only have to take one tablet a day


- Makes you feel nauseous when not taken with food

I have been using benozyl peroxide for about a year now, with no success. I am still using it but have recently been taking Zinc, for about a week or so. It is incredible! It's really cleared my skin a lot and I recommend it to anyone. REALLY cheap as well.
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May 9, 2009


allowed me to stop using bp. like others have said, no more cystic painful acne -- zits are little and heal quickly when they do appear.


none really. only caveat is that you'll need to take iron and copper supplements as well to avoid the hair loss and other ill effects from massive zinc supplementation.

basically, it was my miracle cure. i use nature's plus time released zinc which you can take on an empty stomach. i take 100mg/day.
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May 7, 2009


This stuff works! You have nothing to loose. I saw results after only 2 days. It has made my skin less oily and I have gotten no new zits since taking zinc. Also, it has cleared up some existing acne.


Nothing. I have a very sensitive stomach and haven't experienced anything but I do take it with food in my stomach.

May 6, 2009


No more cystic acne!


Nausea sometimes

I'm 17. Hormonal acne i guess..I used to get super big pimples.. About 1-2 new ones every other week and would have to dry it up w/ my 10%bp, i started taking zinc 100 mg 3 months ago and it has improved my oily skin and im now zit free, dont wear foundation anymore...i stopped using my bp 2 days ago =) only toner& moisturizer everyday now!
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May 5, 2009


Cleared up existing spotd


Hair shedding after only 3 days.

Not prepared to lose my hair for clear skin.
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April 28, 2009


moderatly affordable, and works like a DREAM!!!



so I have had acne since I was about 13, (26 now).... and Im so ready to just be done with acne! especially being in the beauty industry, i have tried everything from every line, and everything from the dermatologist. i am one of the unfortunate ones who gets the cystic acne. I was recently at lunch with a friend who gets facials on a regular, and she told me that her facialist recommended taking zinc everyday. She has a pretty sensitive stomach, so she takes ZINC FOOD COMPLEX, which is a lot softer on the stomach. I was reading other reviews for zinc, and the common con is that is makes people sick. I was able to purchase mine from the natural whole foods store, and its a little more expensive, but its worth it so you don't get sick. b/c the zinc is placed with other food elemets so its easier for your body to break down. i have been taking it for about a week, and its totally cleared my sin... and i hope im not jinxing myself for writing this b/c i have a wedding to
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April 25, 2009


Very effective, internal solution for internal problem, no meds, very affordable, boost to immune system!


Moderate nausea. Cut pills in half and take through the day with food, and this helps eliminate nausea.

I've been fortunate to have great skin all my life, until the past few months with horrible breakouts on my forehead and face. They persisted no matter what I did. Harsh cleansers were not effective and felt like it was damaging my skin more. Flax oil and fish oil tablets helped, but didn't eliminate it. The flares were painful and scarring. Since I was getting acne for the first time in my mid-30s it was confusing. I also knew that I didn't want to take meds, as I read a lot of reviews of side effects and ineffectiveness once meds were stopped. I tried Zinc, based on lots of reviews. When taking 30-60mg, the acne slowed down, but did not go away. I bumped it to 90mg and the acne went away in 1 week, gradually. Eventually all of my skin cleared in a few weeks and then I stopped taking the zinc and now only take it when I feel a breakout coming (my period, stress, etc). My skin is COMPLETELY CLEAR!!!!
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April 24, 2009


Very inexpensive, skin is doing better, easy to get, easy to take.


None thus far. Not even naseau like some had discribed here.

I'd been reading up on Zinc and how it heels the skin. Im a black male and we can sometimes have a problem with acne on the back of the scalp around the hair line called "Folliculitis" and though its not the worst case Ive seen it has gotten worse over the past 8-9 years. Ive tried noxema, alcohol, acne med's, peroxide, etc. I finally went to a Dermatoligist. I was given oral antibiotics, shampoo, ointments & even injections to the scalp. Sounds worst than what it was but nonetheless not pleasant. Well things were ok for a while but never great and with Dr visits and meds I was easily out $250 to $300. I started to go back for more agressive treatment but thought Id try ZINC after reading up on it and Ive been on it for about a mnth and a half now & the skin is better less painful and way less hassle & less expensive! Its so nice to hear all the positve testimonies here about ZINC. Im hoping for more and more improvement and wish everyone else here much success with it too. GOOD LUCK!
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