
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 15, 2009


It has made my skin really smooth! My skin was oily and had alot of pores and it has dried up the oil and made all the pimples i had totally flat. Now when i put on foundation no bumps! :D It didnt make me sick because i used chelated.


None. Except it didn't get rid of the few marks i have but i can use something else for that.

Anyone looking for a cure should try zinc! I take about 60mg before i go to bed and when i wake up any pimples i had have gone flat and it looks so much better. It took two weeks for me to see great results. also had gotten rid of any problems on my shoulders or back etc.
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December 13, 2009


Has really worked amazingly well. You can eat it with food, unlike most antibiotics. I've found I don't get sick or sore throats, even when I feel I'm about to


it can be upsetting to the stomach if you don't take the zinc with food, or if you take more than 30mg of zinc at once

I take 30mg of chelated zinc gluconate (I can only attest for this types effectiveness) twice a day. It has reduced my acne by 85%. I use a camera to take a picture of my face everyday after I get out of the shower so I can objectively follow how well it's worked. 60mg of zinc is a little higher than I'd prefer (though after a month I haven't noticed any negative effects) so next month I'll reduce my intake to 45mg. I saw no reduction in acne after two weeks (so it's a shame for those people who stopped after a week or two because they saw no effects), but by the third week I noticed a reduction by about 50% in pimples, and then by the fourth week it was down to about 75%. Residual red spots are still there but they are fading. Overall zinc has been a priceless find for me. I hope it works as well for you
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December 10, 2009




None that I have to complain about.

It has really cleared up my skin. I had tried several different acne treatment systems and none were giving me the results I wanted, but I started taking Chelated Zinc to help strengthen my immune system, and I noticed my skin was become visibly more radiant, it's been a lot less oily, and my pores aren't as noticeable! I love it! It's definitely worth a try!
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December 8, 2009


clears up acne, cheap,


it's a pill? you have to swallow it.

just go out and get some. 50mg a day worked for me. I started taking them at the same time as I started using tea tree oil so it's hard to say if the zinc is contributing to my improved skin. I like to think that it is! It's worth it. a few buck at most for 100 tablets. Apparently, good for immune system! nice!
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December 1, 2009


cheap, natural, also good for immunity and other body components


needs to be taken on the long term-- doesn't work within a few days or weeks; give it at least one month

Many people expect vitamins and supplements to be an INSTANT fix-- it's not. Give it time. Make sure you take zinc on a full stomach. Otherwise, you will get very nauseous and potentially bad stomach pain. Do not exceed 50mg in a day but ask a pharmacist for what dose is right for you.
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December 1, 2009


It's clearing my face, great immune system, very affordable, easy to take.


Upset stomach sometimes, but not a very big problem if taken with food.

I am taking 1 tablet of 50mg zinc gluconate every day for 2 weeks now. I started seeing results after 1.5 week but already saw good results with fish oil. After i started taking zinc, my face started clearing even faster than with just fish oil. Now i continue taking both of them (1 tablespoon of fish oil and 1 tablet of 50mg zinc gluconate) every day and it clears even more. Also, i reduced the dairy products i eat/drink and eat much less junk food. All of these helped. The redness started dissapearing as well but of course it takes some time. I always take it with food but sometimes it upsets my stomach anyway, even if i ate a really big meal. No problem though. I still get a zit or two every some days but only when i eat junk food.
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November 13, 2009


I used to get cystic acne, and between the zinc supplements and eliminating almost all dairy products, I rarely even have a minor pimple now. I've been on this routine for 8 months now. It's been great!


If taken without food, I get an upset stomach. Also, at first, I was taking too much and I would get a metallic taste in my mouth. I reduced the dosage and that went away.

Definitely worth trying. It's cheap and easy. I knew within a day or two that it was working, and I had good results within a couple of weeks. Initially, my skin became dried out and flakey, but I switched facial cleansers to Neutrogena Deep Clean cleanser and that helped my skin's condition. It's really been a life changer and confidence booster. I wish that it worked for everyone.
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November 10, 2009


really affordable


none as of right now. Do your research to make sure you're not overdosing. Eat on a full stomach!

I've been taking this for 3 weeks now. Seems to be working pretty well in combination with Dan's Regimen. I am approaching my pre-period week, where I usually flare up with at least 5-7 active deep cysts. It's been kept to about 2-3 so far. Red spots and inflammation seem to fade quicker and are less intense. I am grateful for anything that keeps my acne at bay. I'm also using Dan's AHA, and have been eating better and exercising more. I'm taking Jamieson's 25mg of zinc gluconate pills 1x a day. Haven't had any side effects or nausea, as I am diligent about taking it on a full stomach and at the same time every day. Wow, can't believe I didn't try this earlier. BP got my skin good, AHA got my skin better. I'm thinking zinc will get my skin great.
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November 9, 2009


Just started


Hopefully none

I only have two active pimples. All the rest is red marks fronm past pimples, im hoping this will take care of that redness. Im hopeful
November 8, 2009


Got rid of severe acne in a 12 year old



Used a blend of Zinc, vit. b6, e and C. Daughters acne which had been sever for 18 months started to clear. still some red scars left and an occassional pimple, but her complexion looks beautiful again. She uses nicinamide 5% cream 2 X a day as well.
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