Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 29, 2011


- Makes skin shine
- Reduces pimple size in just hours!
- Makes skin tone look overall cleaner and nicer.


- Getting in your eye = OUCH!!!

I've only been using this around three days now. At first I was using the cheap store brand filtered ones, they weren't organic and didn't work too well. Then I figured to suck it up and pay the extra cash to try the Braggs Organic ACV out. I'm definitely glad I did :). I've been using this in a spray bottle for a couple days now and see an improvement on all of my pimples. I took photos to see the before and after difference and Im liking what i see so far :). Fingers crossed that this keeps working!! Go give it a try. I don't dilute it, i must not have sensitive skin. It only tingles a bit when you put it on which is normal as it's cleaning out bacteria on your face. I actually don't mind the smell but I wouldn't go out right after using it lol. I also mix in a teaspoon into water to drink once in awhile if I feel like it. Also i recommend getting this at GNC. I signed up for a gold card, got 20% off on two 32 Oz bottles and the second came half price.
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December 27, 2011


-very inexpensive
-convenient to buy (grocery store)
-works on all types of blemishes
-works fast
-one bottle goes a LONG way (lasts about a year)


-can irritate some people's skin
-a bit drying
-stings a little
-can make eyes watery
-the smell

this has been the only product i can fully rely on to take care of my acne. It's great! Because it kills bacteria, it helps with ALL types of acne (blackheads, whiteheads, zits, you name it) but also helps with the healing of scabs. Because it can irritate skin.. I recommend starting out by diluting it in water and playing with the cider to water ratio to figure out what is jusst right for your skin. The smell is quite uncomfortable and though it goes away after it's dry, if you sweat throughout the day it will come back whether you're on a date or at the bustop or wherever.. it'll come back!! so I simply use it at night and wash it off in the morning, then moisturize my face .. and sunscreen and my skin looks great. Good luck!
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December 2, 2011


Almost immediate results
Calms reddening
Decreases pore size
Tones skin quickly


Burns a bit

I saw an improvement in the tone of my skin almost immediately. This morning, pimples on my forehead had completely disappeared and the scars I have on my cheeks appeared lighter and again my tone is awesome. I'll check back in a week...
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December 2, 2011


Really works

One of the best 'products' I've ever used.
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November 25, 2011


-gave skin a glow
-removed dead skin cells which left pores clearer
-easy to apply
-less blackheads over time
-less clogged pores over time
-less pimples
-shorter life to existing pimples, scabs, and lesions
-lightens scars very quickly


-caused more pimples if I left it on for long periods of time
-smell of course, but is not a huge issue

I tried leaving it on (diluted about 50/50 with distilled water) after washing my face up until the next face-washing, but it began breaking me out very badly around my beard-area, which was VERY disconcerting because I'm a girl and I don't have a beard! But it started to look like I had an acne beard!! How embarrassing! So I stopped using it on my face and the pimples started to go away, although my face has issues with shedding dead skin cells so I'm now only keeping it on for about 20 minutes then washing it off, which is working very well. Plus I drink about 2 tbs of it a day, first thing in the morning, which is doing wonders in and of itself. I suggest for first time users who have sensitive skin to leave it on for only 20 minutes then wash it off, and maybe to build it up from there. It would be a shame for someone to experience more acne like I did and to write it off as not working.
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November 2, 2011


- Heals pimples fast
- easy to apply
- made skin smooth
- prevents future pimples


- Horrible smell that lingers in your nose
- Stings
- burns eyes

I use this when it's my time of the month, when i break out. Works great, stops pimples from coming back. Use it whenever you feel like you are going to break out. I soak a cottenball in the vinegar, and then rub it on my skin, after I showered (so the pores are still open). And leave it overnight.
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August 27, 2011


Works great when followed with coconut oil! This is probably the best my skin has ever been.


Stings a little, smells like vinegar of course

This is amazing and I read about it here. I cannot find the post I read to thank the person (they had left their e-mail) but it works best for me as she suggested. I use the apple cider vinegar as an astringent and then I use a VERY small amount of coconut oil right after. It is a natural antibacterial I guess. The first time I did it I had a cyst on my chin. The acv made it start to come to a head right before my eyes. I went for the coconut oil right away anyway and it started to get better right away! I did not expect either thing to work at all much less like that but I had them both so I figured I would try it. I believe she also suggested to avoid whitening toothpastes (for chin breakouts) but that may have been someone else. So I wash with Dove soap (dermatologist recommended that), use the acv straight as an astringent and then follow immediately with coconut oil. The acv is store brand but the coconut oil is like a $10 thing from a health food store. And a jar that size would last forever with the little bit you have to use. I have had acne for more than 25 years on and off but only off for several years after accutane and now in my 40's it is back again. Regular dermatologist treatment did not work and was $30 plus $30 copay.
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August 22, 2011


quick solution to clear acne


a little stinky but doesn't bug me

I had gorgeous clear skin in my teens but once I hit my mid 20s my skin went haywire. I spent thousands on facials, peels, medications , fancy cleansing routines, vitamins, better eating habits, drinking more water than I think is in the Pacific and NOTHING I mean NOTHING worked. The only thing that slightly helped was steaming my face at home every night for ten minutes. Until my mom told me about ACV. She had used it when she was younger and said it helped so I should give it a go. I have been using it now for a week and haven't seen my skin this clear since I was in my early 20s. I am so excited to see the changes over the next several wks of usage. It is worth the try!!! It is cheap! I use a lot so I'm suspecting it will cost me roughly 10 dollars a month, it could be way less for others! :-)
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August 3, 2011


; works as a great toner
; clears acne


; probably the worst smell ever that is used for your face ! hahaha !

; im 14, & being a teenager you go through a lot of hormonal changes : and so i started breaking out.. i have a lot of white heads and apple cider vinegar works well for my white heads. i use it as a toner after using my green tea cleanser that i made myself. just a green tea packet and water! but yeah. i leave it on overnight & wake up w/ great results. definetly reccomended
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August 3, 2011


It works!
Has tons of uses
Can apply topically and/or drink to get the benefits


For some people, it takes awhile to get used to the smell...but I think it fades quickly after you put it on the skin topically.

I'm in my 40's and my hormones are all out of whack...I have been getting the typical acne bumps along the jawline/hairline/neck and on the chin...I guess you could classify it as moderate acne breakouts. My doc wanted me to try spironolactone, but I am hesitant to use oral meds (especially after reading some of the side effects) so I opted for topical treatment. I have been using Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (with "The Mother") undiluted on my face twice daily...and it is working very well. Although some people dilute it with water, I find I don't need doesn't irritate my skin at all (this might be because my skin has built up a tolerance to glycolics and Retin-A). I use it after I cleanse my face in the am and before I put on Dan's BP. At night, I use it after I cleanse and before I apply my Retin-A. I have also started to drink a little bit daily (mixing it in my water). The little bumps are going away and my pores appear smaller...and it's only been a week. I hope with long term usage it continues to work. It also helps control oil in the T-zone area. As a side note, I got a really bad sunburn on my legs...and used this on it. It took the sting out immediately and healed it quickly. I think it is important when buying to get the kind that has "The Mother" in it. Best of is cheap and has many other uses! It's always nice to find a product that is low cost AND works...highly recommend!
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