
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 26, 2009




Didnt take away pimples/cysts. If you leave it on as a mask overnight you will you see chalk dust from the zinc all over your clothes and pillow. You have to be careful when eaten.

It didnt work. I wanted it to work so bad after seeing all the rave reviews. I had severe acne so I used it for 2 months and 3 weeks, and seen no results. I ended up going to a dermatologist because I was so devastated that this didnt work for me and i had millions of pimples/cysts all over my face!!! The dermatologist helped ALOT... I have no pimples or cysts now masha'Allah, (I use a combination of retin A at night and clindoxyl gel in the day).... but the search still continues for something over the counter, cheaper and natural....
September 24, 2009


Dries pimples, gets rid of oils on you face, dries wounds & cuts



Im 22 years old, and I have really bad acne. Since I was 14 I have had acne and nothing helped. I tried every acne product I have seen in comercials, god knows Ive tried it all. Not only do I have really bad acne but I have scars from touching my acne and my face was a mess. About 3 months ago my brother told me to try zinc and I did. My face is really clear now.. Right away it started drying the redness in the scars so they were more blended in with my skin, and the acne has dried up, both on my face and on my back.......I do stop using it every time Im completely clear of acne and it returns, so I continue again................... What i usually do is drink a 50MG after dinner once a day, and after a daily shower I take one pill and dissolve it in water on my palm....use just enough water so the pill can become creamy...and rub it on my face, neck, and back.........it really everything out fast...( do it overnight, and you'll see results in the morning for sure).....
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September 23, 2009


Seems to work pretty well. I still have pimples coming out but the redness is almost completly gone. I'm taking 50mg daily so not to overload my body. Use with gentle soap on your face and results are almost overnight.


Makes my stomach a bit ill but it doesn't last long, only a few minutes.

- Easy to swallow. - No unpleasant smell (such as Vitamin B pills that smell horrid!) - Work fast - Not a miracle cure for acne but does help stop redness and breakouts.
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September 15, 2009


Only cost me 2 pounds! Its easily accessible. Works relatively quickly.


You have to take a fair bit to see results.

After taking it for a few weeks I definitely see results. I take 45mg - 60mg of zinc gluconate each day. Although it is no cure, i still get acne, it is a lot less frequently and also seems to help reduce it and rid it much quicker. If you can get it inexpensively, why not give it a go? Just make sure you stick with it for at least a month before you decide if its working or not.
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September 12, 2009


slightly dry skin but nothing to worry about!!


none whatsoever at this moment in time

1st day of taking this but seriously ive laid in the sun for 3 hours and took 2 50mg zinc tablets and my skin is looking lush i dont no if this is because of the sun but litterally i feel so good!! im not talking rubbish i'll keep you posted too see my progress but atm its looking good wooot!!!!!!!
September 9, 2009


No cyctic acne, smaller and fewer zits, that heal faster. Huge improvement. For the first time ever, I feel like I'm in control of my acne, instead of it controlling me.


Must take with food, or stomach upset. 100 mg works best, tried to cut back to 50mg because i'm concerned with long term, copper and iron defeciency.

I've had severe to moderate adult acne since I was in my early 20's. I'm now 44 and still suffering. Years and years of trying to control acne with benzoyle peroxide and salycitic acid, was so uncomfortable, never worked well, and caused premature wrinkling of the skin. Zinc is the only thing that has really helped, I wish I had discovered it sooner. I also have seen a reduction in gray hair, in fact ,I think my hair is getting thicker. I don't get sick with colds and if I do its mild. Also I have alot more energy and no depression. It does not get rid of my acne completely but, it's far less severe and heals quickly. If I don't take it, for a few days, the cystic acne returns. I am concerned now with copper and iron depletion, so i'm going to start supplementing with both, along with Ultimate Omega fish oil. If you are thinking about trying the zinc regimine {you'd be a fool not to} then purchase one with copper up front.
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September 9, 2009


I've been using it for about 6 days and I've seen a HUGE improvement on my skin. I will continue taking it. I can also take SAW PALMETTO tablets for acne, I'm taking both.


None yet, always take it right after a meal.

It does help to clear your skin.
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September 5, 2009


-it works almost immediately
-reduce oil by 50%
-my energy level has shot up the roof


-it makes me slightly nauseous
-i need a daily dosage of 200mg of zinc gluconate (equivalent of elemental zinc 26mg)

-I felt literally alive again. After exactly 10 years of moderate acne condition with cystic breakouts, improvements started to show right from day 1 -A common question asked is how much "elemental zinc" we need, which is not the same as how much zinc tablet (e.g. zinc gluconate) we need everyday. -% RDA is based on elemental zinc. Do your own study to understand your actual dosage and avoid any unnecessary fear of actually overdosing zinc
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September 4, 2009


Some people say it works


You might experience side effects such as headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and death.

The maximum tolerable daily intake for adults is 40mg--recommended intake is around 8-11mg.

Health Risks from Excessive Zinc: Zinc toxicity can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Acute adverse effects of high zinc intake include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and headaches [2]. One case report cited severe nausea and vomiting within 30 minutes of ingesting 4 g of zinc gluconate (570 mg elemental zinc) [78]. Intakes of 150'450 mg of zinc per day have been associated with such chronic effects as low copper status, altered iron function, reduced immune function, and reduced levels of high-density lipoproteins [79]. Reductions in a copper-containing enzyme, a marker of copper status, have been reported with even moderately high zinc intakes of approximately 60 mg/day for up to 10 weeks [2]. The doses of zinc used in the AREDS study (80 mg per day of zinc in the form of zinc oxide for 6.3 years, on average) have been associated with a significant increase in hospitalizations for genitourinary causes...etc...
September 3, 2009


it works



i read this post 5 months ago when i started to break out again. I have taken accutane 3 times in the past. once when i was 17, again at 19 and again around 21/22. I am 24 and started to break out again and was extremely frustrated. after reading the reviews i figured i'd give fish oil/zinc a try. when i first started taking these two pills i did break out a little. (i was used to his as you do this w/ accutane as well) after a month i started to clear up. 5 months have gone by and my skin has been great. (keeping my fingers crossed!!) i take 1 fish oil pill a day (1000mg) and 1 zinc pill a day (50 mgs) I would tell anybody to try this...you have nothing to lose. good luck! oh, i also wash w/ cetaphyl gentle cleanser and use BP 2.5% every night.
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